1. 词性:'plump'是一个形容词。它的意思是"圆胖的,丰满的"。
- She had a plump figure and a friendly smile.
- The berries were plump and juicy.
- The baby's cheeks were plump and rosy.
2. 同义词:'plump'的同义词有'chubby','portly'和'rotund'等。这些词都意味着一个人或物体有丰满的形状或轮廓。
- The cartoon character was drawn with a chubby face and large belly.
- The portly gentleman walked with a slight waddle.
- The rotund pumpkin won first prize at the fair.
3. 反义词:'plump'的反义词可以是'thin','slender','skinny'等。这些词描述一个人或物体缺乏丰满的形状或轮廓。
- She had always been thin, but she lost weight and became even more slender.
- The skinny dog looked like it hadn't eaten in days.
- The wiry gymnast was more muscle than fat.
4. 动词:'plump'可以被用作动词,意为"猛力落下,咚地一声落下"。这个词通常用于形容沉重的物体的落下。
- The apple plumped onto the ground, splitting open on impact.
- The old mattress plumped in the middle when I sat on it.
- The bag of groceries plumped down onto the kitchen counter.
5. 短语:'plump for'是一个常用的短语,意为"毫不犹豫地选择,支持或投票"。这个短语通常用于形容某人或某事的确定或明确选择。
- I'll plump for the vegetarian option, please.
- She plumped for the blue dress over the red one.
- The voters plumped for the incumbent in the election.
- She had a plump figure and a friendly smile. 她身材丰满,面带友好的微笑。
- The berries were plump and juicy. 这些浆果又饱满又多汁。
- The baby's cheeks were plump and rosy. 宝宝的脸蛋又圆又红润。
- The apple plumped onto the ground, splitting open on impact. 苹果砰地一声落到地上,瞬间破裂。
- She plumped for the blue dress over the red one. 她选择了蓝色裙子而不是红色的那条。
1. She looked plump and healthy.
2. The chef's speciality is a plump, juicy steak.
3. She plumped down in the armchair and let out a sigh.
例句:So what if you were a bit plump? - So what? (- 我无所谓你胖不胖,不管你多十公斤,还是少十公斤)
例句:Grandmother first Then Miss Plump (# 先是外婆 然后是小胖妞 # # Grandmother first Then Miss Plump #)
例句:You know, it's often a sign of twins when a mother's face gets all plump like yours. (这通常是双胞胎的征兆 如果妈妈的脸很圆胖 就像你一样)
例句:At podding stage complement water properly, it's advantage to plump seed of Alfalfa. (翻译:在结荚期适当的补充水分,有利于苜蓿籽粒饱满。)
plump一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词、复数词使用,如在plump for(投票选出(一人))、plump in(v. 突然进入)、plump ... up([网络] 鼓起;使…饱起来;用手把…拍圆)等常见短语中出现较多。
plump for | 投票选出(一人) |
plump in | v. 突然进入 |
plump ... up | [网络] 鼓起;使…饱起来;用手把…拍圆 |
plump and plain | 露骨的,明目张胆的 |
plump down | 突然而沉重地坠下, 快速而坚决地放下 |
plump out | v. 脱口而出 |
plump refusal | 断然拒绝 |
plump seed | 饱满籽粒 |
plump tongue | 胖大舌 |
1. You know, it's often a sign of twins when a mother's face gets all plump like yours. (翻译:这通常是双胞胎的征兆 如果妈妈的脸很圆胖 就像你一样)
2. At podding stage complement water properly, it's advantage to plump seed of Alfalfa. (翻译:在结荚期适当的补充水分,有利于苜蓿籽粒饱满。)
3. Mae Mobley is plump and ungainly; she looks charming in a diaper but not in the sort of frilly dresses her mother favors. (翻译:协会莫布里是丰满而笨拙,她看上去迷人的尿布,但在她的母亲有利于褶边连衣裙排序。)
4. The first corner I turned, I came plump upon one of our slaves, snooping around with a watchman. (翻译:刚拐了一个弯儿,我就迎头撞见了我们的一个奴隶,跟着一个看守他的人,扒头探脑的,正在那里走来走去。)
5. There, growers such as Andre Perret produce plump and fat examples bursting with flavors of ripe apricots, peaches and summer flowers. (翻译:在那个地方,AndrePerret等酒庄出产的维欧尼葡萄甘甜肥美,拥有甜杏、水蜜桃和夏花那样的迷人香气。)
6. He pushed a plump little hand toward me. (翻译:他向我伸出一只胖乎乎的小手。)
7. When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well. (翻译:在他再次猜错的时候,一位丰满的、帽子上插着一根鲜艳的橙黄色羽毛的妇女走近来也要试一下。)
8. Guillaume didn't try to justify his attraction to small, plump women. (翻译:纪尧姆并没有认真地 分辨那些矮小丑陋的女人)
9. Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing. (翻译:亚力山德拉穿着她那件丢弃的衣服,显得臃肿而又笨拙。)
10. All right, as the kids say, "Time to plump your ride." (翻译:行了,用年轻人的说法 [古董赛车]我们来个大改道)
11. But still time to tell you about the wife's recipe for plump, tender little... (翻译:但仍然有时间告诉你 能让妻子变丰满的食谱, 软软的小...)
12. He was beautiful, tiny and soft, with huge cheeks and meaty thighs, the only plump kid in a country of thin people. (翻译:他很帅气,弱小,皮肤柔嫩,大大的脸蛋,肥嘟嘟的大腿,在这些瘦小的人群中,他是唯一的胖小子。)
13. Lace and satin pressed tight against the plump little bubbles. (翻译:蕾斯和绸缎勾勒出丰满的胸部 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Lace and satin pressed tight against the plump little bubbies.)
14. They were all plump and fully feathered and egg production had increased dramatically. (翻译:它们都身形结实,羽翼丰满, 并且鸡蛋的产量急剧增加。)
15. Seeds biseriate or rarely uniseriate, wingless or narrowly margined, oblong, plump or slightly flattened; (翻译:单列的种子双列或很少,无翅或狭边缘,长圆形,肥厚或稍扁平;)