spine是什么意思 spine的中文翻译、读音、例句

spine是什么意思 spine的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Spine 指的是脊柱,也可以指动植物的刺、棘等骨骼结构。

词性:Spine 既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词。


1. Spine surgery 脊柱手术

2. Spine tingling 令人毛骨悚然的感觉

3. Spine-chilling 令人毛骨悚然的

4. Spineless 没有骨气的

5. Backbone of society 社会的支柱


1. Break someone’s spine 毁掉某人的生活

2. Have a spine 具有坚定的观点或行为

3. Get the spine 意志力强

4. In the spine of time 在时间的长河中

5. Spine to spine 背靠背地站着

发音拼写:Spine的发音为 /spaɪn/。


1. She hurt her spine in a car accident. 她在一次车祸中受了脊柱伤。

2. The cactus has sharp spines. 仙人掌有尖锐的刺。

3. The spine-tingling music gave me chills. 令人毛骨悚然的音乐让我打了个冷颤。

4. He’s been criticized for being spineless in dealing with the issue. 他在处理这个问题上被批评为没有骨气。

5. Education is the backbone of society. 教育是社会的支柱。




1. The human spine is composed of 33 vertebrae.(人类脊柱由33节椎骨组成。)

2. The book's spine was broken, making it difficult to read.(这本书的书脊破裂了,读起来很不方便。)




例句:And, Johns, you keep a strong spine. (And, Johns, 还有,Johns you keep a strong spine. 你是个虎父)


例句:This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves. (该运动能伸展你的脊柱,强健脊髓神经。)


例句:Well, the San Andreas fault runs right up the spine of California. (嗯 圣安德列斯断层从加利福尼亚州正中穿过 Well, the San Andreas fault runs right up the spine of California.)


例句:This exercise works on both your spine and hamstrings. (翻译:这项练习活动脊柱和腿筋。)


spine一般作为名词使用,如在No spine([网络] 没骨头的东西;无腰骨)、dorsal spine([医] 脊柱)、epidermocytic spine(表皮细胞棘)等常见短语中出现较多。

No spine[网络] 没骨头的东西;无腰骨
dorsal spine[医] 脊柱
epidermocytic spine表皮细胞棘
epigastric spine胃上刺
epinotal spine上背板刺
ethmoid spine[医] 筛骨棘
ethmoidal spine筛棘
fin spine鳍脊,鳍棘
fracture of spine嵴柱骨折


1. Well, the San Andreas fault runs right up the spine of California. (翻译:嗯 圣安德列斯断层从加利福尼亚州正中穿过 Well, the San Andreas fault runs right up the spine of California.)

2. This exercise works on both your spine and hamstrings. (翻译:这项练习活动脊柱和腿筋。)

3. The story is so real and suspenseful that it sends chills up your spine (翻译:这篇非常的生活 可是又很曲折 看了叫人混身发冷)

4. The spine of the last body was found completely intact. (翻译:最后挖掘出来的尸骨的脊椎骨 很整齐的包裹在衣服里面)

5. The erector spine, running along the length of the spine are active, with the upper side turning the trunk slightly upwards. (翻译:贯穿脊柱的竖脊肌活跃,束脊肌上侧将躯干轻微向上转。)

6. A cold shiver ran down her spine. (翻译:她打了一个寒颤。)

7. "Witnesses describe a blue flame playing about the base of the spine. (翻译:据事后目击者描述 受刑者身上冒出蓝色火苗)

8. The disease had deformed his spine. (翻译:疾病导致他脊柱变形。)

9. The NPA have about as much collective spine as a tepid jellyfish. (翻译:英国报纸出版商协会的脊梁就跟冷淡的水母一样多)

10. She lost three ribs and her spine was damaged. (翻译:她断了三根肋骨 脊柱重伤 {\3cH202020}She lost three ribs and her spine was damaged.)

11. If you looked in them, you could see her spine. (翻译:you could see her spine.)

12. Nothin' like usin' the o" spine flower, the wise noodle, the... (翻译:比用那些带刺的花... 或者狡猾的面条 聪明的布丁强多了...)

13. Now that, if your spine is not held in a good position, will help bend your spine the wrong way, and so on. (翻译:而且,如果你的不在脊椎合适的位置上, 这将会使你的脊椎以错误的方式弯曲,等等。)

14. Radiology revealed a lumbar Charcot spine, i. e. total destruction of the spine with compression of the dural sac. (翻译:放射学发现腰椎脊柱夏科,即彻底摧毁脊柱压缩硬膜囊。)

15. Her spine curved. (翻译:她的脊柱弯了。)



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