stakes是什么意思 stakes的中文翻译、读音、例句

stakes是什么意思 stakes的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义解释:stakes可以指赌注,风险,利害关系等。在赌博、游戏、竞赛等场合,stakes通常指参与者放入的赌注或者投入的利害关系。在商务、投资等领域,stakes则指风险的高低以及其中的奖励。

2. 用法说明:stakes通常用作复数形式,在单数形式下意义不同。如单数形式stake则通常指木桩、支柱等,用在其他领域相对较少。在句子中,stakes通常与介词for搭配使用,如play for high stakes(进行高风险赌博),compete for the stakes(为利害关系而竞争)等。

3. 衍生词汇:stakes在英语中有不少衍生词汇,如stakeholder(利益相关人),stakeout(监视),stakeholder capitalism(利益相关人资本主义)等,这些词汇都与stakes的基本含义联系十分紧密。


1. He had put all his money in the game, the stakes were high. (他在游戏中投入了所有的钱,赌注很高。)

2. The company's future was at stake, we had to make the right decision. (公司的未来受到了威胁,我们必须做出正确的决定。)

3. The two teams were playing for high stakes, the winner would take all. (两个队伍正在进行高风险比赛,胜者通吃。)

4. As a stakeholder, you have a right to know what is going on in the company. (作为利益相关人,你有权知道公司的运营情况。)

5. The police set up a stakeout outside the building, waiting for the suspect to come out. (警方在建筑外面设立了监视,等待嫌疑人出来。)




1. The stakes are high in this game, and we need to be careful.


2. The stakes are too high for us to take any risks.


3. He decided to put all his stakes on that one investment.


4. She was well aware of the stakes involved in the project.





例句:We'd win if stakes are not limited, right? (假使有个赌场不限注的话 是不是稳发财呀?)


例句:Did the two subsequent deceased tear the stakes out of the fence? (两位被害人接下来把桩子从篱笆上折下来了?)


例句:So, isn't that interesting? That high stakes have a strong impact. (所以,很有意思的是 高额奖金会有很大的影响。)


例句:Look at the stakes here, Carrie. (翻译:看看目前的情况 卡莉 Look at the stakes here, Carrie.)


stakes一般作为名词、动词使用,如在driving of stakes(钉木橛)、fish stakes(海场标桩)、fishing stakes(渔栅)等常见短语中出现较多。

driving of stakes钉木橛
fish stakes海场标桩
fishing stakes渔栅
futurity stakes[网络] 未来锦标;爱尔兰未来锦标;蓝钻石锦标
high stakes[网络] 孤注一掷;高风险;高赌注
iron stakes(钢夹上)铁桩
pull stakes迁离
raise the stakes[网络] 提高赌注;增加风险;冒了更大的风险
seedbed stakes苗床支柱


1. So, isn't that interesting? That high stakes have a strong impact. (翻译:所以,很有意思的是 高额奖金会有很大的影响。)

2. Look at the stakes here, Carrie. (翻译:看看目前的情况 卡莉 Look at the stakes here, Carrie.)

3. Yeah, well, if you play with the big boys, them's the stakes. (翻译:我想你可能误会了 这位才是年度最佳创业者)

4. Sharpen the end of your wooden stakes. (翻译:削尖你们的木桩头 Sharpen the end of your wooden stakes.)

5. With Mars the scientific stakes are arguably higher than they have ever been. (翻译:对于火星来说,科学风险可以说比以往任何时候都要高。)

6. # Many lies, put up for stakes, wash our sins at the Great Lakes (翻译:# Many lies, put up for stakes, wash our sins at the Great Lakes)

7. We believe that the stakes are high, but that the returns will be even greater. (翻译:我们相信风险是很高的, 但回报会更高。)

8. The high stakes is today, because you can do something about it. (翻译:不过,亡羊补牢为时不晚, 因为我们还可以为此做些事情。)

9. Stakes are high, ladies and gentlemen, a favorite will fall. (翻译:各位 这一注很有悬念哦 一名优秀选手将要陨落了)

10. We are lagging behind in the childcare stakes. (翻译:我们在儿童保育竞赛中正落在后面。)

11. I learned from Paul that the stakes for a truffle farmer can be really high. (翻译:我从保罗那了解到 种松露的农民的收益可以很高。)

12. The stakes attract rich flounders, and they in turn attract the sharks. (翻译:巨额输赢吸引了很多有钱人, 这样又把鲨鱼也引来了.)

13. When it comes down to it, you only really face three types of decisions in life: high stakes, low stakes and no stakes. (翻译:确定风险之后, 留下的就只有三类决定: 高风险、低风险,和无风险。)

14. There's the roll of fencing... and the stakes. 250 of them (翻译:那里有铁栏杆围着... 一共有250...)

15. You see, George, the stakes are too high. (翻译:你知道的 乔治 风险太大了 You see, George, the stakes are too high.)



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