males是什么意思 males的中文翻译、读音、例句

males是什么意思 males的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和含义:


2. 用法和搭配:



- The males in the herd were grazing peacefully. (主语)

- She prefers males with a good sense of humor. (定语)

- I noticed that the males were more aggressive than the females. (主语)


- alpha male: 领袖男性

- male-dominated: 男性主导的

- male chauvinism: 男性沙文主义

3. 例句:


- 他是这头狮子的雄性成员。

- 这家公司很注重男性员工的职业发展。

- 对于大猩猩的雄性和雌性来说,存在着很大的行为差异。


- The lion pride is led by several dominant males.

- This company places a strong emphasis on the career development of male employees.

- There are significant behavioral differences between male and female gorillas.

- Male dolphins can reach lengths of up to 12 feet.

- Studies have shown that males are more likely to engage in risky behavior.




1. The study found that males were more likely to engage in risky behavior than females.(这项研究发现男性比女性更容易参与冒险行为。)

2. The population of males in this country is slightly higher than that of females.(这个国家的男性人口略高于女性。)

3. The males of many animal species have bright colors to attract mates.(许多动物物种的雄性拥有鲜艳的颜色来吸引配偶。)




例句:I quite admired it in a way because I can take that sort of thing, but not in front of the wife and kids! (-blooded males. I quite admired it in a way- 因为我挺喜欢这类事情,但在老婆孩子面前!)


例句:That's where the females lure the males with their feromones. (因为雌蝴蝶要在松树林里 用它的分泌物吸引雄蝴蝶)


例句:Because there are other males around with the same mission. (因为附近还有其他雄甲虫 肩负着同样的任务)


例句:There are enough males here for a heat run, but are they in the mood? (翻译:这边有足够的公鲸 可以求偶追逐了 但是它们现在感觉来了吗)


males一般作为名词使用,如在early males(早期雄性)、omega males([网络] 欧米茄男性)等常见短语中出现较多。

early males早期雄性
omega males[网络] 欧米茄男性


1. Because there are other males around with the same mission. (翻译:因为附近还有其他雄甲虫 肩负着同样的任务)

2. There are enough males here for a heat run, but are they in the mood? (翻译:这边有足够的公鲸 可以求偶追逐了 但是它们现在感觉来了吗)

3. Why does takotsubo affect more females than males? (翻译:为什么应激性心脏病女性比男性多? )

4. In males, the liver, hepatodigestive tract, and kidneys suffered most and estrogen levels more than doubled in males with the highest Roundup treatment dose. (翻译:在男性,肝脏中, hepatodigestive 广阔的地面, 而且肾遭受大部分 而且雌激素消除更多 超过在男性中两倍)

5. In the evening both males and females gather and the males begin to size one another up, eyeball to eyeball. (翻译:傍晚时雄虫和雌虫聚在一起 雄虫开始大眼瞪小眼地 彼此打量)

6. Fastidiously maintained by the males, these bowls are courtship arenas. (翻译:雄鱼一丝不苟地维护着坑巢, 因为这里正是求爱的场所)

7. Males, recognised by the comb on their head, are usually first on the scene. (翻译:雄鹰靠他们头上的肉冠来识别 通常首先抵达现场)

8. In a world dominated by males, the job of a manageress is not going to be easy. (翻译:在男性主宰的世界,一个女经理人的角色殊为不易。)

9. The males give birth, just phenomenal creatures. (翻译:雄性海马能生育, 这真是惊人的海洋动物。)

10. You and I! Attractive hetero males to convert! (翻译:您和我, 都是异性恋者, 也都是虔诚信徒)

11. And so if males can enhance their reproductive success by being high ranking, you get automatically the ambition to be high ranking in the males. (翻译:如果在群体中,级别高 能增加它们繁衍成功的机率。那么,这自然就成为努力成为 雄性领袖的动力。)

12. The warmest males will inevitably be the first to react to her smell. (翻译:身体最暖和的公蛇 最先对母蛇的气味做出反应)

13. The males have been put in little pots and the truck is going down the road and they are releasing males as they go. (翻译:雄蚊子被放进小瓶子里, 卡车沿着路走, 这些雄蚊子被沿途放飞。··)

14. No significant CPF effects were detected in males. (翻译:公积金的影响无显着性检测男性。)

15. Males′ agomphiasis ratio was higher than females′. (翻译:男性失牙率高于女性; )



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