1. 定义:pheromone (n.)指一种化学物质或激素,通过传递信息来引起同种或异种个体之间的行为反应,特别是在动物中起到调节繁殖、社交和食物获取的作用。
2. 来源:源自希腊语单词phero,意为“我携带”,和hormone,意为“触发”。
3. 特征:pheromone 可以在动物体内或外部分泌,嗅觉系统可以探测到它们,不同种类的动物会释放出不同种类、不同数量和不同混合程度的pheromone,它们甚至可以在不同的环境条件下产生不同的效果。
4. 功能:pheromone 可以影响同种或异种个体的状态和行为,如提醒同种个体与自己保持距离、招募异性进行交配、引导路线选择等。
5. 应用:pheromone 不仅在动物世界中有广泛应用,也被应用于人类世界中,如香水、除虫剂、宠物调节等。
1. Male silkworm moths use a sex pheromone to attract females from over a mile away. 蚕蛾公蛾利用性信息素吸引雌蚕蛾超过一英里的距离。
2. Ants follow a trail of pheromones to find food. 蚂蚁跟随一条信息素路径找到食物。
3. Some perfumes are made with human pheromones to attract the opposite sex. 一些香水是用人类信息素制成的,以吸引异性。
4. Cat owners can use a pheromone spray to calm their anxious pets. 猫主人可以使用信息素喷雾来使他们焦虑的宠物镇静。
5. Scientists are studying whether human pheromones play a role in social attraction. 科学家正在研究人类信息素是否在社交吸引力中发挥作用。
1. Male moths are attracted to female moths by pheromones.(雄性飞蛾会受到雌性飞蛾信息素的吸引。)
2. Ants use pheromones to communicate and navigate.(蚂蚁利用信息素进行交流和导航。)
3. The pheromone trail leads the ants to the food source.(信息素的痕迹将蚂蚁带到了食物来源。)
4. Some perfumes contain synthetic pheromones.(一些香水添加了人工合成的信息素。)
5. Pheromones can influence the mating behavior of insects.(信息素可以影响昆虫的交配行为。)
6. Dogs use pheromones to mark their territory.(犬类利用信息素标记它们的领地。)
7. Scientists are studying the use of pheromones in pest control.(科学家正在研究利用信息素进行害虫控制。)
8. Pheromones are often used in the animal kingdom to attract mates.(信息素在动物界中通常用于吸引配偶。)
9. The effectiveness of insect traps can be enhanced by using pheromones as bait.(利用信息素作为诱饵可以增强昆虫捕捉器的效果。)
1. Ants use pheromones to communicate with each other and to mark trails. (蚂蚁使用信息素来相互沟通和标记路线。)
2. Some animals can detect pheromones from miles away. (有些动物可以在几英里之外侦测到信息素。)
3. Scientists have been studying pheromones to better understand animal behavior. (科学家一直在研究信息素以更好地了解动物行为。)
例句:The pheromone receptor of Auricularia auricula was similar to counterparts of tetrapolar basidiomycetes on the basis of BLAST results. (BLAST搜索结果表明,该信息素受体片段更加类似于四极性担子菌。)
例句:African bees have a phenomenal ability: when they sting in one site, they release a pheromone that triggers the rest of the bees to come and sting the same site. (非洲蜜蜂有一个惊人的能力: 当它们叮咬某一处时, 会释放一种 能够吸引其他蜜蜂 来同处叮咬的信息素。)
例句:You claimed that by adding an animal pheromone to your perfume... it would cause the person wearing it to lose all their inhibitions. (你宣称,在你的香水中 加入一种动物的外激素... 就能让喷了这种香水的人 失去所有自制能力)
例句:The pheromone receptor of Auricularia auricula was similar to counterparts of tetrapolar basidiomycetes on the basis of BLAST results. (翻译:BLAST搜索结果表明,该信息素受体片段更加类似于四极性担子菌。)
pheromone一般作为名词使用,如在dispersal pheromone(扩散信息素)、epideictic pheromone([昆] 迁散信息素)、identification of pheromone(信息素鉴定)等常见短语中出现较多。
dispersal pheromone | 扩散信息素 |
epideictic pheromone | [昆] 迁散信息素 |
identification of pheromone | 信息素鉴定 |
marking pheromone | 标记信息素 |
morphogenetic pheromone | [昆] 形态发生信息素 |
Nasonov pheromone | [网络] 奈氏腺费洛蒙;奈氏腺信息素 |
nosanov pheromone | 那氏信息素 |
olfactometer of pheromone | 信息素嗅觉仪 |
pheromone dispenser | 信息素释放器 |
pheromone extract | 信息素提取物 |
1. You claimed that by adding an animal pheromone to your perfume... it would cause the person wearing it to lose all their inhibitions. (翻译:你宣称,在你的香水中 加入一种动物的外激素... 就能让喷了这种香水的人 失去所有自制能力)
2. The pheromone receptor of Auricularia auricula was similar to counterparts of tetrapolar basidiomycetes on the basis of BLAST results. (翻译:BLAST搜索结果表明,该信息素受体片段更加类似于四极性担子菌。)
3. They discern another pheromone, and killing them. As these guys. (翻译:他们分辨出其他的信息素 就杀死他们 就像这些一样)
4. The powerful pheromone he exuded made the presence of women far too easy to attract. (翻译:他分泌的强大的体外激素很容易吸引在场的女性。)
5. - Exactly. Now, if that pheromone is from another brown recluse... then I'm not worried. (翻译:芳那开激素是另一只棕色 隐士蜘殊所分泌...)
6. There is no consensus among researchers regarding what qualifies a substance as a pheromone. (翻译:对于什么物质能被称为是信息素,研究人员并没有达成共识。)
7. And almost every mammal you can think of has had a pheromone identified, and of course, an enormous number of insects. (翻译:几乎所用的哺乳动物 都有确定的费洛蒙, 当然, 还包括数量巨大的昆虫。)
8. The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female. (翻译:你身上的激素水平 显示你想跟这位女士亲热)
9. "Most of the wild mice express this pheromone robustly, but surprisingly, most of the laboratory mice don't, " he said. (翻译:Touhara说:“大多数的野生老鼠体力充沛的散发这种信息素,数量惊人,不过大部分的实验室老鼠不会。”)
10. This fact indicates that pheromone production is under the control of a PBAN-like factor. (翻译:因此可知玉米螟 外激素的产生 系受一种类PBAN因子控制。)
11. They're in France, and their previous success was identifying the rabbit mammary pheromone. (翻译:他们来自法国,他们曾经成功地 确定了兔子的乳腺费洛蒙。)
12. I read about it. It's a pheromone. (翻译:我知道,我从书中了解到,那是信息素 那是昆虫发出的化学引诱剂 I know.)
13. Each pheromone gland cell has a cuticular pore and an end apparatus, bounded by microvilli, but there is no duct cell, nor real cuticular ductule. (翻译:每个腺细胞具有一个表皮孔和一个由微绒毛围成的端器,但是没有导管细胞,也没有真正的表皮导管。)
14. Now, since this is from any mother, it could really be a pheromone. (翻译:既然这是来自其她的母亲, 很有可能是费洛蒙, )
15. We found that a research chemist sprayed a pheromone compound on us. (翻译:我们发现一个研究化学家 对我们喷了一种外激素复合物)