trendiano是什么意思 trendiano的中文翻译、读音、例句

trendiano是什么意思 trendiano的中文翻译、读音、例句

'trendiano' 不是一个存在的单词,无法从词义、词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面介绍。如果有更多上下文信息或相关背景,可以提供更详细的解释和翻译。





例句:I would say, at least do this -- 10 years is enough to follow the trend. (我要说,至少做到这个。xx年来的趋势是足够长的。)


例句:The underlying trend of inflation is still upwards. (通货膨胀的潜在趋势仍然是上升的。)


例句:Ilike pop music most, because I want to follow the trend. (我喜欢流行音乐,因为我想跟随潮流。)


1. Ilike pop music most, because I want to follow the trend. (翻译:我喜欢流行音乐,因为我想跟随潮流。)

2. It's the female trend, and it's the sustainability trend, that are going to create some of the most interesting investment opportunities in the years to come. (翻译:女性势力的壮大和可持续性的走强, 即将在未来的几年内 创造出最为引人入胜的 投资机遇。)

3. have got these surveys in place in their database, then they use advanced mathematical formulas to produce a trend line, and the trend line looks like this. (翻译:把这些数据存进资料库时, 他们就会用先进的数学公式 来画出一条趋势线,如这一条趋势线。)

4. That's why I say that this refugee crisis is a trend and not a blip. (翻译:因此我才会说难民危机 是一种趋势而不是暂时性的问题。)

5. The ubiquitous BAM is starting a new trend and I am convinced that many will follow it. (翻译:无处不在的 BAM 正在开始一种新趋势,我坚信许多人将追随这一趋势。)

6. But then I started noticing a disturbing trend. (翻译:但就在那时,我开始注意到 一种令人忧心的趋势。)

7. The trend is there is terms of floods, and cyclones, and droughts. (翻译:这个趋势主要表现是洪水,龙卷风和旱灾。)

8. The latest trend is gardening. (翻译:最新的时尚是园艺。)

9. Donchian was the undisputed father of trend following. (翻译:唐奇安是名正言顺的趋势跟踪之父。)

10. And this is the trend in well-being over that time, a small increase, but this is the trend in ecological footprint. (翻译:而这正是那个时代追求幸福指数的历史趋势, 是一个小的进步, 但这是生态脚印的催势, )

11. And this is the trend in well-being over that time, a small increase, but this is the trend in ecological footprint. (翻译:而这正是那个时代追求幸福指数的历史趋势, 是一个小的进步, 但这是生态脚印的催势,)

12. It would be perverse to stop this healthy trend. (翻译:阻止这一健康的趋势是有悖常理的。)

13. These statistics display a definite trend. (翻译:这些统计数据表现出一种明显的趋势。)

14. I'm not concerned with the general trend of this correspondence, only one letter. (翻译:我对这些信件所表明的 关系不感兴趣,但有一封信不同。)

15. And archivists, historians, begin to reflect that trend. (翻译:档案保管人和历史学家们开始对这种趋势进行反思。)

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