optimistic是什么意思 optimistic的中文翻译、读音、例句

optimistic是什么意思 optimistic的中文翻译、读音、例句




- optimistic attitude:乐观的态度

- optimistic outlook:乐观的前景

- remain optimistic:保持乐观

- optimistic prediction:乐观的预测

- optimistic view:乐观的看法




1. He has an optimistic outlook on life.(他对生活持乐观态度。)

2. Despite the challenges, she remains optimistic about the future.(尽管面临着挑战,她对未来仍然保持乐观。)

3. The company's CEO gave an optimistic prediction for the upcoming quarter.(公司首席执行官对下一季度发表了乐观的预测。)

4. Her optimistic attitude helped her push through the difficult times.(她的乐观态度帮助她度过了困难时期。)

5. It's important to be optimistic when facing difficult situations.(面对困难的情况,保持乐观很重要。)

6. Despite the setbacks, the team remains optimistic about their chances of winning.(尽管遭遇了挫折,团队仍然对赢得胜利的机会持乐观态度。)

7. The article presents an optimistic view of the future of renewable energy.(这篇文章呈现出了可再生能源未来的乐观前景。)




1. She is always optimistic about the future, no matter what challenges come her way.(她总是对未来保持乐观,无论遇到何种挑战。)

2. I am optimistic that we can find a solution to this problem if we work together.(我乐观地认为,如果我们齐心协力,我们可以找到解决这个问题的办法。)

3. Despite the difficult circumstances, he remained optimistic and hopeful.(尽管处境艰难,他仍然保持乐观和充满希望。)




例句:I take an optimistic view of Chinas economy. (我对中国的经济持乐观态度。)


例句:Tamosan is an optimistic girl and wants to prove him wrong. (-是啊 没错 小森是个乐观的女孩 并不是想着绝对要让自己变漂亮)


例句:She felt light-hearted and optimistic. (她感到无忧无虑,很乐观。)


例句:You are listening to me because you are here, very optimistic. (翻译:你们在这里听我演讲, 因为你们都非常乐观。)


optimistic一般作为形容词使用,如在optimistic approximation([网络] 最佳近似)、optimistic bias(乐观偏误)、optimistic concurrency(乐观并行)等常见短语中出现较多。

optimistic approximation[网络] 最佳近似
optimistic bias乐观偏误
optimistic concurrency乐观并行
optimistic error乐观误差
optimistic estimate乐观估计值, 乐观估计
optimistic outlook乐观的前景
optimistic prediction优预测,乐观预测
optimistic time乐观时间
optimistic value乐观值


1. She felt light-hearted and optimistic. (翻译:她感到无忧无虑,很乐观。)

2. You are listening to me because you are here, very optimistic. (翻译:你们在这里听我演讲, 因为你们都非常乐观。)

3. Maybe we can be more optimistic because of the spread of democracy. (翻译:也许因为民主的传播,我们可以对此抱乐观的态度。)

4. Sunnily optimistic Googlers, convinced of their ability to better the world, complaining? (翻译:沐浴着阳光并乐观的谷歌人,并坚信他们的能力去美化世界,还在抱怨吗?)

5. This is Roxanne Ritchi, cautiously optimistic, and pleasantly confused. (翻译:持审慎乐观态度 且处于愉悦的困扰中的 Roxanne Ritchi报道)

6. Forgive me for feeling optimistic (翻译:原谅我对案情终于有所进展 Forgive me for feeling optimistic)

7. Regarding the report of the ophthalmologist, it is not very optimistic either. (翻译:另外 从他的视力检查报告上看 他眼睛的情况也不容乐观)

8. I'm cautiously optimistic. (翻译:我持谨慎的乐观态度。)

9. "She is optimistic," says Mr. Poitier. (翻译:“她很乐观,”普瓦提艾先生说。)

10. Impossible, he was always so optimistic (翻译:he was always so optimistic)

11. How can that not make you feel optimistic for the future? (翻译:这样的事情难道不会让你对未来充满信心吗? )

12. The attitude of LOHAS is optimistic, tolerant, healthy and ever-lasting. (翻译:态度是乐观的和包容的,是健康和永续的。)

13. Martin Baily of the Brookings Institution is more optimistic. (翻译:但布鲁金斯学会的马丁·贝利更加乐观。)

14. Some sort of optimistic warmonger with a soft spot for educated gays. (翻译:乐观的青睐有文化基佬的 Some sort of optimistic warmonger 战争贩子? with a soft spot for educated gays.)

15. How can that not make you feel optimistic for the future? (翻译:这样的事情难道不会让你对未来充满信心吗?)

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