dive into是什么意思 dive into的中文翻译、读音、例句

dive into是什么意思 dive into的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:dive into是一个动词短语,意为“跳入(水中)”、“深入(问题、话题等)”。


词组搭配:dive into something (跳进某事物中);dive into a book (深入阅读一本书);dive into a topic (深入探究一个话题);dive into the unknown (冒险尝试未知事物);dive into a crowd (突然加入一个人群中)。


发音拼写:/daɪv ɪntu:/


1. He picked up his surfboard and dived into the ocean.(他拿起他的冲浪板,跳入海中)

2. I decided to dive into the data and see what I could find out.(我决定深入研究数据,看看我能发现什么)

3. Jennie is always the first to dive into a new challenge.(詹妮总是第一个迎接新挑战)

4. The children couldn't wait to dive into the pool.(孩子们迫不及待地想跳进游泳池中)

5. I'm going to dive into this book and not come up for air until I'm finished.(我要深入地阅读这本书,直到读完为止)

6. The detective decided to dive into the case and not stop until he had solved it.(侦探决定深入调查这个案件,直到解决为止)

7. When we arrived at the party, we immediately dived into the crowd.(当我们到达聚会时,我们立刻投入人群中)

英 [daɪv ˈɪntu:] 美 [daɪv ˈɪntu]



1. I decided to dive into studying Chinese culture and history.


2. The company is planning to dive into the European market.


3. She loves to dive into a good book on a rainy day.


dive into的意思是"钻研、探察",作为名词时有"潜入"的意思,在线发音:[diveinto],dive into来源于英语,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到65个与dive into相关的句子。

Dive into的翻译


例句:She believed it was you that forced Rick to dive deeper. (她相信是你强迫里克往更深处潜 She believed it was you that forced Rick to dive deeper.)


例句:The plane made a dive to a lower altitude. (飞机俯冲到较低高度。)


例句:Full dive on stern planes. (Full dive on stern planes.)


例句:Do you want to dive with jellyfish? (翻译:你想和水母一起潜水吗? )


dive into一般作为名词使用,如在dive(①潜水②跳水 )、dive at(向…扑去)、dive for(潜入水中打捞东西)等常见短语中出现较多。

dive at向…扑去
dive for潜入水中打捞东西
dive in跳入,投入,开始
dive to跳到,下降到…
duck and dive灵活地应付(或躲避)
duck dive[网络] 潜越;来浪你都要做潜越;鸭潜
dolphin dive[网络] 海豚潜水
dive after向…追(或扑)去


1. Full dive on stern planes. (翻译:Full dive on stern planes.)

2. Do you want to dive with jellyfish? (翻译:你想和水母一起潜水吗? )

3. Five, four, three, two, dive, dive, dive! (翻译:这里的海水对海胆来说本来应该是太冷了无法存活)

4. Had a great dive but no hammerheads. (翻译:好像有琶鱼对着我过来了 那么明天继续下潜吧)

5. Fujitani will aim for the top with a difficult forward dive. (翻译:富士谷选手 选高难度的三周半 紧追第一位的冲津)

6. I will dive right into them... (翻译:Wonderful. Very good. I will dive right into them...)

7. - What are you training him for, a quick dive? (翻译:-怎么? 你在训练他干什么? 当靶子吗?)

8. Dive centres include the Underwater centre on Mahe, Octopus Diver centre on Praslin, and Azzurra Dive centre on La Digue. (翻译:而塞舌尔群岛有马埃岛的水下中心,普拉兰岛的章鱼潜水中心和拉迪戈岛的阿苏拉潜水中心。)

9. The plane took a steep dive right after this recording, and it's since leveled off, and seems to be steady. (翻译:飞机出现紧急下降但恢复高度后又平稳了。The plane took a steep dive but has levelled off and seems steady. - 它偏离了航向。)

10. On this particular dive,our sonar locked on to something big (翻译:在这次潜水中 我们的声波定位器发现很大的东西)

11. The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball. (翻译:守门员一个鱼跃向球扑去。)

12. Shall we dive into this Osakan signature taste? (翻译:并不是要拿日本的传统文化说什么大道理 怎么说呢)

13. It's kind of a dive, but the tips are pretty good (翻译:but the tips are pretty good)

14. You take the plunge, the tumble, the dive. (翻译:你抬脚一跳翻滚几下飞身而下 You take the plunge,the tumble, the dive.)

15. You know, watch the waves, watch the weather, dive it at night, dive it at 3:00 in the morning. (翻译:那就别去了 时间很短暂 不管发生什么情况)

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