reviewers是什么意思 reviewers的中文翻译、读音、例句

reviewers是什么意思 reviewers的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:'book reviewers'(书评人)、'film reviewers'(电影评论员)、'product reviewers'(产品评论员)、'restaurant reviewers'(餐厅评论家)等常见搭配;还有'peer reviewers'(同行评审人)和'editorial reviewers'(编辑评审人)等。

相关短语:'to review'(评论、审查)、'movie review'(电影评论)、'book review'(书评)、'product review'(产品评论)等。





1. The book received mixed reviews from reviewers. (这本书的评论褒贬不一。)

2. The film was highly acclaimed by reviewers and audiences alike. (这部电影得到了评论家和观众的高度赞扬。)

3. The company invited several product reviewers to test their new line of skincare products. (公司邀请了几位产品评论家来测试他们的新护肤产品系列。)




例句:Reviewers, together with the editorial team for the CRG, must determine an appropriate time frame for a specific review. (评价人员必须与协作网评价小组的编辑组一起为特异性评价决定一个适当时间框架。)


例句:As countless listeners and reviewers have noted, equipment that measures wonderfully does not always sound good. (赢得无数听众和评论家所指出的那样,设备,措施,美妙的,并不总是听起来不错。)


1. In an SFR workflow, the PDF generated is sent to reviewers for annotations. (翻译:在一个SFR工作流中,生成的PDF会发送给审阅者以添加注解。)

2. Reviewers are lavish in their praise of this book. (翻译:评论家们对于这本书大加赞赏。)

3. Reviewers have been almost unanimous in their disparagement of this book. (翻译:评论家们几乎一致地做出对这本新书轻蔑的评价。)

4. And I'm glad to say the Spanish reviewers disagree with you as well, Walter. (翻译:我很高兴地宣布 西班牙的评论员 观点跟你不一样,沃尔特)

5. PBR offers each of the reviewers a viewpoint or perspective specific to each type of consumer, from which the requirements are inspected. (翻译:PBR为每个评审人员提供一个对每种类型客户的详细而精确的视图或者透视图,从而对需求进行审查。)

6. That would be a riposte to Google and Amazon, which have unveiled cloud music services that reviewers have so far been underwhelmed by. (翻译:这将会是对Google和Amazon的有力反击,二者已经退出了各自云音乐服务,但是评论者对此兴趣索然。)

7. The reviewers individually review and mark up the code, and the markups are returned to the developer. (翻译:评审人员分别的评审和标注代码,并将标注返回给开发人员。)

8. We know that reviewers will find more spelling errors in your writing if they think you're black. (翻译:评论家会在你的作品里 挑出很多拼写错误, 仅仅因为他以为你是个黑人。)

9. Hagelstein thinks that the report downplays optimism among reviewers, and he contests the accuracy of its poll numbers. (翻译:黑格斯坦认为,这份报告刻意淡化审查委员的乐观看法,同时他也质疑票数的正确程度。)

10. Reviewers, together with the editorial team for the CRG, must determine an appropriate time frame for a specific review. (翻译:评价人员必须与协作网评价小组的编辑组一起为特异性评价决定一个适当时间框架。)

11. After that lengthy discussion, we need to remind reviewers that FMOs are relatively rare. (翻译:在以上冗长的讨论之后,我们需要提醒查看者,FMOs是非常少见的。)

12. If the header lacks definitive style and information, the reviewers will let you know immediately. (翻译:如果标题缺乏明确的样式和信息,评论员立马就会让你知道这种情况。)

13. Some reviewers branded The Lost Symbol "moronic, derivative and clunky" . (翻译:一些评论家给《消失的符号》打上“鲁钝、没创意和笨拙”的标签。)

14. He was one of the peer reviewers for the British athlete study. (翻译:他也是那个英国研究项目学术论文的审稿人之一。)

15. Reviewers' conclusions: There is no firm evidence of efficacy of any medicinal herbs for HCV infection. (翻译:结论:目前尚没有充分的证据表明草药治疗丙型肝炎病毒感染是有效的。)



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