put up with是什么意思 put up with的中文翻译、读音、例句

put up with是什么意思 put up with的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和含义:'put up with'是一个动词短语,意为忍受、容忍、忍耐。

2. 用法:'put up with'后面通常接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语,表示忍受某种不愉快的状况或者与某人相处时所产生的困难。

3. 同义词:tolerate, bear, endure, stand, stomach.

4. 搭配:'put up with'通常用于否定句或疑问句中,并且常用于口语交流中。常见的搭配包括:

- put up with sb./sth.:忍受某人/某事

- can't put up with sb./sth.:无法忍受某人/某事

- be forced to put up with sb./sth.:被迫忍受某人/某事

- be willing to put up with sb./sth.:愿意忍受某人/某事

- put up with it:忍耐、忍受

5. 中英例句:

- I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore. (我再也无法忍受他不停地抱怨了。)

- She has to put up with her boss's temper tantrums every day. (她每天都不得不忍受她老板的暴躁发作。)

- We had to put up with the noisy construction work outside our apartment for months. (我们不得不忍受数月之久的公寓外面吵闹的施工声。)

- How much longer do we have to put up with this terrible weather? (我们还要忍受多久这种糟糕的天气?)

- He put up with his annoying neighbor for years before finally moving out. (他忍受了好几年讨厌的邻居,最后才搬离了。)


读音:[ pʊt ʌp wɪð ]


1. I can't put up with your constant complaining anymore. (我不能再容忍你不停地抱怨了。)

2. As a doctor, he had to put up with long, tiring hours at the hospital. (作为一名医生,他不得不忍受在医院里漫长而疲惫的工作小时。)

3. I know it's hard, but sometimes we just have to put up with things we don't like. (我知道这很难,但有时我们只能忍受我们不喜欢的事情。)

put up with在中文中有"隐忍迁就、法"的意思,还经常被翻译为忍受,发音是[putupwith],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到72个与put up with相关的例句。

Put up with的翻译


例句:You have not had to put up with me for years. (你已经好久没受这种罪了 You have not had to put up with me for years.)


例句:Did I put your painting up? (把你的画挂起来? Did I put your painting up?)


例句:A girl can only put up with so much. (姑娘只能忍受到这儿了 {\3cH202020}A girl can only put up with so much.)


例句:Put her up there with a nanny. (翻译:Put her up there with a nanny. 把她和保姆在一起)


put up with一般作为名词使用,如在put ... up(adj. 预先商定的\n[网络] 举起;张贴;搭起)、put up(举起, 抬起, 进行, 推举, 参加竞选, 提供, 建造, 接待, 包装, 公布, 上演\n[化] 搭架)、put up at(v. 投宿于\n[网络] 在……过夜)等常见短语中出现较多。

put ... upadj. 预先商定的\n[网络] 举起;张贴;搭起
put up举起, 抬起, 进行, 推举, 参加竞选, 提供, 建造, 接待, 包装, 公布, 上演\n[化] 搭架
put up atv. 投宿于\n[网络] 在……过夜
put up for提名; 推荐; 拿出 ... 作 ... 用
put up on[网络] 被欺骗的
put up tona. 告诉\n[网络] 告知;指点;鼓动
to put up[网络] 竖立起某物;表现出;提出以供
put somebody up[网络] 让某人住宿


1. A girl can only put up with so much. (翻译:姑娘只能忍受到这儿了 {\3cH202020}A girl can only put up with so much.)

2. Put her up there with a nanny. (翻译:Put her up there with a nanny. 把她和保姆在一起)

3. You put up the notes, we buy it. (翻译:你们提供资金 我们去收购 You put up the notes, we buy it.)

4. And they seem to put up with them. (翻译:And they seem to put up with them. 把自己装扮的很抢风头)

5. Maggie, you put up a terrific fight. (翻译:你尽了最大努力 Maggie, you put up a terrific fight.)

6. Put up your feet and eat some pickles. (翻译:你歇歇脚 吃点腌黄瓜 Put up your feet and eat some pickles.)

7. Later on, the man came back and he put up the first of these tablets. (翻译:后来 他回来挂上首个牌匾 Later on, the man came back and he put up the first of these tablets.)

8. They put up billets, HQ block, the harbour, the airstrip. (翻译:建了兵营 哨位 司令部 海港 机场 They put up billets, HQ block, the harbour, the airstrip.)

9. Just put it on and get up here. (翻译:戴上它然后上来 Just put it on and get up here.)

10. I said she even put up a notice about it in the hall. (翻译:我说她甚至在门厅贴上通知 I said she even put up a notice about it in the hall.)

11. Pinch your cheeks a little bit, put some color in there. (翻译:-up. 弄点颜色 put some color in there.)

12. So put your hands up if you feel like having a good time (翻译:# 如果感到快乐 # # So put your hands up # # 你就举起手 # # if you feel like having a good time #)

13. Did Phil put you up to this? (翻译:- - did Phil put you up to this?)

14. How do you put up with him? (翻译:你是怎么忍受他的 {\3cH000000\fs20}How do you put up with him?)

15. ## Put it up, put it up, put it up ## (翻译:[put it up, put it up, put it up])

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