xiaopi是什么意思 xiaopi的中文翻译、读音、例句

xiaopi是什么意思 xiaopi的中文翻译、读音、例句

'xiaopi' 不是标准汉语词汇,可能是一些方言或网络用语中的词语。

根据网络搜索结果,'xiaopi' 可以指代以下意思:





发音拼写:xiǎo pì。


1. 他是个调皮的 xiaopi,但是很可爱。 (He is a naughty xiaopi, but very cute.)

2. 真的不好意思,我有点变成了 xiaopi, I've become a bit like a xiaopi.)

3. 老爷爷叹了口气,对着小 xiaopi 说:“你看,这是多么美丽的自然风光啊,你为什么要破坏它呢?”(The old man sighed and said to the little xiaopi, "Look how beautiful the natural scenery is. Why do you have to destroy it?")

4. 这个小区里有很多 xiaopi,有时候会让人有些无奈。 (There are many xiaopis in this community, which can be a bit helpless at times.)

5. 这个学校里的 xiaopi 很多,但是也有很优秀的学生。 (There are many xiaopis in this school, but there are also many excellent students.)

6. 谁家的 xiaopi 除了调皮,还很聪明呢!(Whose xiaopi is not only naughty, but also very smart!)

7. 他是老板的小孩,总是在公司里装 xiaopi。 (He is the boss's child and always acts like a xiaopi in the company.)


读音:xiǎo pí


Translation: Xiaopi

Pronunciation: xiǎo pí

Example sentence: The name of the little dog is Xiaopi, very cute.

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