get by on是什么意思 get by on的中文翻译、读音、例句

get by on是什么意思 get by on的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:get by on 表示勉强维持,靠某种手段或资源度日。


词组搭配:get by on sth,其中 sth 指代所靠的手段或资源。


发音拼写:[ɡet baɪ ɒn]


1. They can only get by on one salary.


2. I managed to get by on very little sleep.


3. She was able to get by on her savings for a few months.


4. The family was getting by on a tight budget.


5. They had to get by on very little food and water for several days.


6. He was able to get by on his charm and good looks.


7. We had to get by on our wits and creativity to solve the problem.



读音:ɡet baɪ ɑn


1. With the high cost of living in the city, many people can only get by on their low wages.(在城市里高昂的生活成本下,许多人只能靠低工资勉强维持生计。)

2. They were able to get by on very limited resources during their camping trip.(他们在野营旅行期间能够凭借极其有限的资源勉强度日。)

3. It's not easy, but we can get by on a tight budget if we cut back on some expenses.(虽然不容易,但如果我们削减一些开支,依旧可以在紧张的预算下勉强度日。)

get by on在英语中代表"靠…过活"的意思,在英美地区还有"靠…过活"的意思,读音为[getbyon],get by on是一个英语名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到99个与get by on相关的句子。

Get by on的释义


例句:- How stupid can they get? (— How stupid can they get?)


get by on一般作为名词使用,如在get ... on(na. 上马;安上;过日子;相投 (with together)\n[网络] 上车;进展;相处)、get at(得到; 找到; 责备; 暗示)、get at it(〈口〉取笑(某人))等常见短语中出现较多。

get ... onna. 上马;安上;过日子;相投 (with together)\n[网络] 上车;进展;相处
get at得到; 找到; 责备; 暗示
get at it〈口〉取笑(某人)
get by通过, 混过
get by with用…生活,靠…度日;用…对付过去;(欺骗)成功;侥幸;逃脱处罚
get for以(某价钱)购得;为…获得,买得;卖(某物)得到(某价钱)
get in on参加,参与,干预
get in there(非正式)采取积极行动(以实现目标)(常用于劝戒)
get in to[网络] 到达什么地方;这个错误可能使他陷入困境


1. Get that, get that, get that. (翻译:录那个 把那个录下来! Get that, get that, get that!)

2. All right, get them out and get them dry. We got to get them on under our clothes before tier time, which is in 45 minutes. (翻译:get them out and get them dry. 大概还有...)

3. # Get outta here before you get beat # (翻译:# Get outta here before you get beat #)

4. ♪ Nothing will get into the way ♪ (翻译:Nothing will get into the way)

5. You gotta get me out of here. (翻译:You gotta get me out. You gotta get me out of here.)

6. Get a job, get married, get a life, what are you waiting for? (翻译:找工作 结婚 Get a job, get married, 开始新生活 你还在等什么? get a life, what are you waiting for?)

7. ♪ ♪ Get it, get it, get it, get it... ♪ (翻译:明白 明白 明白* *Get it, get it, get it, get it)

8. Get it away, get it away, get it away, get it away! (翻译:快走开 快走开 别过来 别过来! Get it away, get it away, get it away, get it away!)

9. If I get killed, if I get killed (翻译:if I get killed, if I get killed)

10. Get in there, get in there. (翻译:快上去 快上去 Get in there, get in there. - 安全带)

11. Are we trying to get in or are we trying to get out? (翻译:我们是在试图进去还是出去? Are we trying to get in or are we trying to get out?)

12. ¶ I get knocked down but I get up again ¶ (翻译:[I get knocked down but I get up again])

13. Paula! Hold that. She's not kidding, get her out of there! (翻译:get her out of there!)

14. Maybe we could try this again. (翻译:Seven hundred and fifty people get on. Two get off.)

15. Now get the angle on this. (翻译:Now get the angle on this.)

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