senate是什么意思 senate的中文翻译、读音、例句

senate是什么意思 senate的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Senate 指的是议会中的上院(用于指代某些国家或地区的立法机构的上院)。

2. 词性:Senate 是名词。

3. 词组搭配:

- Senate chamber: 参议院议事厅

- Senate hearing: 参议院听证会

- Senate bill: 参议院提出的法案

4. 短语:

- United States Senate: 美国参议院

- Roman Senate: 古罗马共和国时期的参议院

- Canadian Senate: 加拿大参议院

5. 发音拼写:[ˈsenət]


1. The Senate passed the bill with an overwhelming majority.(参议院以压倒性多数通过了该法案。)

2. The Senate committee called in several experts to testify.(参议院委员会要求几位专家作证。)

3. The Senators were divided in their opinions about the proposed legislation.(参议员们对拟议中的立法意见不一。)

4. The Senate building is an impressive piece of architecture.(参议院大楼是一座令人印象深刻的建筑。)

5. The Senate election will be held next month.(参议院选举将在下个月举行。)


读音: [ˈsenət]


1. The Senate voted to approve the new trade deal with Mexico and Canada. (参议院投票批准了与墨西哥和加拿大的新贸易协议。)

2. The president's Supreme Court nominee will face tough questioning from the Senate Judiciary Committee. (总统提名的最高法院法官将受到参议院司法委员会的严苛审问。)

3. In the United States, Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. (在美国,国会由参议院和众议院组成。)

senate在中文中有"参议院 、加拿大"的意思,其次还有"美国参议院"的意思,在线读音是['senit],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到11个与senate相关的例句。



例句:The guy running against me for Senate, scheduled to speak downstairs? (他是我的竞争对手 他也要在同一个场合演讲)


例句:Constituting a clear breach of Senate Ethics rules. (Is that your trump card? the only incriminating item)


例句:Such is the will of the senate and the people of Rome. (这是元老院的意恩... 也就是罗马人民的)


例句:The ayes had it on the Senate floor. (翻译:而参议院还是以多数的支持票通过了该法案。)


senate一般作为名词使用,如在the Senate([网络] 参议院;元老院;上议院)、faculty senate(教授代表)、Roman Senate(罗马元老院)等常见短语中出现较多。

the Senate[网络] 参议院;元老院;上议院
faculty senate教授代表
Roman Senate罗马元老院
Senate Bill参议院法案
senate campaign[网络] 参议院竞选活动
senate campaigns[网络] 参议院竞选活动\n(senate campaign 的复数)
senate housen. 参议院议厅,评议员办公室
senate meeting教务会议
senate race[网络] 参议员比赛


1. Such is the will of the senate and the people of Rome. (翻译:这是元老院的意恩... 也就是罗马人民的)

2. The ayes had it on the Senate floor. (翻译:而参议院还是以多数的支持票通过了该法案。)

3. Mr. Chairman, the Senate has no business prying into the personal affairs of Miss Sloane. (翻译:the Senate has no business 窥探斯隆女士的私人生活 prying into the personal affairs of Miss Sloane.)

4. To the vote on the Senate floor this afternoon. (翻译:今天下午的参议院投票 {\3cH202020}To the vote on the Senate floor this afternoon.)

5. Why not tell the Senate the truth, ask for their help? (翻译:But why run? 为什么不把真相告诉参议员们 向他们寻求帮助? Why not tell the senate the truth, ask for their help?)

6. The rule is Standing Rule XXII of the Senate. (翻译:议事规则是参议院现行的第二十二条规则。)

7. Certain CIA operations have been divulged in the United States Senate. (翻译:从美国参议院已经泄露出中央情报局已经参与了 Certain CIA operations have been divulged in the United States Senate.)

8. The Roman senate declares war on Tarentum. (翻译:罗马元老院向塔伦特姆宣战。)

9. The rebellion will continue to gain support in the Imperial Senate-- (翻译:叛军会继续从帝国议会那里... 获取支持...)

10. The Senate sends an army led by the generals Hirtius and Pansa. (翻译:元老院派了一支大军 由希尔提斯跟庞沙将军率领)

11. They're gonna subpoena you before Senate hearing. (翻译:他们想在参议院听证会之前 先弄给你一张传票)

12. From the Senate and people of Rome, hail King Ptolemy. (翻译:等等,感谢你 罗马元老院与人民 向托勒密国王以及...)

13. They got back the Senate but we have the courts. (翻译:他们回去参议院 而法院则是我们的地盘 They got back the Senate but we have the courts.)

14. The beating heart of Rome... is not the marble of the senate. (翻译:维系罗马脉动的... 不是元老院的大理石地砖)

15. Did I mention that David Vitter is still in the Senate? (翻译?)



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