pct是什么意思 pct的中文翻译、读音、例句

pct是什么意思 pct的中文翻译、读音、例句

'pct' 是一个缩写词,代表“percent”的缩写形式。它是一个名词,表示“每百、百分之几”的意思。它通常用于计算比例或百分比。


- pct change:百分比变化

- pct growth:百分比增长

- pct of total:总额的百分比


- 25 pct:百分之二十五

- 50 pct off:打五折

- 75 pct chance:百分之七十五的机会



1. The inflation rate decreased by 2 pct last month.(通货膨胀率上个月下降了2%。)

2. The company's sales increased by 10 pct compared to last year.(公司的销售额相比去年增长了10%。)

3. We need to reduce our energy consumption by 20 pct to meet our sustainability goals.(为达成可持续发展目标,我们需要将能耗降低20%。)

4. The interest rate is expected to rise by 1.5 pct next quarter.(预计下个季度利率将上涨1.5%。)

5. Only 30 pct of the population has access to clean drinking water in this region.(在这个地区,只有30%的人口可以获得干净的饮用水。)

6. The discount is 50 pct off on all clearance items.(清仓商品都打五折。)

7. There is a 90 pct chance of rain tomorrow according to the weather forecast.(根据天气预报,明天有90%的降雨几率。)

1. 'PCT'是国际专利合作条约(Patent Cooperation Treaty)的英文缩写,中文翻译为《专利合作条约》。它是由世界知识产权组织(WIPO)制定的一种国际性专利申请程序,旨在简化专利申请程序、降低申请成本,并加强国际专利之间的协调。

2. 我们公司正在考虑使用PCT向世界各地提交专利申请。

We are considering using PCT to file patent applications worldwide.

3. 由于PCT流程快速简便,越来越多的企业选择使用这种方式提交专利申请。

Due to the quick and simple process of PCT, more and more companies are choosing to file patent applications using this method.

4. PCT的主要目的是为专利申请人提供一种便捷的国际专利申请程序。

The main purpose of PCT is to provide patent applicants with a convenient international patent application process.

5. 许多国家都加入了PCT,这使得专利申请人可以在这些国家内的多个领域内进行专利保护。

Many countries have joined PCT, which allows patent applicants to seek patent protection in multiple fields within these countries.

6. 在使用PCT提交国际专利申请之前,必须先提交国内专利申请。

Before using PCT to file an international patent application, a domestic patent application must be filed.

7. PCT提供了一种国际的搜索和评估专利申请的机制。

PCT provides an international mechanism for searching and evaluating patent applications.

8. PCT标志着加强了国际专利合作,帮助企业降低了专利申请的成本。

PCT marks the strengthening of international patent cooperation, helping companies reduce the cost of patent applications.

9. PCT使得专利申请人可以在全球范围内寻找专利保护,从而更好地保护了知识产权。

PCT allows patent applicants to seek patent protection on a global scale, thereby better protecting intellectual property rights.





1. The company's profits increased by 10 pct last year.(公司去年的利润增加了10%。)

2. The interest rate on the loan is 6.5 pct.(该贷款的利率为6.5%。)




例句:Select a profile type on the first step of the PCT wizard. (在PCT向导的第一步,选择概要文件类型。)


例句:License plate Three Papa Charlie Tango Four Zero Three. (车牌号3PCT403 License plate Three Papa Charlie Tango Four Zero Three.)


例句:Launch the PCT tool as described previously. (启用前面描述的PCT工具。)


例句:It is better never to let yourself believe that you are 100 PCT sure of anything. (翻译:你最好别让你自己相信你能对任何一件事百分之百地肯定。)


pct一般作为名词使用,如在PCT([计] 外部控制终端, 处理控制表, 程序控制表\n[经] %)、pct.([医] 每百分, 百分数)等常见短语中出现较多。

PCT[计] 外部控制终端, 处理控制表, 程序控制表\n[经] %
pct.[医] 每百分, 百分数


1. Launch the PCT tool as described previously. (翻译:启用前面描述的PCT工具。)

2. It is better never to let yourself believe that you are 100 PCT sure of anything. (翻译:你最好别让你自己相信你能对任何一件事百分之百地肯定。)

3. used for payment. Proforma invoice in five originals covering 100 pct of the total contract value used for customers clearance. (翻译:合同金额的形式发票一式五份正本则用以客人清关之用。)

4. Similarly, the Delegation emphasized that since August 17, El Salvador had been a party to the PCT and also to the Budapest Treaty. (翻译:同样,该代表团强调,自xx月xx日以来,萨尔瓦多已经成为PCT和布达佩斯条约的成员。)

5. Up to September 2006 approximately 40 per cent of the PCT applications had been filed online. (翻译:截止xx年xx月,已经实现了大约40%的PCT在线申请。)

6. The loans would have an interest rate of at least 5 pct but could rise to 10 pct if the carmakers default, officials said. (翻译:政府官员表示,贷款利率至少为5%,但如果汽车制造商违约的话,有可能会升至10%。)

7. There was a need to make such databases consistent with the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). (翻译:有必要建立符合《专利合作条约》规定的这种数据库。)

8. Zamboni has applied for a United States patent for diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis, by detecting blood reflux using ultrasound (PCT No. (翻译:Zamboni博士已经获得美国多元动脉硬化诊断的专利——通过超声波血液检测法。)

9. I mean, there was, but he's in Minneapolis, not on the PCT. (翻译:不是,我曾经是有的 但是现在跑去明尼阿波里斯市了)

10. No PCT dog products can be suitable for children of different ages and arbitrary allocation of the growth stage of the children. (翻译:无厘狗产品系列可适合不同年龄段孩子并任意配置各成长阶段的儿童房。)

11. WIPO, with its worldwide database on the PCT, could make a good contribution by stating clearly what inventions were in the public domain. (翻译:WIPO拥有全球性的PCT数据库,可以明确指出哪些发明属于公有领域,从而做出贡献。)

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