hb是什么意思 hb的中文翻译、读音、例句

hb是什么意思 hb的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:'hb'可以代表多个不同的含义,例如:

- HB: 代表“hemoglobin”,即血红蛋白,是人体中一种重要的蛋白质。

- HB: 代表“homebrew”,即家庭酿制的酒或啤酒。

2. 词性:'hb'既可以是缩写词,也可以是首字母缩写。

3. 词组搭配:'hb'可以与其他词组搭配使用,例如:

- 'hb count': 血红蛋白计数。

- 'hb level': 血红蛋白水平。

- 'hb beer': 家庭酿制的啤酒。

4. 短语:'hb'并不是一个独立的短语。

5. 发音拼写:'hb'的发音为'h'和'b'两个音素的组合,可以用英语字母拼写表达。


1. My hb levels were low, so I had to take iron supplements. (我的血红蛋白水平很低,所以我得吃铁片补充营养。)

2. The hb count is used to determine if someone is anemic. (血红蛋白计数被用来判断某人是否贫血。)

3. He's really into homebrewing and is making a batch of hb beer right now. (他很喜欢酿制啤酒,现在正在酿制一桶自制啤酒。)

4. The doctor ordered a hb test to check my blood for anemia. (医生开了个血红蛋白检查,以检查我是否贫血。)

5. I tried some of his hb beer and it was surprisingly good. (我尝了一点他酿制的自制啤酒,很出乎意料的好喝。)

hb的中文翻译为“心脏鞭打”,读音为“xing1 zang4 bian1 da2”,以下是例句:

1. 他最近开始有心脏鞭打的症状,需要立即就医。

2. 心脏鞭打是一种心脏疾病,需要定期检查和治疗。

3. 如果你有心脏病史或家族中有此病的人,应该重视心脏鞭打的可能性。




例句:That guy Chai said he didn،¯t stay in touch... with othara tsr soar hb yasra, rig htt (而那个柴哥说,这二十多年来... 与其他人失去联络,是吗?)


例句:The process of extra-intestine isn't common. HB, PLT, ESR, ALB as well as dielectric have higher abnormality. (实验室指标中血红蛋白、血小板计数、白蛋白、血沉以及电解质都有较高的异常率。)


hb一般作为名词使用,如在HB antibody(【医学】HB抗体)、HB LED(高亮度LED)、Hb.([医] 血红蛋白)等常见短语中出现较多。

HB antibody【医学】HB抗体
Hb.[医] 血红蛋白


1. So if we say this machine right now that we've made is about one HB, one human brain, if we look at the rate that this is increasing, 30 years from now, there'll be six billion HBs. (翻译:假设我们制造的这部机器 现在等于1个人脑。以它的成长速率, 在xx年后,它会等于60亿个人脑。)

2. Nothing has ever taken to the air like HB-SIA, as the Swiss aircraft is known. (翻译:从来没有一架飞机像这架叫做 HB-SIA 的瑞士飞机那样子飞行过。)

3. Soon you'll see why HB is the best walking city in SoCal. (翻译:很快你就会明白为什么HB是在南加州的最佳步行城市。)

4. HB: The so-called content moderators don't get their paychecks from Facebook, Twitter or Google themselves, but from outsourcing firms around the world in order to keep the wages low. (翻译:汉:这个被称作“网络审查员”的群体 并不是直接从Facebook、 推特,或谷歌拿工资, 而是受雇于世界各地的外包公司, 以降低时薪成本。)

5. HB pencils a security matter? (翻译:HB pencils a security matter?)

6. Withy Marina Silva's resignation as Brazil's environment minister, the Amazon hb lost a great champion. (翻译:随着巴西环境部长玛丽娜·席尔瓦的辞职,亚马逊失去了一位伟大斗士。)

7. A cytotoxic substance is preferably bound to the anti-HB-EGF antibody of the present invention. (翻译:优选地,本发明的抗HB-EGF抗体结合有细胞毒性物质。)

8. Plasm brain natriuretic peptide and Hb are both closely correlated with Pulmonary hypertension. (翻译:血浆脑钠肽水平和贫血程度与肺动脉高压形成密切相关。)

9. And remember, the No. 2 pencil is standard for most uses... but there are times when a No. (翻译:记住,最常使用的是HB铅笔... 但有时2B铅笔比较适合)

10. Extracellular high glucose could enhance the mitogen of HB-EGF to vascular smooth muscle cell. (翻译:另外,细胞外的高糖环境能增强HB-EGF对平滑肌细胞的丝裂原作用。)

11. Objective: To explore the significance of abnormal expression of HB -EGF, EGFR in endometrium of unknown reason infertility. (翻译:目的:探讨不明原因性不孕症患者子宫内膜中HB-EGF及其受体的表达。)

12. Objective To investigate the effects of Gypenoside on renal function, blood lipids, nutrition and Hb in patients with early stage of chronic renal failure (CRF). (翻译:目的探讨绞股蓝总皂甙对早期慢性肾衰竭患者肾功能、血脂、营养状况和血红蛋白的影响。)

13. So if we say this machine right now that we've made is about one HB, one human brain, if we look at the rate that this is increasing, 30 years from now, there'll be six billion HBs. (翻译:假设我们制造的这部机器 现在等于1个人脑。以它的成长速率, 在xx年后,它会等于60亿个人脑。)

14. Please see the attached that we had arranged the hb/l telex release. (翻译:我们已安排货代提单电报放货,请看附件。)

15. MBL tended to a decrease with the increase of training loads during menstruation, while ST and HB increased progressively. (翻译:在经期中,随运动负荷的增加。MBL呈减少趋势,血清T和HB呈递增趋势。)

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