forlorn是什么意思 forlorn的中文翻译、读音、例句

forlorn是什么意思 forlorn的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Everyone walked away, leaving him forlorn and defeated.

2. She gave him a forlorn look before closing the door.

3. The forlorn puppy waited for someone to take him home.

4. His forlorn hopes of winning the competition were dashed.

5. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't shake off her forlorn mood.



1. After weeks of searching, the rescue team finally gave up their forlorn hope of finding any survivors.

2. The forlorn hopelessness of the situation made him want to give up.

3. The forlorn feeling of being stranded in a foreign country with no money or contacts was overwhelming.

4. The forlorn look on his face suggested that he had lost all hope.

5. The patient's forlorn condition made it clear that his illness was terminal.



1. The forlorn landscape of the desert was breathtakingly beautiful.

2. The forlorn ruins of the castle stood as a reminder of its former glory.

3. The forlorn streets of the small town were eerily quiet at night.

4. The forlorn beach at sunrise was a peaceful and melancholy sight.

5. The forlorn air of the abandoned factory gave it a haunted quality.



1. The forlorn toys in the attic had been forgotten and neglected for years.

2. The forlorn building was a sad reminder of the city's declining fortunes.

3. The forlorn manuscript was discovered in a dusty old library.

4. The forlorn cemetery had been abandoned for decades.

5. The forlorn memories of her past haunted her, as she tried to forget.




1. The forlorn look on her face made me realize she needed help.(她脸上孤独的表情让我意识到她需要帮助。)

2. The forlorn hope of finding the lost treasure kept him going.(找到失落的宝藏的渺茫希望让他继续前进。)

3. The old house looked forlorn and abandoned.(那座老房子看起来孤独而被遗弃。)




例句:They look forlorn, even somewhat dazed, but otherwise seem to be being correctly treated. (他们看起来孤独,甚至有点茫然,但在其他方面似乎受到合理的对待。)


例句:I walk into the living room and find a forlorn Wes sitting on the sofa, cross-armed and pouty. (我走进客厅时,维斯孤零零地坐在沙发上,双臂交叉,小嘴噘得老高。)


例句:The forlorn smile with which she said it, so touched him, that tears started from his eyes. (她说话时候的那种惨淡笑容很感动了他,以至泪水从他的眼里落下。)


例句:Their forlorn-looking journey made it clear that capitalism reaches a dead end on the North Korean side of the Tumen river. (翻译:他们看起来很孤独凄凉的旅程清晰的说明了资本主义在图们江朝鲜一边将走向灭亡。)


forlorn一般作为形容词使用,如在forlorn hope(n. 敢死队, 希望甚微孤注一掷的事业)、forlorn hopes(n. 敢死队;孤注一掷的)等常见短语中出现较多。

forlorn hopen. 敢死队, 希望甚微孤注一掷的事业
forlorn hopesn. 敢死队;孤注一掷的


1. The forlorn smile with which she said it, so touched him, that tears started from his eyes. (翻译:她说话时候的那种惨淡笑容很感动了他,以至泪水从他的眼里落下。)

2. Their forlorn-looking journey made it clear that capitalism reaches a dead end on the North Korean side of the Tumen river. (翻译:他们看起来很孤独凄凉的旅程清晰的说明了资本主义在图们江朝鲜一边将走向灭亡。)

3. Elevated levels of both these chemical lead to heightened alertness and stimulate the forlorn animal to call for help and search for its abandoner-generally its mother. (翻译:这些化学反应同时升级便会导致人们提高警惕,并且刺激那些被遗弃的动物去寻找帮助,以及去寻找他们之前抛弃的人-常常是他们的妈妈。)

4. But traders say Lehman and WaMu have more debt than cash, meaning they have no equity value and that buying their shares is a forlorn cause. (翻译:但交易员们表示,雷曼和华盛顿互惠银行的债务要多于现金,这说明它们毫无股权价值可言,购买其股票的行为是一种绝望之举。)

5. One of the demonstrators, a young woman, sat forlorn on the sidewalk. (翻译:其中一名示威者,一个年轻的女子,孤独无助地坐在人行道上。)

6. The last parting shaft of a forlorn cupid on the king's left breast. (翻译:最后临别轴 对国王的左乳房丘比特一个被遗弃的。)

7. But in daily life, researchers studying older people have found, cortisol might be helpful in getting the forlorn out of bed. (翻译:但在日常生活中,研究老年人的人员发现,皮质醇可能会帮助“被遗弃者”免于卧床不起。)

8. If it is a mere meat substitute, then it sits, forlorn, in the vegan aisle. (翻译:如果这仅属于肉的替代品 If it is a mere meat substitute, 那它肯定会被素食主义者抛弃 then it sits, forlorn, in the vegan aisle.)

9. She recalled that frequently at recess she had taken Douglas, a scrubb forlorn child by the hand. (翻译:她回想起在休息的时候她经常拉着道格拉斯的手,这个…? )

10. A forlorn quest, my dear Desmond. A forlorn quest. Arthur, you mustn't be so rude. (翻译:你被抛弃了 亲爱的戴斯蒙 一亚瑟,别那么无礼)

11. I'm glad that he's replaced himself with a younger surrogate to handle the forlorn moping. (翻译:我很高兴, 他自己换下 有一个年轻的代孕 处理惆闷闷不乐。)

12. Humanity is left "wandering forlorn among the empty eternities". (翻译:人类只是在“空虚的永恒中孤独地流浪着”。)

13. She looked so forlorn, standing there in the rain. (翻译:她站在雨中,显得孤苦伶仃。)

14. The girls were looking so happy but she looked quite forlorn. (翻译:女孩们看上去是如此开心... ...但她看上去是如此悲伤)

15. It reminded her of their first forlorn tete-a-tete, on the evening of Mrs. Weston's wedding-day; (翻译:这时候,爱玛不由得想起了韦斯顿太太结婚的那天晚上,他们父女俩第一次孤苦伶仃在一起的情景。)

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