ips是什么意思 ips的中文翻译、读音、例句

ips是什么意思 ips的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:ips是一个缩写词,可以表示Intrusion Prevention System(入侵预防系统)。






1. My company recently installed the latest IPS to ensure our network's security.(我的公司最近安装了最新的入侵预防系统,以确保我们网络的安全。)

2. The IPS detected a potential threat and blocked it immediately. (入侵预防系统检测到潜在威胁并立即进行了阻拦。)

3. Using an IPS can help organizations prevent cyberattacks and data breaches.(使用入侵预防系统可以帮助组织预防网络攻击和数据泄露。)

4. The IPS can be configured to send alerts to security personnel in case of a breach.(入侵预防系统可以配置为在发生入侵情况时向安全人员发送警报。)

5. A well-configured IPS is an essential component of any cybersecurity strategy.(一个良好配置的入侵预防系统是任何网络安全策略的重要组成部分。)

ips 不是任何国家的语言,它是拉丁语“idem per idem”的缩写,意为“同一 thing 被同一 thing 代替”。在现代语言中,ips 通常用于表示“本身,自身,本身的特点或属性”。


1. Ipsa scientia potestas est. (拉丁语)——知识本身就是力量。

2. Ipsissima verba. (拉丁语)——文字的确切语言。

3. La nostra società è diventata sempre più basata sull'ipsità. (意大利语)——我们的社会越来越基于自我。

4. El objetivo es mejorar la ipsidad. (西班牙语)——目标是改善个人特点。

5. Hän nauttii siitä, että hän on persoonallinen ja ipsaattinen. (芬兰语)——他享受独特和自我的感觉。

6. De har en stark ipsitet. (瑞典语)——他们有强烈的个性特点。

7. Sevgi için, insanlar bazen kendilerinin ipsitetini saklayabilirler. (土耳其语)——为了爱,人们有时会隐藏自我。

8. Jego ipsologiczne podejście do życia przyciąga uwagę ludzi. (波兰语)——他的个性化生活方式吸引了人们的注意。

9. Он скрыл свои ipsовые качества, чтобы соответствовать общественным нормам. (俄语)——他隐藏了自己的个性特点,以符合社会规范。

ips的中文翻译为“网际协议地址”,读音为“ai pi es”。


1. 让我们检查一下该设备的ips地址。

Let's check the IP address of that device.

2. 确保你的ips地址是正确的。

Make sure your IP address is correct.




例句:The plasmids caused the cells to turn into iPS cells. (这些质粒将细胞转变成诱导性多功能干细胞。)


例句:You provide IPs and set up for subdomains in MTA or whatever best practices are that you suggest. (您提供的IP,并为在MTA或子域的最佳做法是,不管你的建议。)


例句:The criteria of wrapping IPs based on AMBA bus is also put forward. (同时也提出了基于AMBA总线的IP核封装规范。)


例句:By the end of this year, or early next year, they will have no more IPs for their new clients. (翻译:到今年年底或明年年初,他们就没有更多的IP地址提供给新客户了。)


1. The criteria of wrapping IPs based on AMBA bus is also put forward. (翻译:同时也提出了基于AMBA总线的IP核封装规范。)

2. By the end of this year, or early next year, they will have no more IPs for their new clients. (翻译:到今年年底或明年年初,他们就没有更多的IP地址提供给新客户了。)

3. l The 4400 Sport Yacht with IPS drives. The new infusion process in laminating the hull has created a strong yet lighter weight structure. (翻译:附有IPS驱动器的4400运动游艇。新的层压灌输过程使船身坚固且更轻。)

4. The Scandinavian countries have the highest number of IPs per person. (翻译:斯堪的纳维亚国家的人均ip地址数最高。)

5. The criteria of wrapping IPs based on AMBA bus is also put forward. (翻译:同时也提出了基于AMBA总线的IP核封装规范。)

6. Our results provide a unique paradigm for iPSC-factor-based reprogramming by demonstrating that it can be readily modified to serve as a general platform for transdifferentiation. (翻译:我们的结果为基于iPS因子的重编程过程提供了新的范例,就是这种方法经过改进后能够成为转分化的综合平台。)

7. We've already, uh, dispatched (翻译:我们追踪了网络流量 都是从你们的IP地址里来的 and the traffic trace back to your IPs.)

8. The company controls desirable technology, not least its IPS screens, which are clear even when viewed at oblique angles. (翻译:日立显示器还拥有令人青睐的技术,尤其是其IPS显示屏——即使从倾斜角度观看该显示屏,画面依然清晰。)

9. The objective of BASF-YPC Company Limited IPS Project is to complete the project safely, within budget, on schedule and with good quality. (翻译:扬子巴斯夫有限责任公司IPS项目的目标是:在预算内,按时地、高质地,安全地完成项目。)

10. According to the investigation, accused of involvement in events. (翻译:卢is 菲尔ips 据调查 曾卷入不久前的白色恐怖事件)

11. It can be restricted to a range of IPs if desired. (翻译:如果需要,可以限制IP范围。)

12. In the future, it may also be possible to generate human oocytes from male iPS cells in vitro. (翻译:在未来,人类男性诱导性多能干细胞可能在试管中产生卵母细胞。)

13. Loring does not plan to use the iPS cells of Fatu and of Loon to clone these individuals. (翻译:Loring没有打算用Fatu和Loon的iPS细胞来复制这些个体。)

14. All models come with an IPS LED-backlit high resolution display, SD card slot and a Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad. (翻译:所有型号配备IPSLED-backlit高分辨率显示器,SD卡插槽,神奇鼠标或魔法轨迹板。)

15. And the traffic traces back to your ips. (翻译:刚刚都被黑了 have been attacked in the last few minutes,)

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