paralogue是什么意思 paralogue的中文翻译、读音、例句

paralogue是什么意思 paralogue的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 生物学角度:



- Paralogues of the Drosophila melanogaster P-glycoprotein (Pgp) have been identified in humans.

- The neuropeptide Y receptor family belongs to a G protein-coupled receptor superfamily and consists of five paralogue subtypes (Y1, Y2, Y4, Y5, and Y6).

- The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains at least four paralogues of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter gene.

- The Hox gene family includes several paralogues, which share highly conserved homeodomain sequences but have different expression patterns.

2. 基因组学角度:



- A number of paralogues of the human cytochrome P450 enzymes have been identified in the genome.

- In the human genome, there are three paralogues of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue).

- The human genome contains several paralogues of the beta-globin gene cluster, which are expressed at different stages of development.

- The multigenic family of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in mammals consists of several paralogues that are involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics.

3. 演化生物学角度:



- The diversity of the immunoglobulin (Ig) gene family in vertebrates is due to the rapid evolution of the paralogous genes.

- The paralogous genes encoding the green and red visual pigments in the ancestral vertebrate genome underwent duplication and divergence to generate the diverse color vision found in primates.

- The gene duplication and divergence of the paralogous zinc finger transcription factors have played a key role in the evolution of animal development.

- The expansion and diversification of paralogous gene families have contributed to the adaptive radiation of flowering plants.

4. 计算机科学角度:



- The paralogue algorithms for solving the traveling salesman problem are widely used in operations research and logistics.

- The paralogue optimization techniques for neural networks have improved the accuracy and efficiency of machine learning.

- The paralogue software packages for molecular dynamics simulation allow researchers to study the behavior of complex biomolecules.

- The paralogue database search methods have facilitated the annotation and analysis of genomic sequences.





1. The book includes several paralogues that add depth and complexity to the main storyline. (这本书包含几个支线故事,为主线故事增添了深度和复杂度。)

2. The filmmakers added a paralogue to the movie that wasn't in the original script. (电影制片人在原脚本中添加了一个与主要情节不相关的剧情。)

3. Although it's a paralogue, this subplot is vital to the overall message of the novel. (尽管它是一个支线故事,但这个副情节对小说的整体信息非常重要。)




例句:The brutality against protesters, the para-militarization of law enforcement. (残酷地对待抗议者 The brutality against protesters, 准军事化的执法 the para -militarization of law enforcement.)


例句:Para 9 In desperation and disgust, Rabe roamed the city, trying to prevent atrocities himself. (怀着无比绝望和憎恨的心情,罗贝在市里四处奔走,试图亲自阻止这倒行逆施。)

例句:But I must be confused because the John Locke I know was para... (不过我肯定是搞错了 我认识的约翰洛克是...)


例句:Few farmers had training in para-veterinary skills, and did not always see the linkage between disease and winter time grazing. (翻译:很少农民接受过基本牲畜医学训练,也不知道动物疾病和冬季放牧的关系。)


1. But I must be confused because the John Locke I know was para... (翻译:不过我肯定是搞错了 我认识的约翰洛克是...)

2. Few farmers had training in para-veterinary skills, and did not always see the linkage between disease and winter time grazing. (翻译:很少农民接受过基本牲畜医学训练,也不知道动物疾病和冬季放牧的关系。)

3. (Para. 2) His voice had a surprising tone of respect, almost as if he were addressing the Supreme Court instead of a group of youngsters. (翻译:他的声音里带有一种令人惊讶的尊敬口吻,仿佛是在高等法院发表演说,而不是面对一帮青年在讲话。)

4. Note the age, gravida, para, and gestational age. (翻译:记录年龄,孕次,产次和孕周。)

5. He was an athlete before the lesion. He's a para-athlete right now. (翻译:脊髓损伤前他是一名运动员 现在他是一名残疾运动员 )

6. Among them were Lionel Logue's unpublished diaries, which were discovered just weeks before filming began. (翻译:其中有莱昂内尔洛格的未发表的日记,发现这几个星期前就开始拍摄。)

7. You create peer-to-peer learning, or you create para-teachers, or you bring in specialist skills. (翻译:可以采用互帮互助学习 或者设立辅导教师,还有利用一些特殊技能)

8. Yo estoyaquipara servirles. (翻译:有什么需要就告诉我 我随时为你们服务 Yo estoy aquí para servirles,)

9. Parabens are a chemical compound of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, and common types of parabens include butyl, propyl and ethylparabens. (翻译:parabens是一种化学化合物的第羟基苯甲酸,和常见的parabens包括丁基,丙基和乙基parabens。)

10. You create peer-to-peer learning, or you create para-teachers, or you bring in specialist skills. (翻译:可以采用互帮互助学习 或者设立辅导教师,还有利用一些特殊技能 )

11. combat dress: para-helmet and helmet net, woodland camo Dannison smocks, green wool scarf. (翻译:身着战斗制服包括,加了伪装网的伞兵盔,林地迷彩丹尼森防风罩衣,绿色羊毛领巾。)

12. The instrument accuracy is influenced by the construction para-meters and the disadjust of the interferometer. (翻译:激光干涉测角仪的结构参数、光路调整等均会影响干涉仪的精度。)

13. PARA: Actually, these things characterize him as a college man, and make their parents proud of him which can be understood. (翻译:正是这些东西给一个人贴上了大学生的标签。这些东西也让他们的父母引以为豪,这是可以理解的。)

14. The rains also prompted the temporary closure of a railway that takes iron ore from the sprawling Carajas mine in the neighbouring jungle state of Para. (翻译:从卡拉加斯大铁矿运输铁矿石到邻近的热带雨林帕拉州的铁路也因为暴雨暂时关闭。)

15. Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him. (翻译:每个人都迷迷糊糊 皮特吸得脸发白 所以我们让他留下休息)

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