关于'sweet potato'这个词组,以下是至少4个方面的解释:
1. 意思:sweet potato指的是一种甘薯,又叫红薯。它是一种地下块茎植物,呈红色或橙色,营养丰富,含有丰富的维生素A、C和膳食纤维等。
2. 起源和种类:这种甘薯最早起源于南美洲,现在已经成为全球许多国家的主食之一。根据颜色和形状的不同,还可以分为不同的种类,如紫色甘薯、日本甘薯和白甘薯等。
3. 烹饪方法:sweet potato可以用很多不同的方式烹饪,比如烤、炒、煮、蒸等。烤红薯是最常见的方式之一,也可以把它做成甜品或者其他传统的美食。
4. 营养价值:sweet potato富含淀粉、维生素、矿物质和抗氧化剂等营养成分,对于保护心脏、降低胆固醇和预防癌症等方面有很多益处。
以下是5个关于'sweet potato'的中英文例句:
1. Sweet potato pie is a classic Southern dessert. 红薯派是南方经典甜点。
2. I like to roast sweet potato and serve it with a little bit of butter. 我喜欢烤红薯,再加点黄油。
3. Sweet potato fries are a healthier alternative to regular french fries. 红薯条是比普通薯条更健康的选择。
4. Boiled sweet potato can be a satisfying and filling side dish. 煮红薯可以当作有营养的副食品。
5. Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes are a good source of beta-carotene. 橙色肉质的红薯是β-胡萝卜素的良好来源。
sweet potato的意思是甘薯。
读音:[swit pə'teitəu]
1. I love to eat sweet potato. 我喜欢吃甘薯。
2. Sweet potato is a healthy and delicious vegetable. 甘薯是一种健康又美味的蔬菜。
3. You can make sweet potato fries or mashed sweet potatoes. 你可以做甘薯薯条或泥状甘薯。
sweet potato的意思是"番薯、地瓜",作为名词时有"医"的意思,单词读音音标为[sweetpotato],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到96个与sweet potato相关的例句。
Sweet potato的中文翻译
例句:Edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine grown widely in warm regions of the United States. (甘薯蔓生植物的可食用的块根,广泛生长在美国的温暖地区。)
例句:And the sweet potato fries were like so crispy outside and so soft and juicy inside. (拔丝地瓜也是 外面脆脆的 里面水水嫩嫩的)
例句:Do you want some potato salad? (你想要点土豆色拉? Do you want some potato salad?)
例句:Liancheng County is known as "The township of sweet potato processing in China" . (翻译:连城县素有“中国红心地瓜干之乡”的美称。)
sweet potato一般作为名词使用,如在Japanese sweet potato([网络] 日本蕃薯)、molded sweet potato(霉变甜薯)、palaearctic sweet potato(甘薯天蛾)等常见短语中出现较多。
Japanese sweet potato | [网络] 日本蕃薯 |
molded sweet potato | 霉变甜薯 |
palaearctic sweet potato | 甘薯天蛾 |
sweet potato beetle | 甘薯甲 |
sweet potato chip | 甘?脆片 |
sweet potato cultivation | 甘薯栽培 |
sweet potato digger | 甘薯挖掘机 |
sweet potato flour | [食品] 甘薯粉 |
sweet potato grater | 甘薯分离器 |
1. Do you want some potato salad? (翻译:你想要点土豆色拉? Do you want some potato salad?)
2. Liancheng County is known as "The township of sweet potato processing in China" . (翻译:连城县素有“中国红心地瓜干之乡”的美称。)
3. ♪ THE SMOKE FROM THE SWEET GRASS ♪ (翻译:# The smoke from the sweet grass #)
4. Sweet is with the bed sheets... (翻译:Sweet她、Sweet她在床单里面... ....)
5. Did you have sweet nightmares? (翻译:Did you have sweet nightmares?)
6. A regular breakfast can consist of soybeans, an egg, a bowl of congee, corn, a sweet potato, meat and two kinds of fruit. (翻译:一顿普通的早餐包括大豆、一个鸡蛋,一碗粥、玉米、一颗红薯、肉和两种水果。)
7. Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet (翻译:Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet)
8. Application Test of Fight a Drought Water-retaining Agentia for Peanut and Sweet Potato Crop Rotation in Dryland (翻译:抗旱保水剂在旱地花生和甘薯轮作制上的应用试验)
9. Same as usual, sweet and sour pork! (翻译:sweet and sour pork!)
10. I'm right here, sweet potato. (翻译:为什么他们要他绝对? - 我在那里没有人怀疑我。)
11. ¶ you sweet thing, you sweet thing ¶ (翻译:# you sweet thing, you sweet thing #)
12. Splitting up a bag of potato chips (翻译:Splitting up a bag of potato chips 我 分手一袋薯片 我)
13. And depending where you're from, the sweet potato dish just might be called yams . (翻译:甘薯也可能被称为番薯,要看你在美国什么地方而定。)
14. The sweet potato boy mashed his fists into his mouth until he had nothing more to say. (翻译:甜番薯男孩把拳头塞进了嘴里, 直到他再也说不出话来。)
15. In fact, we ate so many sweet potatoes I became orange with sweet potato. (翻译:实际上,我们吃了如此多的红薯, 我变成了带红薯的橙子。)
sweet potato作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、sweet、potatoes等。