merits是什么意思 merits的中文翻译、读音、例句

merits是什么意思 merits的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 语法


- The merits of this proposal are obvious. (这项提议的优点是显而易见的。)

- We should consider the merits and demerits of each candidate before making a decision. (我们应该在做决定前考虑每位候选人的优缺点。)

- The merits of his argument were not lost on me. (我理解了他的论点的价值。)

2. 近义词


- The advantages of studying abroad are numerous. (出国留学的好处很多。)

- His benefits to the company are beyond measure. (他对公司的贡献是无法计量的。)

- The graces of this ancient city are breathtaking. (这座古城的美景让人惊叹。)

- The strengths of our team lie in our diversity and flexibility. (我们团队的优势在于我们的多样性和灵活性。)

3. 常用搭配


- We should consider the merits and demerits of each proposal before selecting one. (我们应该在选定一个方案前权衡每个方案的利弊。)

- When making difficult decisions, it is important to weigh the merits and demerits of each option carefully. (做出困难的决定时,认真权衡每个选项的优劣非常重要。)

- We must acknowledge the merits of this hardworking student. (我们必须认可这位勤奋的学生的成就。)


- The merits of this new product are obvious – it is more efficient and cost-effective than its competitors.(这个新产品的优点非常明显——它比竞争对手更高效、更具成本效益。)

- It is important to consider the merits and demerits of different investment strategies before making a decision. (在做出决定前,认真考虑不同投资策略的优缺点很重要。)

- The graces of this historical monument are widely recognized by tourists from all over the world.(这座历史遗迹的美景被来自世界各地的游客广泛认可。)

- In order to achieve success, we must acknowledge the merits of hard work and dedication.(为了取得成功,我们必须认可勤奋和专注的意义。)

- The strengths of our team include our diversity, creativity, and strong communication skills. (我们团队的优势在于我们的多样性、创造力和强大的沟通能力。)




1. This proposal has many merits and should be seriously considered.(这个提议有很多优点,应该认真考虑。)

2. The merits of this product are its durability and affordability.(这个产品的优点是耐用性和价格实惠。)

3. The judge will weigh the merits of each argument before making a decision.(法官会在做出决定之前权衡每个论点的优缺点。)




例句:In the early days the Court of Chancery acted in inconsistent ways, case by case, each on its merits. (早先,衡平法庭以不一致的方式运作,从一个案件到另一个案件,每一个都要考虑不同的实质问题。)


例句:That is the only way to avoid the offense of vilifying the great Dharma and losing merits and virtues thereby. (这是唯一的出路,以避免诽谤罪的伟大拉达尔马和失去功德圆满从而。)


例句:When you cut through the merits, this lady has alleged in her complaint... (但当你透过现象看本质 这位女士声称丧失了配偶权利)


例句:Promoting the merits of a new mortgage-backed debt instrument is not the easiest sell at the moment. (翻译:在当前的环境下,对于一种新的有抵押支持债券价值的推销可不是一个容易的买卖。)


merits一般作为名词、动词使用,如在on merits([法] 按其是非曲直, 按实情)、on the merits([网络] 按是非曲直;依法;根据可取的理据)、have the merits(在诉讼中证明自己有理\n[法] 证明自己有理)等常见短语中出现较多。

on merits[法] 按其是非曲直, 按实情
on the merits[网络] 按是非曲直;依法;根据可取的理据
have the merits在诉讼中证明自己有理\n[法] 证明自己有理
legal merits[网络] 来判定案件的法律价值
merits and demerits优点和缺点,功与过
merits and drawbacks优缺点
merits and faults优缺点
merits rating优点评价
on its merits根据是非曲直,根据其长处


1. When you cut through the merits, this lady has alleged in her complaint... (翻译:但当你透过现象看本质 这位女士声称丧失了配偶权利)

2. Promoting the merits of a new mortgage-backed debt instrument is not the easiest sell at the moment. (翻译:在当前的环境下,对于一种新的有抵押支持债券价值的推销可不是一个容易的买卖。)

3. Saving faith is faith which alone apprehends Christ, his righteousness, and merits. (翻译:得救的信心是唯独领悟基督,祂的义和功德。)

4. If you do not rely on your companions, then you merits not to be a pirate. (翻译:不懂得自尊和信任伙伴的人 不配挂起海贼旗)

5. It inculcates justification before God on the ground of human merits. (翻译:它说明在上帝灌输在地上人类优点。)

6. Because, Subhuti, all Bodhisattvas do not receive reward for their merits. (翻译:须菩提!以诸菩萨不受福德故。)

7. And it's easy for the experts to rhapsodize about gratitude. But there are merits to tempering your complaints. (翻译:让专家向你激昂顿挫地讲述感恩的重要性固然容易,但要减少自己的怨气,最重要的还是自身的修炼。)

8. Immigration merits about a page in each of the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat manifestos. (翻译:移民问题值得在工党、保守党及自由党这三大党派的民主宣言中好好地占上一页。)

9. Only then will we be able to examine the merits of the case in an unbiased and clinical manner. (翻译:只有这样,我们才能检验的方式在一个无偏和临床。)

10. French corporate executive was overheard lauding the merits of China's Five-Year plans. (翻译:有人偶然听到法国一位公司高管大赞中国xx年规划的好处。)

11. Listen, we could go to your room and discuss the merits of my case. (翻译:听着,我们可以 去你的房间 并讨论案情 我的情况。)

12. I am still not fully persuaded of the plan's merits. (翻译:我还不能完全信服这个计划的优点。)

13. True modesty does not consist in an ignorance of our merits, but in a due estimate of it. (翻译:真正的谦虚不在于对自己的长处一无所知,而在于对它们的恰当评价。)

14. I argued the merits of the matadors with Spaniards at the bullfights in Madrid. (翻译:在马德里斗牛场里,我和西班牙人辩论斗牛士的优点; )

15. As if I can only see the merits of an argument when I feel the effects personally. (翻译:说得就好像只有亲身经历 As if I can only see the merits of an argument)



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