例句:"Johan and Louisa Larsson, F Petersson," (约翰·拉尔森和路易莎·拉尔森夫妇,娘家姓佩特森)
例句:Lah stood taller than most Yuuzhan Vong. (拉比大部分遇战疯都高大。)
例句:That's an F. That's an F, Breaux. (下下策. 绝对的下下策, Breaux.)
1. That's an F. That's an F, Breaux. (翻译:下下策. 绝对的下下策, Breaux.)
2. He's like, he makes these things that are, like, perfect, like, these perfect little quips, and I'm just like, "blah-lah-lah." (翻译:他是个喜欢万事都做的完美的人 比如说他会说这些名言警句 而我呢 什么也不是)
3. - Boy, nothin' like balcony seats for watching the ol' F.O.F. (翻译:拜托 难道没有一间包箱 让我们坐着看庆典吗 你们看吧)
4. In Listing 24, the constructor of F is called before F2; likewise for the destructor. (翻译:在 清单 24 中,先调用 F 的构造函数,然后是 F2 的;对于销毁函数也是这样。)
5. But things gοt οut οf hand ...but things gοt οut οf hand. (翻译:可是到后来... 我也不知道... 假戏真做)
6. - It's John, he's married that f-f-f... (翻译:- 是约翰,他结婚了,和一个法... 法...)
7. The contents of Mangiferin in the leafs of f. (翻译:不同产地和月份的芒果叶中芒果苷的含量存在差异。)
8. Mrs D. Mrs I. Mrs F. F. I. (翻译:D太太 I太太 F太太 F太太还有I太太)
9. Not do it of course not lah someone to investigate fingerprints and footprints and the like, ah eh? (翻译:当然不行了 警察会来调查指纹鞋印什么的 不会吧)
10. F: Lubanga is in The Hague. (翻译:F:在海牙。)
11. I have a sieve οf sifted thistles and a sieve οf unsifted thistles. (翻译:我有个筛好蓟草的筛子 还有个没筛好蓟草的筛子)
12. And the King, as head οf the Church οf England, cannοt marry a divοrced wοman. (翻译:国王是英格兰教会的领袖 不能娶一个离过婚的女人)
13. - You need to shut the f... (翻译:You want mine? - You need to shut the f... {\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080})
14. [ F ilipowicz Replies ] It was frightful. (翻译:这是可怕的事情 他亲眼目睹了这件可怕的事)
15. That position is responsible f or rites. (翻译:任高渐离为秦国的大乐府令 大乐府令,名列高位 掌管国家宗庙大典)