moniker是什么意思 moniker的中文翻译、读音、例句

moniker是什么意思 moniker的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义: 'moniker'是一个美式英语单词,它指的是一个人的名字或绰号。这个单词通常用于非正式的场合。

2. 发音: 英式发音为/'mɒnɪkə(r)/,美式发音为/'mɑnɪkər/。

3. 词性: 'moniker'是一个名词。

4. 词源: 'moniker'这个词是从“monachier”这个单词衍生而来,该单词在17世纪用于指定某人或某事具有何种声音或名称。

5. 用法: 'moniker'通常用于非正式的场合,比如说在朋友之间或者文艺圈里。 下面是五个中英例句:

1. My moniker is Lady Luck because I always seem to get what I want. (我的绰号是幸运女神,因为我总是得到我想要的。)

2. I wish I had a cooler moniker like Spiderman or Batman. (我希望我有一个更酷的绰号,比如蜘蛛侠或蝙蝠侠。)

3. He goes by the moniker of "The King of Pop". (他被称为“流行之王”。)

4. My moniker is just a simple abbreviation of my name. (我的绰号只是我的名字的简称。)

5. She's known by a variety of monikers, but her real name is still a mystery. (她有很多绰号,但她的真实姓名仍然是个谜。)



1. Her moniker is “The Queen of Pop”. (她的绰号是“流行歌后”)

2. He goes by the moniker “The Joker”. (他以“小丑”为绰号)

3. The band's moniker is “The Beatles”. (乐队的名字是“披头士”)

4. The artist chose the moniker “Banksy” for anonymity. (这位艺术家选择“班克斯”作为绰号保持匿名)

5. The superhero has several monikers, including “The Caped Crusader” and “The Dark Knight”. (这位超级英雄有多个绰号,包括“披着斗篷的十字军”和“黑暗骑士”)

6. The notorious criminal earned the moniker “The Butcher”. (那位臭名昭著的罪犯获得了“屠夫”的绰号)

7. The town is commonly known by its moniker “The Windy City”. (这个城镇常常被称为“风城”)

8. The athlete's moniker is “The Lightning Bolt”. (这位运动员的绰号是“闪电王子”)

9. The restaurant's moniker is “The Burger Joint”. (这家餐馆的名字是“汉堡店”)



1. He earned the moniker "Speedy" for his lightning-fast running.


2. The famous singer's moniker was "The King of Rock and Roll".





例句:He goes by the moniker White African. (他的网名是 White African )


例句:I gave Dalton a pro wrestling moniker. (我给Dalton 起了一个职业摔跤手的绰号)


例句:Cimmerian, by the way, is yet another moniker Conan the Barbarian is known by. (顺便说一句,Cimmerian是野蛮人柯南的绰号。)


例句:The Noisy War Over Napster, involves more parties and has much broader implications than that moniker implies. (翻译:嘈杂的战争在Napster的, 涉及多个参与方及 有更广泛的 比的影响 绰号暗示。)


moniker一般作为名词使用,如在file moniker(档案绰号)、generic composite moniker(同属合成绰号)等常见短语中出现较多。

file moniker档案绰号
generic composite moniker同属合成绰号


1. Cimmerian, by the way, is yet another moniker Conan the Barbarian is known by. (翻译:顺便说一句,Cimmerian是野蛮人柯南的绰号。)

2. The Noisy War Over Napster, involves more parties and has much broader implications than that moniker implies. (翻译:嘈杂的战争在Napster的, 涉及多个参与方及 有更广泛的 比的影响 绰号暗示。)

3. He got that moniker 'cause he keeps slipping out from the bars you keep putting him behind. (翻译:扔进监狱 他都逃了出来 所以有了这个绰号)

4. A reference to the moniker that has been built from the display name up to this point. (翻译:对迄今为止已经从显示名称生成的名字对象的引用。)

5. Each bore the moniker "Close Your Eyes and Say Goodbye." (翻译:每张照片都取名为“闭上你的双眼,和世界说永别。” )

6. Meanwhile, the very darkness of the new exoplanet suggests perhaps a catchier moniker for TrES-2b, Kipping said. (翻译:与此同时,这颗新的外行星的漆黑或许给TrES-2b提供了一个更易于记住的名字,基平说。)

7. The moniker is a joke, reflecting my name and that of my Chinese partner, Woodie Wu, but the group is not. (翻译:是我跟我的中国搭档WoodieWu的名字组合,们的乐队可不是玩笑。)

8. And as the New York Times has noted, some economists and traders have begun to refer to London by an ominous moniker: Reykjavik-on-Thames. (翻译:《纽约时报》报道到,一些经济学家和商人现在已经改用一个厄运外号来称呼伦敦了:泰晤士河上的雷克雅末。)

9. The arguments for a query operation are the JPQL string or moniker of a predefined named query. (翻译:查询操作的参数是JPQL字符串或预定义名称查询的别名。)

10. In fact, he said Stefanski would warrant the regal moniker even if he made the trade and 'Melo only played one minute in a Sixers uniform. (翻译:他说,事实上,如果斯特范斯基达成了这单交易,那么哪怕是甜瓜仅仅为76人出战一分钟,斯特范斯基都将保证获得那华丽的绰号。)

11. Cimmerian, by the way, is yet another moniker Conan the Barbarian is known by. (翻译:顺便说一句,Cimmerian是野蛮人柯南的绰号。)

12. I mean, I enjoy a hearty puttanesca myself, but l`m not sure that a child would appreciate the moniker. (翻译:-我是说 我自己超爱荡妇酱[一种意大利面酱汁] 不敢保证孩子)

13. I know it's not the moniker that I was looking for but what were they gonna do? (翻译:这可不是我想要的花名 但他们还能怎么办呢)

14. Okay. Here we go. Last intel had Carlos using the moniker of Ruiz. (翻译:好了 最近一条情报 是Carlos在使用Ruiz这个假身份)

15. They spray painted cryptic statements and symbols all over Lower Manhattan, signed with the mysterious moniker SAMO. (翻译:他们用喷漆在曼哈顿下城区 勾勒令人费解的标语和符号, 落款是神秘的绰号“SAMO”。)



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