planed是什么意思 planed的中文翻译、读音、例句

planed是什么意思 planed的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. well-planed:表示做得很好、很平整。

2. planed wood:表示被平整过的木材。

3. planed surface:表示被刨平的表面。

4. planed edge:表示被刨平的边缘。





1. He planed the rough edges of the wooden board until it was smooth.(他将木板的粗糙边缘刨平,直到它变得光滑。)

2. The surface of the table was planed to a high degree of smoothness.(桌子的表面被刨得非常光滑。)

3. The carpenter planed the door until it fit perfectly in the frame.(木匠把门刨平,直到它完美地适合框架。)




例句:If I'd killed you during the March demonstrations in '91 as I planed, that man would be alive. (如果我按计划在xx年xx月的示威时杀了你 这个人也许现在还活著.)


例句:All for nothing. If things weren't been like this, everything would've happened as planed. (一场空 如果不出这事 一切本可能如计划而行)


例句:For good conformability, boards shall be planed on all sides. Rough-sawn boards shall not be permitted to reach the bonding stage. (为了连接一致,所有板边都要刨平。未刨平的木板不得用于粘接。)


planed一般作为名词使用,如在planed edge(刨平边)、planed fault(平削断层)、planed joint(平面接缝)等常见短语中出现较多。

planed edge刨平边
planed fault平削断层
planed joint平面接缝
planed lumber[木] 刨光板材
planed matchboards企口
planed signal平面信号;二维信息
planed tooth刨成齿
planed sawn timber[木] 刨光锯材


1. For good conformability, boards shall be planed on all sides. Rough-sawn boards shall not be permitted to reach the bonding stage. (翻译:为了连接一致,所有板边都要刨平。未刨平的木板不得用于粘接。)

2. The carpenter planed a table smooth. (翻译:木匠把桌面刨光了。)

3. You once said to me you were afraid your life was already planed out for you. (翻译:你曾和我说过你害怕你的生活,都已经计划好了)

4. Because "people" is our focus, it is also the concept of this celebration of this year, we planed three major events for the anniversary. (翻译:因为我们强调的是人,所以我们今年的庆典的核心也是“人”,我们主要有三个活动。)

5. But when she planed to leave Paris with Rick, her friend came to tell her that Laszlo was alive. He was very sick and needed her. (翻译:但当他们计划离开巴黎时,有个朋友告诉他拉兹洛还活着而且病得很严重,非常需她。)

6. In fact, my roommates and I planed to watch the interesting Bush, but there were few scenes of him. (翻译:其实本来是打算但布什耍宝的,结果没有给他什么镜头,倒是把比赛给看完了。)

7. Sandalwood, wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. (翻译:檀香木材,经纵锯或纵削、平切或旋切,不论是否经刨平、砂磨或端接,其厚度超过6公厘者。)

8. The American constitution was planed; the British constitution evolved. (翻译:美国宪法是精心制订的,英国宪法是约定俗成的。)

9. We planed to visit you tomorrow, auntie. (翻译:我们正打算明天去拜访您呢,姑妈。)

10. You planed to get rid of her before your wife discover your dark secret (翻译:-不知道 你计划在你太太揭穿秘密前杀死她)

11. The crowed coach First, I planed to stay in Rigaze for several days before going to Ali. (翻译:《拥挤的长途车》本打算先到日喀则停留几天,再到阿里。)

12. With the Add-On a Flex application test can be planed and executed to simulate the true nature of Flex Applications. (翻译:利用这个配件,可以设计和执行一个Flex应用测试,来模拟Flex应用的真实情况。)

13. The existing natural gullies and valises shall be planed to ensure smooth flowing of water, the bed of gullies are to be paved if necessary. (翻译:原有天然沟谷应予以整治,确保水流畅通,必要时需对沟床加以铺砌。)

14. A broad-planed strong, womanly face. (翻译:一副宽阔,标准,坚毅的女人面孔。)



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