hur是什么意思 hur的中文翻译、读音、例句

hur是什么意思 hur的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 拼写和读音:'hur'是一个缩写词,但它的拼写和读音并不太常见或常规。有些人可能会将其拼写为“her”或“hurr”,其读音也可能会因地区和方言的不同而有所差异。


- Hur, let's get going! We're already late.


I don't understand. Could you please repeat that? Hur?


- She looks so hur today, I wonder if she's feeling okay.


2. 意义和用法:'hur'通常用作一个感叹词,表示兴奋、兴奋或鼓励。它也可以作为口头语使用,在友好的交谈中表达情感。在某些情况下,它还可以用作缩写词,表示“小时”,“飓风”或其他类似的术语。


- Hurrah! We won the game!


- Hur up and finish your homework so we can watch a movie together.


- The hur season is coming, make sure we have enough supplies and prepare for the worst.


3. 是否正式:'hur'是一种非正式的语言,并不适用于正式的写作或演讲场合。它更适用于非正式的社交场合,例如与朋友或同龄人的聊天。如果您使用'hur'在正式的场合可能会被认为是不专业或不礼貌。


- I wouldn't use 'hur' in an academic paper or report.


- 'Hur' is really just a casual expression that I might use when texting with friends.


- While 'hur' might be okay in a chat with coworkers, I probably wouldn't use it in a job interview.



- 嗨,我们赶紧走!我们已经迟到了。


- 她今天看起来很焦急,我想知道她是否感觉良好。

- 万岁!我们赢了比赛!

- 赶紧完成作业,这样我们就可以一起看电影了。

- 飓风季节即将来临,请确保我们有足够的物资,并做最坏的准备。

- 我不会在学术论文或报告中使用"hur"。

- "hur"实际上只是一种我在和朋友发短信时可能使用的非正式表达。

- 尽管在与同事聊天时使用"hur"可能还好,但在求职面试中我可能不会使用它。




1. The wind began to pick up and soon there was a loud hur outside.


2. The hur of the train passing by was deafening.





例句:You think of something to stop hur. (想尽一切办法拦住她 You think of something to stop hur.)


例句:Of course, they all wanted the day's wish. So Robert hur-ried to the sand-pit. (当然他们都希望实现那一天的愿望。所以罗伯特急忙向沙坑跑去。)


例句:He's not the Judah Ben Hur I knew. (他不再是那个我认识的Judah Ben Hur了)


例句:Call Youngdeung, and tell them to bring Chairman Hur's deed. (翻译:嗯,我一直感觉很累。也许以后我会继续让他们。)


hur一般作为名词使用,如在Hur(n. 投\nn. (Hur)人名;(朝)许)、Hur.([网络] 户珥;通用复制软件(Hitachi Universal Replicator);便户珥)等常见短语中出现较多。

Hurn. 投\nn. (Hur)人名;(朝)许
Hur.[网络] 户珥;通用复制软件(Hitachi Universal Replicator);便户珥


1. He's not the Judah Ben Hur I knew. (翻译:他不再是那个我认识的Judah Ben Hur了)

2. Call Youngdeung, and tell them to bring Chairman Hur's deed. (翻译:嗯,我一直感觉很累。也许以后我会继续让他们。)

3. Ya Shaer said the man with the Georgian former president Jia Musa Hur A quarter live in a building. (翻译:雅沙尔称,这个人与格鲁吉亚前总统加姆萨胡尔季阿住在一个大楼。)

4. - So, what is the son of Jacob Ben Hur doing dressed as a Roman? (翻译:那Jacob Ben Hur的儿子来干什么 还穿的像个罗马人?)

5. And next unto them repaired Rephaiah the son of Hur, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem. (翻译:其次是管理耶路撒冷一半,户珥的儿子利法雅修造。)

6. - Well, make an example of them. (翻译:Judah Ben Hur 他的母亲和妹妹)

7. It was Ben Hur and Anne Frank. (翻译:是宾虚和安妮·法兰克的时代。)

8. These were the descendants of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah and father of Bethlehem. (翻译:这都是伯利恒之祖以法他的长子户珥所生的。)

9. - You hate expensively, Judah Ben Hur. (翻译:你这还真是深仇大恨啊 Judah Ben Hur)

10. - Judah Ben Hur had you crucified in his place. (翻译:Judah Ben Hur害你们在他地盘上要被钉死)

11. So, Judah Ben Hur, what is this story I must hear? (翻译:Judah Ben Hur 你要说什么故事来着?)

12. The spreading universal functions of Mongolian Hur and other folk music, such as Hurn Wuligeer, Hurn Haolaibbao; (翻译:蒙古四胡与蒙古族传统曲目胡仁·乌力格尔、胡仁·好来宝及其民间音乐中的作用,传播以及普及作用;)

13. - You have my word judah ben hur. (翻译:我们一言为定 Judah Ben Hur)

14. As endurance and training were key to Ben-Hur's victory, so are they vital to victory in the Christian's war with sin and evil. (翻译:坚韧与操练是宾汉致胜的秘诀,也是基督徒与罪恶和魔鬼争战得胜的关键。)

15. So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. (翻译:17:10于是约书亚照着摩西对他所说的话行,和亚玛力人争战。摩西,亚伦,与户珥都上了山顶。)



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