premire是什么意思 premire的中文翻译、读音、例句

premire是什么意思 premire的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 首映式


- The premiere of the new James Bond movie will take place in London next month.(新的詹姆斯邦德电影的首映式将于下个月在伦敦举行。)

- The premiere of the opera was a huge success.(这部歌剧的首演取得了巨大的成功。)

2. 首次亮相


- The new smartphone model will premiere at the tech conference next week.(新的智能手机型号将在下周的科技会议上首次亮相。)

- The band will premiere their latest single on a national TV show tonight.(这支乐队将在今晚的全国电视节目上首次演唱他们最新的单曲。)

3. 初次登场


- The young actress premiered in a small role in the local theater company's production of Hamlet.(这位年轻女演员在当地剧团的《哈姆雷特》中首次出演了一个小角色。)

- The basketball superstar premiered in the national team's match against their biggest rivals.(这位篮球巨星首次在国家队与他们最大的对手比赛中出场。)

4. 首映电影


- I got a ticket to the premiere of the new Star Wars movie!(我拿到了新《星球大战》电影的首映票!)

- The director gave an emotional speech at the premiere of her latest drama film.(这位导演在她最新戏剧电影的首映活动上发表了感人的演讲。)

5. Adobe软件的缩写


- I can't wait to start editing the footage in Premiere and add some cool effects!(我迫不及待地想用Premiere剪辑这些素材,并加入一些酷炫的特效!)

- The video production team is using Premiere Pro for post-production work.(这个视频制作团队正在使用Premiere Pro进行后期处理工作。)




1. The premiere of the new superhero movie was attended by all the big names in Hollywood. (新的超级英雄电影的首映礼上,好莱坞的所有大腕都出席了。)

2. She got an invitation to attend the premiere of the play, but she was unable to make it due to work commitments. (她得到了参加这场戏的首演的邀请,但因为工作原因无法赴约。)



例句:Don't hit Great Tiger's witch! (不许打猛虎的巫师 On frappe pas la sorcière de Grand Tigre!)


例句:Is there particular urgency to find them? (找它们有急用吗 Y a une urgence particulière à les retrouver?)


例句:To re-record your message, press 2. (若您希望重新录制留言内容 请按2 To re -record your message, press 2.)


例句:Subject: Re: Re: Re: Forbes magazine - FORTIETH most powerful woman in the world? (翻译:主题:Re: Re: Re:《福布斯》全球第四十名最具影响力的女性? )


1. To re-record your message, press 2. (翻译:若您希望重新录制留言内容 请按2 To re -record your message, press 2.)

2. Subject: Re: Re: Re: Forbes magazine - FORTIETH most powerful woman in the world? (翻译:主题:Re: Re: Re:《福布斯》全球第四十名最具影响力的女性? )

3. Brother, I have been re-hymenated. (翻译:I have been re -hymenated.)

4. So Ti La So Fa Mi, La, La, La Mi Re. (翻译:So Ti La So Fa Mi, La, La, La Mi Re.)

5. Your father will kill you. (翻译:你爸会杀了你的 Ton père va te tuer.)

6. "to read the first pages of the novel by Benjamin Constant," (翻译:我尝试着阅读贡斯当的小说 tentant de lire les premières pages du roman de B. Constant,)

7. Your re-design, your big re-brand, that was AIM, right? (翻译:-design, your big re -brand, that was AIM, right?)

8. seemsunrealthepower re-embrace again. (翻译:看上去不象是真的电力 re -embrace / i -)

9. In continuous action against the plight of education (翻译:托马斯 你给莫里哀写信呢 Thomas, tu écris à Molière?)

10. They completely re-rearrange this. (翻译:他们从头重放了一次 They completely re -rearrange this.)

11. The property rates are very high... (翻译:房产税很高的 The property rates re very high.)

12. In front of or behind the dromedary's hump. (翻译:坐在驼峰前面还是后面 Assis devant ou derrière la bosse du dromadaire?)

13. Subject: Re: Forbes magazine - FORTIETH most powerful woman in the world? (翻译:主题:Re:《福布斯》——全球第四十名最具影响力的女性? )

14. In Listing 11, the ref attribute refers to the values of fields in the ProductInfo subtree. (翻译:在清单11中,re f属性引用productinfo子树中的字段值。)

15. You can go to the cemetery later. (翻译:你一会再去墓地 Tu iras au cimetière plus tard.)

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