1. 意义:
QUICK DECISION指迅速做出决定的能力或行为,体现了一个人或组织在面对重要问题时应对果断、迅速的能力。
2. 同义词:
快速决策的同义词包括Prompt decision、Rapid decision和 Immediate decision等。
3. 用法:
QUICK DECISION可作为名词、动词或形容词使用,作名词时可加定冠词the。
4. 案例分析:
- I made a quick decision to accept the job offer.
- The company’s quick decision to invest in the new technology paid off.
- The player's quick decision on the court helped his team win the game.
- The manager quickly decided to hire the candidate after the interview.
- We need to quickly decide on a location for the conference.
- The team captain quickly decided to change the strategy during the game.
- The quick decision maker was highly valued in the company.
- The quick decision process greatly improved the efficiency of the project.
- The quick decision skills of the CEO led to the company's success.
- Time is of the essence, so we need to make a quick decision.
- We can't afford to delay the decision any longer, we need to act quickly.
- Making a quick decision can sometimes be risky, but it can also be beneficial in certain situations.
QUICK DECISION是一个广泛使用的词汇,几乎在各个领域都有应用,尤其是在商业、管理、军事等方面。快速做出决策是一个重要的领导能力,通过加强决策能力的训练和提高响应速度,可以更好地适应复杂多变的环境。
quick decision的意思是“快速决策”。它的中文翻译为“迅速做决定”,其读音为[kwɪk dɪ'sɪʒn]。
1. He made a quick decision to accept the job offer.
2. In times of crisis, it's important to make a quick decision.