spam是什么意思 spam的中文翻译、读音、例句

spam是什么意思 spam的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义与起源:'spam'一词源于英国一家肉类加工公司SPAM(Spiced Ham),因为该公司生产的猪肉罐头被广泛诟病为低质量、大量使用添加剂而受到了众多消费者的抵制。后来,这个词汇被引申为指那些大量发送广告、垃圾信息的邮件或者消息。

2. 应用场景:'spam'一词在现代互联网时代广泛应用于邮件、社交媒体、短信等多种场合,因为其负面含义而受到了人们的普遍厌恶。

3. 防范措施:'spam'一词在现代互联网时代是一个普遍存在的问题,为了防范这种垃圾信息的干扰,人们采用了多种方法,包括过滤、封禁、举报等。


1. The spam email was so annoying that I had to block the sender. (垃圾邮件太烦人了,我只好封锁了发件人。)

2. Don't click on any links from strangers, they might be spam. (不要点击陌生人发来的任何链接,它们可能是垃圾信息。)

3. My phone keeps receiving spam messages, it's really irritating. (我的手机一直接收到垃圾短信,真的很烦人。)

4. The company was fined for sending out spam emails to customers. (该公司因向客户发送垃圾邮件而被罚款。)

5. To reduce the amount of spam, you can set up filters in your email account. (为了减少垃圾信息的数量,你可以在电子邮件账户中设置过滤器。)

'spam' 是英语中的一个词语,指的是发送大量无意义或者不必要的信息或邮件,通常是广告或者垃圾信息。这个词语来源于一个美国食品品牌“Spam”,该品牌生产的罐头午餐肉在第二次世界大战中被广泛使用,因此在英语中逐渐成为一种常见的代称。

以下是9个含有 'spam' 的例句:

1. I received an email, but it was just spam.(我收到了一封邮件,但是只是垃圾邮件。)

2. Don't bother reading those comments, they are all spam.(别浪费时间看那些评论,都是垃圾信息。)

3. My inbox is full of spam messages, I need to clean it up.(我的收件箱都是垃圾信息,我需要清理一下。)

4. Some people use spam to promote their products, which is annoying.(有些人利用垃圾信息来推销产品,这很烦人。)

5. The spam filter of my email account is very effective, it blocks most of the spam.(我的邮件账户的垃圾过滤器很有效,可以拦截大部分垃圾信息。)

6. Spam can be harmful, as it may contain viruses or phishing links.(垃圾信息可能会带有病毒或者钓鱼链接,很危险。)

7. Some spam emails are disguised as important messages, so you need to be careful.(有些垃圾邮件伪装成重要的消息,所以你要小心。)

8. Spamming is prohibited by law in many countries, and can lead to severe punishment.(在很多国家,发垃圾信息是违法的,并且会受到严厉惩罚。)

9. You can use spam blockers to prevent unwanted messages from reaching your inbox.(你可以使用垃圾信息拦截器来防止不想要的信息进入你的收件箱。)



1. My email inbox is full of spam.


2. I hate it when companies spam me with irrelevant offers.





例句:RSS feeds are a spam-free, quick and efficient way toread news and weblogs. (RSS订阅是一种快速高效阅读新闻和博客的方法,而且不用担心垃圾邮件。)


例句:But in general, SEO is not spam and there are plenty of good SEOs out there. (但总体来说,SEO肯定不是垃圾产品,还有很多非常好用的SEO。)


例句:research into the use CZY spam technology, the directional garbage waste into 100% financing available energy source. (研发CZY垃圾转化利用技术,把生活垃圾废物100%定向转化为可利用资能源物质。)


例句:Douglas Nicol works in direct marketing and he too is a spam victim. (翻译:DouglasNicol是做市场指导的,他真是垃圾邮件的受害者。)


spam一般作为名词、动词使用,如在SEO Spam([网络] 搜索引擎作弊)、Spam can([俚语](旧时英国南方的)流线型蒸汽机车)、spam for life([网络] 滥发生存)等常见短语中出现较多。

SEO Spam[网络] 搜索引擎作弊
Spam can[俚语](旧时英国南方的)流线型蒸汽机车
spam for life[网络] 滥发生存
spam mail无聊的电子邮件
Spam Medal[亦作 s- m-][军事俚语]授予全体官兵的奖章
spam musubi[网络] 夏威夷风的午餐肉饭团;夏威夷目酥比;夏威夷午餐肉饭团
street spam[网络] 城市牛皮癣;街头小广告;公共区域遍布的小广告
Web spam网络作弊


1. research into the use CZY spam technology, the directional garbage waste into 100% financing available energy source. (翻译:研发CZY垃圾转化利用技术,把生活垃圾废物100%定向转化为可利用资能源物质。)

2. Douglas Nicol works in direct marketing and he too is a spam victim. (翻译:DouglasNicol是做市场指导的,他真是垃圾邮件的受害者。)

3. According to Symantec, the volume of spam emanating from the US continues to increase. (翻译:据赛门铁克称,从美国发出的垃圾邮件的数量继续增加。)

4. Craigslist tries to stop spamming by checking for duplicate submissions. (翻译:Craigslist想通过检查重复的提交来制止Spam。)

5. If you're giving your address to a potentially shady website, tack on +spam to the end, example: (翻译:如果你将把邮件地址透露给一个可疑的网站,请在邮件地址的末尾加上“+spam”。例如。)

6. When probable manipulation is detected, a spam rank factor is applied to a site, depending upon the type and severity of the infraction. (翻译:当检测到有可能暗中操纵时,将视违规的类型和严重性给予一个网站一个垃圾等级系数。)

7. I love Spam and Reese's. Can I have it? (翻译:我喜欢火腿罐头和里斯牌点心 能送给我吗?)

8. Tokyo Spam Fried Noodle Special (翻译:今日精选: 东京公仔面餐肉炒 餐饮: 花花红豆冰)

9. Used to whitelist sender addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam. (翻译:它用于指定通常被误判为发送的垃圾邮件的发信地址。)

10. Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel. (翻译:胶订先生曾不经意“泛滥”垃圾邮件过滤的余心控制面板。)

11. Most spam filtering involves blacklists in which email from addresses on the list is rejected or filtered. (翻译:大多数垃圾邮件过滤涉及到黑名单,来自该名单上的地址的电子邮件将被拒绝或过滤掉。)

12. Despite these difficulties, CAPTCHA has become one of the most popular spam prevention devices. (翻译:如果忽略这些困难不谈,CAPTCHA已经成为了时下最流行的垃圾信息防治工具之一。)

13. "2006 China Anti-spam Technology Forum" , "Constructing a Multi-Dimentional Coordinated Anti-Spam Technology" , " Hall NO. 17B " (翻译:“2006中国反垃圾邮件技术论坛”,“建立多维协同的反垃圾邮件技术保障体系”,“17B会议厅”,200。)

14. They can detect credit card fraud and block spam and they can translate between languages. (翻译:它们可以识别信用卡欺诈, 可以屏蔽垃圾信息, 它们可以翻译语言, )

15. Here's a map of the spam-sending botnets in 2010. (翻译:以下便是xx年整理的垃圾邮件制造者——僵尸网络的分布地图。)



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