swagger是什么意思 swagger的中文翻译、读音、例句

swagger是什么意思 swagger的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词/缩写词的含义:Swagger是一个英语单词,意为“昂首阔步地行走,自信地走路”,常用于描述人的姿态和行为。在计算机科学领域,Swagger是一种RESTful API文档自动生成工具,可以帮助开发者快速创建和管理API文档。

2. 单词/缩写词的起源和背景:Swagger这个词最早出现于16世纪的英国诗歌中,描述了一种英勇的姿态。在当代的英语中,这个词被用来描述一种非常自信的姿态。在计算机科学领域,大大简化了API文档的创建和管理流程。

3. 单词/缩写词的应用场景:Swagger主要用于Web API文档自动生成和管理,可以大大简化API文档的创建和管理流程。它可以自动生成API文档,让开发者可以更加容易地理解API的设计和用法。同时,Swagger还可以通过API测试工具和mock服务来帮助开发者测试和模拟API的行为。

4. 单词/缩写词的常见用法和示例:

- 用法1:描述人的姿态和行为

- 示例1:He walked with a confident swagger.(他昂首阔步地走路,非常自信。)

- 示例2:The boxer entered the ring with a swagger.(拳击手昂然走入拳台,非常自信。)

- 用法2:描述RESTful API文档自动生成工具

- 示例1:Swagger is a powerful tool for generating and managing web API documentation.(Swagger是一个强大的工具,可以生成和管理Web API文档。)

- 示例2:With Swagger, developers can quickly and easily create high-quality API documentation.(使用Swagger,开发者可以快速、简便地创建高质量的API文档。)

- 用法3:描述API测试工具和mock服务

- 示例1:Swagger's API testing tools make it easy to test and debug RESTful APIs.(Swagger的API测试工具可帮助开发者轻松测试和调试RESTful APIs。)

- 示例2:With Swagger's mock service, developers can simulate API behavior and test their code before deployment.(使用Swagger的模拟服务,开发者可以模拟API行为并在部署之前测试其代码。)




1. He walked into the room with a swagger, as if he owned the place.(他走进房间时,装作自己是这里的主人,显得十分嚣张。)

2. The boxer strutted around the ring with a confident swagger.(拳击手在拳击台上昂首阔步,表现出自信的姿态。)

3. His cocky swagger annoys everyone around him.(他那傲慢自大的态度惹恼了他周围的每个人。)




例句:It took the rhythm out of my swagger, it threw me off balance, 它使我失去平衡, 它让我的每一步前行都感到疼痛。)


例句:As the net begins to tighten nationwide, there is still no trace of Swagger. (追捕已经开始扩展到全国范围 但依然没有发现斯瓦格的行踪)


例句:Federal agents today executed a search warrant in the Wind River range of Wyoming where Swagger had been living for several years. (联邦特工今天对斯瓦格这几年居住过的 怀俄明州旁边的风河地区 进行了搜查)


例句:- Look Sampat... cut that extra swagger. (翻译:Sampat ― 你看,Sampat... ...去掉多余的装腔作势)


swagger一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在swagger about(吹牛, 昂首阔步)、swagger cane(n. 军官用的轻便短手杖)、swagger coat((20世纪xx年代流行的)宽下摆女式短大衣)等常见短语中出现较多。

swagger about吹牛, 昂首阔步
swagger canen. 军官用的轻便短手杖
swagger coat(20世纪xx年代流行的)宽下摆女式短大衣
swagger out昂首阔步
swagger portraitswagger portrait\n名人画像
swagger portraitsswagger portrait\n名人画像
swagger stick轻便手杖
swagger sticks轻便手杖


1. Federal agents today executed a search warrant in the Wind River range of Wyoming where Swagger had been living for several years. (翻译:联邦特工今天对斯瓦格这几年居住过的 怀俄明州旁边的风河地区 进行了搜查)

2. - Look Sampat... cut that extra swagger. (翻译:Sampat ― 你看,Sampat... ...去掉多余的装腔作势)

3. We've given Swagger a new war, he's found a new spotter. (翻译:我们把斯瓦格带到一个新的战场 而他也已经找到了新的观察员)

4. Despite its obvious maladies the guitar spoke with conviction and swagger. (翻译:尽管它浑身是伤 这把吉他却神气活现的说着话)

5. He walked with something of a swagger. (翻译:他有点大摇大摆地走着。)

6. Also the kind they had in 1 91 4, when your officers went over the top... with nothing but a swagger stick. (翻译:就像他们在1914一样... ...那时,军官们用拐杖来反抗.)

7. She's maybe the only person in the entire world that would believe anything that Swagger had to say. (翻译:她可能是这个世界上剩下的唯一一个 对斯瓦格说的话深信不疑的人了)

8. They pat one another on the back; they swagger; they shake their fist -- the kind of things that we do, and they do them in the same kind of context. (翻译:它们互相拍击后背、昂首阔步、摇晃拳头—— 就像我们所做的一样—— 它们也用在同样的场合。)

9. They pat one another on the back; they swagger; they shake their fist -- the kind of things that we do, and they do them in the same kind of context. (翻译:它们互相拍击后背、昂首阔步、摇晃拳头—— 就像我们所做的一样—— 它们也用在同样的场合。)

10. You are, but you've got kind of a big personality with your flashy clothes and your Woody Allen swagger. (翻译:是的 但你性格有点夸张 加上你那奇装异服 和伍迪・埃伦式的轻佻)

11. Yeah, but their venom has no effect if you have no swagger to jack. (翻译:对,但若没有男子气概 它们的毒液就没作用)

12. In the meantime, the FBI has been unwilling to comment, as no sign of Swagger has been found. (翻译:与此同时 FBI对于没有发现斯瓦格的行踪 一直不愿意发表任何评论)

13. Now that you mention it, my swagger-less friend here, he really likes that shirt you have on. (翻译:老实说,我这个不够帅气的朋友 · · · 真的很喜欢你的衣服)

14. I just went over Swagger's financials again. (翻译:我刚刚又查了一下 斯瓦格的信用卡消费记录)

15. All this set the stage for a resurgence of American confidence and the swagger of the Bush presidency. (翻译:这为美国信心的复兴和布什总统任期内的狂妄自大奠定了舞台。)



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