pt是什么意思 pt的中文翻译、读音、例句

pt是什么意思 pt的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义,而是作为其他单词的一部分,如 exception、aptitude 和 erupt。

2. 词性,通常表示某种特殊含义。

3. 词组搭配:'pt' 没有固定的词组搭配,因为它是一种后缀。

4. 短语:'pt' 没有固定的短语。

5. 发音拼写:'pt' 通常在单词的末尾出现,但它可能被静音或与前面的辅音结合成一个较大的辅音组合,如 tempt 和 abrupt。


1. Exception:这项政策没有任何例外,所有人都要遵守。

There are no exceptions to this policy; everyone must comply.

2. Aptitude:这个学生有很高的数学天赋。

This student has a high aptitude for mathematics.

3. Erupt:火山爆发使周围地区受到严重破坏。

The volcanic eruption caused serious damage to the surrounding area.

4. Tempt:尽管我很想购买这件衣服,必须抵制购物的诱惑。

Although I am tempted to buy this shirt, I must resist the temptation to shop.

5. Abrupt:他的离开是如此突然,没有人知道他去哪了。

His departure was so abrupt that no one knew where he went.



1. Eu amo falar Pt.(我喜欢说葡萄牙语。)

2. Aprender Pt é muito divertido.(学葡萄牙语很有趣。)

3. Pt é uma língua muito bonita.(葡萄牙语是一种非常美丽的语言。)

4. Ela é uma professora de Pt muito boa.(她是一位非常优秀的葡萄牙语教师。)

5. Eu quero melhorar meu Pt.(我想提高我的葡萄牙语水平。)

6. O Pt é a língua oficial do Brasil.(葡萄牙语是巴西的官方语言。)

7. Onde posso aprender Pt em Lisboa?(我可以在里斯本学习葡萄牙语吗?)

8. Eu moro em Portugal, então eu falo Pt todos os dias.(我住在葡萄牙,所以我每天都说葡萄牙语。)

9. Pt é uma das línguas mais faladas do mundo.(葡萄牙语是世界上最常用的语言之一。)


读音为pī tè。


1. 这个医生的职称是PT,意味着他是一位专业的物理治疗师。(The doctor's title is PT, which means he is a professional physiotherapist.)

2. 她在比赛中获得了一个PT,因为她没有能够完成所有的练习。(She received a PT in the competition because she was not able to complete all the exercises.)




例句:The common chemotherapy medicine cytoxan (CTX) can damage the body's coagulation and prolong the PT and KPTT time. (常用化疗药环磷酰胺能损伤机体的凝血系统,导致大鼠凝血酶原时间和部分凝血酶原时间的延长。)


例句:If they let us Texans all drive, there'd be no need for PT belts and safety briefs. (如果军队里都是我们这些德州牛仔开车 就没必要戴反光带和强调安全规章了)


例句:The helicopter is powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67C turboshaft engines. (直升飞机动力由二台普惠加拿大公司PT6C-67 C涡轴发动机提供。)


例句:The dielectric nonlinearity of the PMN-PZN-PT relaxor ferroelectric ceramics under DC bias was investigated. (翻译:在一定温度范围内,对PMN-PZN-PT系弛豫铁电陶瓷直流偏压下的介电非线性进行了研究。)


pt一般作为名词使用,如在PT([计] 点, 处理时间, 可编程序终端\n[医] 铂(78号元素))、dry pt([网络] 干点)、Egyptian PT([网络] 睡大觉)等常见短语中出现较多。

PT[计] 点, 处理时间, 可编程序终端\n[医] 铂(78号元素)
dry pt[网络] 干点
Egyptian PT[网络] 睡大觉
extent of PT液体渗透探伤范围
liq pt[网络] 美液品脱;体积容积
PT boat鱼雷快艇(等于patrol torpedo boat)
pt boats鱼雷快艇(等于patrol torpedo boat)
pt catalyst铂催化剂;铂触媒
pt.[医] 量磅, 品脱
PT/HR[=pints per hour]品脱/小时


1. The helicopter is powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67C turboshaft engines. (翻译:直升飞机动力由二台普惠加拿大公司PT6C-67 C涡轴发动机提供。)

2. The dielectric nonlinearity of the PMN-PZN-PT relaxor ferroelectric ceramics under DC bias was investigated. (翻译:在一定温度范围内,对PMN-PZN-PT系弛豫铁电陶瓷直流偏压下的介电非线性进行了研究。)

3. Indonesian miner PT Berau Coal last week priced $350 million of five-year bonds. (翻译:印度尼西亚矿产企业PTBerauCoal上周为其3.5亿美元xx年期债券进行了定价。)

4. Production of the foie gras pt involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell. (翻译:肥鹅肝产品是用强行灌食后肿胀起的鸭肝和鹅肝制成的。)

5. Isn't that Lieutenant Winters leading Easy Company in PT? (翻译:率领E连做体能训练的 不是温特斯少尉吗?)

6. You had the best PT scores at Quantico. (翻译:在匡提科总部的时候 PT得分最高的是你 You had the best PT scores at Quantico.)

7. The main materials of the integrated sensor are Si, Si3N4 and Pt. (翻译:这种集成传感器主要是采用硅、氮化硅和铂金为材料制作的。)

8. For patients receiving both drugs concomitantly , frequent monitoring of INR or PT is recommended. (翻译:同时接受两种药物治疗患者建议经常监测INR或PT。)

9. We also study the relation between the dielectric constant and lattice distortion of the PT tetragonal and cubic phase region. (翻译:我们还研究了PT四方相区和立方相区介电常数与晶格畸变的关系。)

10. The kernel provides only limited information back to the user program in the pt_regs and mcontext_t structure. (翻译:内核只是在pt_regs和mcontext_t结构体中为用户程序提供了有限的信息。)

11. Phyllodes tumor(PT)of breast is a special kind of breast tumor, composed of both epithelial and mesenchymal components. (翻译:乳腺分叶状肉瘤是一种特殊类型的乳腺肿瘤,由上皮和间质成分构成。)

12. The course is 1 year FT, 2 years PT. (翻译:该课程全日制学习xx年,非全日制学习两年。)

13. for decades, the entire area was locked behind the soviet iron curtain. (翻译:org 高清PT站 摘录/时间轴: cartoonpig9 2010.7. 21)

14. Populists are prodding PT to carry out its ambitious agenda. (翻译:平民党也在敦促为泰党实现野心勃勃的议程。)

15. The helicopter is powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67C turboshaft engines. (翻译:直升飞机动力由二台普惠加拿大公司PT6C-67C涡轴发动机提供。)



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