词义:v. 预言,预示;n. 占卜师,预言家
1. augur well/badly for something 预示某事物的好坏
2. augur disaster 预示灾难
3. augur ill 预示不祥之兆
4. augur (something) from something 从某事物中预示某事物
1. augur in 垂直降落
2. augur out 向下旋转
1. The dark clouds augur a storm. 黑云预示着暴风雨。
2. His victory in the primary augurs well for his chances in the general election. 他在初选中的胜利预示着他在大选中的机会良好。
3. The strange behavior of the animals augured an earthquake. 动物的奇怪行为预示着地震。
4. The prophet was known for his ability to augur future events. 这位先知以他预言未来事件的能力而著名。
5. The experts were brought in to augur the success of the new product. 专家被请来预测新产品的成功。
6. The arrival of the new CEO augured a change in the company's direction. 新CEO的到来预示着公司方向的改变。
7. The ancient Romans believed that augurs could interpret the will of the gods. 古罗马人认为占卜师可以解释神的意志。
- 英语:augur
- 中文:占卜师;预言家;预兆;预示
1. The augur predicted a good harvest next year.(占卜师预测明年将有一个好收成。)
2. The flight delay was an augur of a difficult journey.(航班延误是旅途困难的征兆。)
3. The howling of the wolves was considered an augur of death.(狼嚎被视为死亡的预兆。)
4. The priest consulted the augur before making any major decisions.(神父在做任何重大决策之前咨询了占卜师。)
5. The augur read the signs in the stars to predict the outcome of the battle.(占卜师通过观察星象来预测战斗结果。)
6. The sudden storm was an augur of the bad weather to come.(突如其来的暴风雨是即将到来的恶劣天气的预兆。)
7. The augur warned the village of an impending flood.(占卜师警告村庄即将发生的洪水。)
8. The augur's prophecies were often accurate and reliable.(占卜师的预言常常准确可靠。)
9. The augur's prediction of the king's death greatly influenced the course of history.(占卜师对国王死亡的预言极大地影响了历史进程。)
1. The bird's arrival augurs the beginning of spring. (这只鸟的到来预示着春天的开始。)
2. The augur predicted that the harvest would be bountiful this year. (占卜师预测今年的收成会丰收。)
3. The dark clouds augur a coming storm. (黑云预示着即将到来的风暴。)
例句:Conflicts among the various groups do not augur well for the future of the peace talks. (各派之间的冲突对和平谈判不是一个好兆头。)
例句:The collapse of the communist empire and the apparent embrace of democracy by Russia seemed to augur a new era of global convergence. (社会主义帝国土崩瓦解,俄罗斯皈依民主制度,一切的一切似乎都预示着一个全球大一统时代的到来。)
例句:Mounting sales augur a profitable year. (不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。)
例句:Such frustrations augur ill for Iran's future. (翻译:这种挫折预示伊朗暗淡的前景。)
augur一般作为名词、动词使用,如在screw augur([网络] 螺旋钻)等常见短语中出现较多。
screw augur | [网络] 螺旋钻 |
1. Mounting sales augur a profitable year. (翻译:不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。)
2. Such frustrations augur ill for Iran's future. (翻译:这种挫折预示伊朗暗淡的前景。)
3. But an uptick in output does not augur prosperity. (翻译:但是,产量上扬并不预示着经济繁荣。)
4. A Chinese recession combined with a European slowdown will not augur well for the fortunes of workers anywhere. (翻译:中国经济衰退和欧洲经济放缓对任何地方的工人来说都是凶多吉少的。)
5. The king's defiance of this view seemed to augur a break from decades of deference by the ruling Al Saud dynasty to killjoy puritans. (翻译:国王对这种看法的藐视似乎预示着:他要打破几xx年来,AlSaud王室对煞风景的清教徒的尊重。)
6. That Beijing's first instinct when the going gets tough is to re-institute price controls is a bad augur for the Year of the Rat. (翻译:在形势严峻时,北京方面恢复价格控制的第一本能反应对鼠年来说未必是好的征兆。)
7. business. Or it may, as Marx believed, augur well for a proletarian revolution. But. (翻译:生意。或它可能,于此马克思相信,是普罗阶级的革命好兆头。但是。)
8. Just as a depletion in the state coffers was an early sign that Ireland's boom was ending, healthier revenues augur well for recovery. (翻译:一如国库几乎亏空显示爱尔兰的经济繁荣已经面临尾声,表现更为良好的税收也预示着复苏的开始。)
9. My augur tells me not to worry. (翻译:我的占卜师告诉我无需担心 My augur tells me not to worry.)
10. The breastplate that the data that augur place uses basically is chelonian the bladebone with the ox. (翻译:占卜所用的材料主要是龟的腹甲和牛的肩胛骨。)
11. Republican pickups in the Senate, and their takeover of the House, would seem to augur brightened prospects. (翻译:不过,眼下共和党人在参议院实力上升,加之不久前他们拿下了众议院,这预示着这个议案的前景乐观。)