shek是什么意思 shek的中文翻译、读音、例句

shek是什么意思 shek的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. SHEK (缩写词):香港特别行政区房屋委员会(Hong Kong Housing Authority)的缩写,是一个政府机构。


- The SHEK has launched a new scheme to provide affordable housing to low-income families.


2. Sheikh(名词):穆斯林教派中的宗教领袖或社区的领袖,酋长等领导人的称呼。


- The Sheikh of the village is highly respected by the local people.


3. Shek(名词):英国南部的一个小村庄,位于德文郡(Devon)。


- Shek is a charming village with picturesque surroundings.


4. shek(动词):意为“动摇,摇晃”,常用于形容船只在海上摇晃的情景。


- The boat was sheked violently by the stormy sea.


5. Shek(名词):一种中东甜点,类似于蛋糕,由麦粉、糖和大量的黄油制成。


- Shek is a popular dessert in many Middle Eastern countries.






例句:Today 9, CuCN works in Shek elderly Beaches start laying submarine cable in the construction of ships, will have been at sea construction work, the laying of the cable from China to the United States. (今天上午9时,中美海缆工程在石老人海水浴场动工,在海底铺设光缆的施工船,将一直在海上进行施工作业,把光缆从中国铺设到美国。)


例句:Finally, direct intervention by the national government and Chiang Kai-shek himself suppressed the anti-Japanese movement in Beiping. (最后,国民政府和蒋介石介入,才将北平的反日运动打压下去。)


例句:Middle and lower reaches of the River from the vicinity of Shek Pik to Walled coconut, gentle tame the river. (万泉河的中下游,从石壁至椰子寨一带,河水温顺平缓。)


1. Middle and lower reaches of the River from the vicinity of Shek Pik to Walled coconut, gentle tame the river. (翻译:万泉河的中下游,从石壁至椰子寨一带,河水温顺平缓。)

2. Now that we are alone, Master Shek, you may speak freely. (翻译:好了,谢盟主,现在这里没外人 有什么话情直说)

3. To halt the Yangtze crossing, the Kuomintang had a navy and an air force. Outwardly, the odds appeared in favor of Chiang Kai-shek. (翻译:而国民党却有海军和空军来阻击共军渡江,表面看来力量对比似乎对蒋介石有利。)

4. Her pearl necklace has become a wedding present from Chiang Kai Shek to his new wife. (翻译:她的珍珠项链成了蒋介石 给他新妻子的一个结婚礼物)

5. Gui was beaten by Chiang Kai Shek so my father went into hiding (翻译:桂系就被蒋介石打垮了 所以我父亲就跑掉了 他就躲起来了)

6. These Bai culture and history of their ancestors to be delicate and elegant stone axes to remain in the Shek Pik , between heaven and earth. (翻译:这些白族的文化和历史都被先人以细腻典雅的石斧留在了石壁上,天地间。)

7. It has been such a long time. Miss Shek has grown. (翻译:我们已经多年不见,相信 谢姑娘现在已经亭亭玉立了)

8. You think if I attack tonight that I can defeat Change Kai-shek's army tomorrow But I can't. (翻译:我也想今天晚上就打冲锋 明天一早就把蒋介石几百万军队全部消灭掉 可是不行啊同志)

9. Health and the sea Ningbi cold, Shek Pik cut straight into the sea, rock Provisional Cliff Yan lying. (翻译:大海凝碧生寒,石壁直削入海,磐石临崖偃卧。)

10. At this point, Chiang Kai-shek took a hand and again, as in Manchuria, introduced chaos into a confused situation. (翻译:此时蒋介石又插了一手,结果又像在满洲一样,把本来已经混乱的局面弄得更加不可收拾。)

11. Shek Pik dense, potential into the cloud table, Yunsan Riverside, birds fly tree. (翻译:石壁森森,势入云表,云生峦畔,鸟飞树海。)

12. While you were in Tientsin, most of China came under the control of General Chiang Kai Shek, the so-called Nationalists, the Kuomintang. (翻译:当你在天津时,中国大部分土地由蒋介石所统治 号称民族主义的国民党)

13. In trying to solve economic problems by political demagoguery, Chiang Kai-shek had revealed the desperateness of his position to everyone. (翻译:蒋介石试图用蛊惑人心的政治手法解决经济问题,这反而使大家都看出,他已经到了山穷水尽的地步。)

14. Your flight will depart Chiang Kai-shek International Airport at eleven o 'clock. (翻译:你的班机将在十一点钟从中正国际机场起飞。)

15. As the days business days, the standard by the symbols of the emblem, like a red, from the vast sea to the Chiang Kai-shek Ranran up. (翻译:天方企业正如天方标徽所象征的那样,宛如一轮红日从浩瀚的商海中正冉冉升起。)

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