词组搭配:flagrant violation(明目张胆的违反),flagrant disregard(公然无视)
1. His flagrant disregard for the law landed him in prison.
2. The company's flagrant misuse of customer data led to a widespread backlash.
3. The politician's flagrant lies were exposed by the media.
4. The company's flagrant violation of safety regulations resulted in a tragic accident.
5. It was a flagrant display of disrespect towards the elderly.
6. The athlete's flagrant foul earned him an immediate ejection from the game.
7. The teacher was fired for their flagrant disregard of school policies.
1. C'est un flagrant exemple de corruption.(法语) - 这是腐败的一个明显例子。
2. La pollution est flagrante dans cette zone.(法语)- 在这个区域里污染是显而易见的。
3. Il a commis un flagrant délit.(法语)- 他被抓到了现行作案。
4. Son manque de respect est flagrant.(法语)- 他的不尊重是显而易见的。
5. Cet outrage est flagrant.(法语)- 这种侮辱是公然的。
6. Sa malhonnêteté était flagrante.(法语)- 他的不诚实是显而易见的。
7. La négligence de sécurité est une faute flagrante.(法语)- 安全疏忽是一种明显的错误。
8. La violation des droits de l'homme est un acte flagrant.(法语)- 侵犯人权是一种公然行为。
9. La discrimination est flagrante dans cette société.(法语)- 此社会中的歧视是显而易见的。
flagrant的意思是“明目张胆的、公然的、显眼的”。读音为 [ˈfleɪɡrənt]。
1. He committed a flagrant violation of the law. (他公然违反了法律。)
2. The company's flagrant disregard for safety regulations led to a serious accident. (公司明目张胆地无视安全规定,导致了一起严重事故。)
3. The athlete's flagrant foul resulted in a penalty kick for the opposing team. (运动员显然犯规导致对方球队得到了点球。)
例句:- Flagrant. Careful, Jane, Lucy is right. Mr. Lefroy does have a reputation. (小心,简,露茜说得对 勒弗罗伊很有点名气)
例句:"However. I believe that even the most flagrant irrationality... (“然而 我相信即使最荒谬无理的事物...)
例句:Perjured testimony is an obvious and flagrant affront to the basic concepts of judicial proceedings. (作伪证是明显和公然违背司法程序的基本概念。)
例句:Michael and Ben seemed unburdened (by shame, by self-doubt) and unapologetically pursued what the writer Paul Monette called the uniquely gay experience of “flagrant joy. (翻译:迈克尔和本似乎不被羞耻心与自我怀疑所牵累,也不为追求作家保罗·莫内特口中那独特的同性恋体验——“公然的喜悦”而辩解。)
flagrant一般作为形容词使用,如在flagrant crime([法] 大罪, 现行罪)、flagrant delict([法] 现行犯)、flagrant foul(恶性犯规[NBA])等常见短语中出现较多。
flagrant crime | [法] 大罪, 现行罪 |
flagrant delict | [法] 现行犯 |
flagrant foul | 恶性犯规[NBA] |
flagrant offence | [法] 大罪, 重罪, 现行罪 |
flagrant violation | [法] 公然侵犯 |
in flagrant delict | 在作案时\n[法] 在作案现场, 在作案时, 现行 |
1. Perjured testimony is an obvious and flagrant affront to the basic concepts of judicial proceedings. (翻译:作伪证是明显和公然违背司法程序的基本概念。)
2. Michael and Ben seemed unburdened (by shame, by self-doubt) and unapologetically pursued what the writer Paul Monette called the uniquely gay experience of “flagrant joy. (翻译:迈克尔和本似乎不被羞耻心与自我怀疑所牵累,也不为追求作家保罗·莫内特口中那独特的同性恋体验——“公然的喜悦”而辩解。)
3. Except in cases of public health and safety when the occupant evidences a flagrant and repeated disregard for personal hygiene. (翻译:除非住客危害公众健康及安全 或是很明显不注重个人卫生)
4. An occupant of instance are flagrant and repeated disregard for exceptable standards of personal hygiene. (翻译:在某种特殊情况下 比如影响公共安全 先生 重复我说的话 按照公共和个人卫生卫生标准)
5. The judge called the decision "a flagrant violation of international law." (翻译:法官称这个决定是“对国际法的公然违反”。)
6. with flagrant disregard for public safety... causing to be expended some 1200 rounds of ammunition. (翻译:公然不顾公众的安危 造成消耗了大约1200轮的弹药)
7. These trends are teamed with the stereotyping and flagrant objectification of women in today's popular culture. (翻译:这些趋势与今天的流行文化中对女性的刻板印象 和公然物化结合在一起。)
8. Your flagrant disregard for protocol has unnecessarily placed yourself and my officers in the line of fire, (翻译:你公然违背条例的行为 使得你的人和我的人处于 毫无必要的危险之中)
9. In a world flagrant with the failures of civilization, what is there particularly immortal about our own? ~ G. K. Chesterton. (翻译:在一个世界公然与文明的失败,有什么特别的不朽的自己? ~ G.K。切斯特顿。)
10. The U. S. -based human rights group Freedom House has named nine countries and Tibet as the world's most flagrant human rights abusers. (翻译:总部设在美国的人权组织“自由之家”将九个国家和西藏地区列为世界上侵害人权最严重的地方。)
11. gathering a crowd to engage in affrays involving many persons and on large scale and causing a flagrant social influence (翻译:聚众斗殴人数多,规模大,社会影响恶劣的;)