amply是什么意思 amply的中文翻译、读音、例句

amply是什么意思 amply的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:amply rewarded(丰厚地报酬)、amply demonstrated(充分证明)

短语:none that I can think of(我想不到有任何一个)



1. He was amply prepared for the exam and scored the highest mark in the class.


2. She was amply rewarded for her hard work with a promotion and a significant pay raise.


3. The hotel provided amply for their guests, with a variety of services and amenities.


4. The company has amply demonstrated its commitment to sustainability through its actions and policies.


5. He can speak amply on a wide range of topics, from politics to sports.





1. She was amply rewarded for her hard work.(她因辛勤工作得到了丰厚的回报。)

2. The company provided amply for its employees.(公司为员工提供了充分的福利。)

3. The evidence amply proved his innocence.(证据充分证明了他的清白。)




例句:With today's many amply capitalized and skilled investors, what are the prospects for a value practitioner? (相对于如今许多具有资金和技能优势的投资者,价值投资者的前景又如何?)


例句:As Wall Street has amply demonstrated, not every industry was overregulated in the aughts. (就像华尔街已经充分展示的那样,并不是每个行业都受到完全过度的调控。)


例句:And that Vettius is amply capable of seeing the primus attended. (告诉他维提乌斯已经有足够的实力 和骁将交手了)


例句:Fulfillment and happiness, I was paid for my work, amply paid, not in terms of money, but something more a valuable. (翻译:满足和幸福。我的工作得到了回报,而且获益很大。这种报偿不是用金钱来衡量的。而是其它一些更珍贵的东西。)


1. And that Vettius is amply capable of seeing the primus attended. (翻译:告诉他维提乌斯已经有足够的实力 和骁将交手了)

2. Fulfillment and happiness, I was paid for my work, amply paid, not in terms of money, but something more a valuable. (翻译:满足和幸福。我的工作得到了回报,而且获益很大。这种报偿不是用金钱来衡量的。而是其它一些更珍贵的东西。)

3. You will soon be amply rewarded for your help. (翻译:你将很快获得重奖,因为你乐于助人。)

4. Husni Mubarak's Egypt amply fit this description. (翻译:埃及的候赛因-穆巴拉克的充分符合这一描述。)

5. Truth is, is that he doesn't need introduction. His work on tv makes him amply known in all Spain. (翻译:实际上 他不需要被介绍 他的电视台工作让他在西班牙家喻户晓)

6. This recording amply demonstrates Burnside's distinctive music. (翻译:这些诗句都充分地展示了伯恩赛德与众不同的韵律。)

7. As Wall Street has amply demonstrated, not every industry was overregulated in the aughts. (翻译:就像华尔街已经充分展示的那样,并不是每个行业都受到完全过度的调控。)

8. His efforts were amply rewarded. (翻译:他的努力得到了丰厚的回报。)

9. The long-term benefits of this specialized care are amply demonstrated by the legendary longevity of our cars. (翻译:我们的汽车传奇的使用寿命充分证明了这种专业化的养护所带来的长期利益。)

10. So, we are amply shaped by society. (翻译:因为那就是当地人的生活方式 我们都是被这个社会环境所塑造出的)

11. I think it amply demonstrates my stupidity. (翻译:这件事是因我难以控制的 愚行引起的,不是吗)

12. Your point is amply made, sir. (翻译:您说得很清楚了 先生 Your point is amply made, sir.)

13. You will be amply recomposed for your loyal support. (翻译:你的忠心的赞助会得到充分的酬谢。)

14. Repent your sins, shave your head, cover your amply loins with sackcloth, sit at the temple gate and beg or drawn yourself in sarayu after praying for a cleaner life at least in the next birth. . . (翻译:为你的罪恶感到后悔吧,削去你的头发,用粗麻布遮起你那丰硕的腰身。坐在庙前乞讨,或者跳下卡克拉河,去祈祷让你至少下辈子有个纯净的人生吧。)

15. One place where I really do disagree with you is in the value of the SAT-M, where the "circle" has amply been broken. (翻译:一个地方,在那我真的不同意你的价值是SAT-M,享有“圆”有充足的被打破。)

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