annal是什么意思 annal的中文翻译、读音、例句

annal是什么意思 annal的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源:Annal这个单词来自拉丁语Annalis,意思是“年度的”。

2. 用法:Annal一般用来指某个机构或组织发布的年鉴或年度纪要,它可以用来记录重要事件、人物、数据等。

3. 同义词:Annal的同义词包括Chronicle(编年史)、Yearbook(年鉴)等。

4. 衍生词:Annal的衍生词包括Annalist(编年史学家)、Annalistic(编年史的)等。


1. The annals of this institution show that it has been helping the poor for more than a century. (这个机构的年鉴显示,它已经帮助穷人超过一个世纪了。)

2. The annals of history are filled with stories of great leaders who changed the world. (历史的编年史充满了伟大领袖改变世界的故事。)

3. The company publishes an annal every year that summarizes its achievements and goals. (该公司每年都会出版一本年鉴,总结其成就和目标。)

4. The annalist spent years researching and compiling the historical events of that era. (编年史学家花了多年时间研究和编写那个时代的历史事件。)

5. The annalistic approach to history emphasizes the importance of recording events in chronological order. (编年史的历史方法强调按时间顺序记录事件的重要性。)


1. 'annal'是英语单词,翻译为“史实记载;年鉴”。

2. 'annal'指历史事件或人物的详细记载和描述,也可表示年度中重要事件和发展的纪要。

3. 英语中常用的含有'annal'的词语有:annals(年表)、annalistic(年鉴式的)、annalist(编年史作者)等。

4. 以下是9个使用含有'annal'的例句:

① The annals of the country provide us with valuable information about its history.(国家的史实记载为我们提供了宝贵的历史信息。)

② The company has been recording its achievements in its annals for the past 50 years.(这家公司已经将其过去xx年的成就记录在了年鉴中。)

③ The annalistic style of this book makes it a valuable reference for history researchers.(这本书年鉴式的写作风格使它成为历史研究者的宝贵参考资料。)

④ The annalist spent years collecting and organizing materials for the comprehensive history of his country.(这位编年史作者花费了多年时间收集和整理资料,为他国家的综合历史做出了贡献。)

⑤ The annals of war are always full of tragedies and heroism.(战争的历史记录总是充满着悲剧和英雄主义。)

⑥ The annals of the scientific community show us how new discoveries and inventions are made.(科学界的历史记录向我们展示了如何进行新的发现和发明。)

⑦ The annals of the royal family reflect the ups and downs of the nation's politics and economy.(皇室的历史记录反映了国家政治和经济的起伏。)

⑧ This book is a comprehensive annal of the artistic achievements of the Renaissance period.(这本书是文艺复兴时期艺术成就的综合性年鉴。)

⑨ The annals of the Olympic Games are filled with stories of courage, determination and sportsmanship.(奥运会的历史记录充满了勇气、决心和体育精神的故事。)



1. This event will be recorded in the annals of history. 这件事将被载入史册。

2. The local library has a complete set of annals of the region. 当地图书馆有该地区完整的年鉴。

3. The annals of the company show that they have consistently increased their profits. 公司的史书表明他们一直在增加利润。




例句:How much is his annal income and what will be the amount you will receive annually? (有多少是他的收入和纪事会怎样,您将收到金额每年?)


例句:Assist General Manager and Cooperate with department managers to prepare annal, quarterly and monthly budget projections; (协助高级经理及配合部门经理制定年度、季度财政预算。)




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