wartsila是什么意思 wartsila的中文翻译、读音、例句

wartsila是什么意思 wartsila的中文翻译、读音、例句









1. Wartsila的船用发动机被广泛应用于世界各地的船舶。 (中文:Wartsila的船舶引擎被广泛用于全球各地的船只。)

2. 该公司为新西兰的一家船厂提供了一套完整的Wartsila牌船用引擎系统。(中文:该公司向新西兰一家船厂提供Wartsila牌船舶引擎系统。)

3. Wartsila根据客户需求为客户提供定制化的解决方案。(中文:Wartsila可提供定制化解决方案来满足客户需求。)

4. 该公司已生产出全新一代的Wartsila 31发动机,具有更高的效率和更佳的性能。(中文:该公司已生产出新一代Wartsila 31发动机,具有更高的效率和更佳的性能。)

5. Wartsila的能源解决方案可以为客户提供清洁、可再生的能源。(中文:Wartsila的能源解决方案提供清洁的可再生能源服务于客户。)

6. Wartsila向海洋勘探公司提供了油气勘探和生产解决方案。(中文:Wartsila向海洋勘探公司提供了油气勘探和生产解决方案。)

7. Wartsila公司在xx年底与泰国一家公司签署了一份12兆瓦的电力合同。(中文:Wartsila公司与泰国一家公司签署了一份12兆瓦的电力合同。)

8. Wartsila的燃气发电机组拥有高效、可靠、低污染的特点,受到广泛的欢迎。(中文:Wartsila的燃气发电机组高效、可靠、低污染,受到广泛欢迎。)

9. 该公司提供的自动化解决方案使得船舶运营更加安全和高效。(中文:该公司提供的自动化解决方案使得船舶运营更加安全和高效。)





1. Wartsila是全球领先的发电机制造商之一。

Wartsila is one of the world's leading manufacturers of generators.

2. Wartsila为船舶和能源行业提供一系列创新解决方案。

Wartsila provides a range of innovative solutions for the maritime and energy industries.




例句:Or the other kind of warts, you know, what happens after dark when the drinks happen. (或者还有别的类型的缺点, 比如说,到了晚上,你小酌两杯后 会发生什么。)


例句:Ila Dusk is a personal-security brand named after the Hindu goddess of speech and developed with security firm Locca. (个人安全防暴品牌“IlaDusk”,意自于印度的语言女神,并且是与Locca安全公司共同研发的。)


例句:With 5,000 a year, it would not matter if he had warts. (xx年有五千磅的人 就算他有什么毛病也没关系啦)


例句:Certain other strains– like HPV 6 and 11– cause abnormalities in the cells of the infected tissue, which can develop into genital warts. (翻译:某些其它菌株 —— 如 HPV6 和 11 —— 可引起感染组织的细胞异常, 它们可能发展成生殖器疣。)


wartsila一般作为名词使用,如在Wartsila([网络] 瓦锡兰;芬兰瓦锡兰;瓦锡兰公司)等常见短语中出现较多。

Wartsila[网络] 瓦锡兰;芬兰瓦锡兰;瓦锡兰公司


1. With 5,000 a year, it would not matter if he had warts. (翻译:xx年有五千磅的人 就算他有什么毛病也没关系啦)

2. Certain other strains– like HPV 6 and 11– cause abnormalities in the cells of the infected tissue, which can develop into genital warts. (翻译:某些其它菌株 —— 如 HPV6 和 11 —— 可引起感染组织的细胞异常, 它们可能发展成生殖器疣。)

3. I play with frogs so much that I've always got considerable many warts. (翻译:我总是玩青蛙,所以我总是长很多疣子。)

4. The Ba-ila built this village about 400 meters in diameter. (翻译:Ba-Ila人建造了这个直径约400米村子。)

5. Ila Dusk is a personal-security brand named after the Hindu goddess of speech and developed with security firm Locca. (翻译:个人安全防暴品牌“Ila Dusk”,意自于印度的语言女神,并且是与Locca安全公司共同研发的。)

6. The Ba-ila built this village about 400 meters in diameter. (翻译:Ba-Ila人建造了这个直径约400米村子。)

7. Many people visited my grandmother, people with severe acne on their faces or warts on their hands. (翻译:许多人来拜访我的祖母, 他们在脸上有着严重的痤疮 或是手上长疣。)

8. This one generally causes small warts. (翻译:你接触到了人乳头状瘤病毒 病毒有很多不同变异体)

9. So while journalists are well-placed to convey the beauty of the scientific process -- and I would add, the NGO process -- what about the warts? (翻译:当新闻工作者有能力 传达科学研究或者是非政府组织工作 的魅力的时候, 我们该如何处理其中的缺点呢? )

10. - Like foot rot, blackleg, cancer eye, foot and mouth, lumpy jaw, warts, wood tongue... (翻译:象脚腐病,黑胫病, 癌症的眼睛,脚和嘴, 波诡云谲的下巴,疣,木舌.)

11. This is Old World black magic, Dean. I mean, warts and all. (翻译:Dean,这是古时候的黑魔法 可不是好惹的)

12. He told Max that true friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes, and that it was time he wrote to Mary to reveal his true self, warts and all. (翻译:他告诉Max 真友谊得用心体会 而不是双眼看 时逢他写信给Mary 吐露真我)

13. Well, Susan, now you know the truth about me, that's just the way I am, so I'm afraid you'll have to take me warts and all. (翻译:那好,苏珊,现在你知道我的实际情况了,这就是真实的我,看来我的优点缺点你都得一古脑儿接受啦。)

14. But my warts have cleared up. She was a gynecologist! (翻译:的瘜肉已经清除了 她是个妇产科医生!)

15. And siler nitrate is occasionally used to treat warts and corns. (翻译:而硝酸银可偶尔用于治疗疣和鸡眼。)

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