pedagogy是什么意思 pedagogy的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedagogy是什么意思 pedagogy的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 教学设计方面:教学设计是指根据教学目标和学生的特点,制定教学计划和方案,选择合适的教学方法和教具,来实现教育教学活动的有效开展。在教学设计中,需要考虑到学生的年龄、背景、兴趣等因素,以及课程内容和教学资源等因素。


- The new pedagogy emphasizes the importance of personalization in classroom instruction.

- The teacher used a variety of pedagogical strategies to engage her students in the lesson.

- The school's pedagogy committee is responsible for reviewing and updating the school's curriculum and teaching practices.

2. 学生评价方面:学生评价是指对学生学习过程和成果进行评估,以便更好地了解学生的掌握程度和教学质量。学生评价是评估教学效果的重要手段之一。


- The pedagogy professor emphasized the importance of using multiple assessment methods to evaluate student learning.

- The school implemented a new pedagogy that encourages peer evaluation and feedback among students.

- The teacher adjusted her pedagogical approach based on student feedback and performance.

3. 科技融合方面:随着科技的不断发展,教育也迎来了新的变革和挑战。教育科技的融合对于提高教学效果和创新教学方法具有重要的作用。


- The university is investing in new educational technologies to better support innovative pedagogies.

- The use of online platforms and virtual reality technologies is transforming pedagogy in the classroom.

- The pedagogy department is exploring ways to integrate technology into traditional teaching methods.


1. The pedagogy professor emphasized the importance of using multiple assessment methods to evaluate student learning. (教育理论教授强调了使用多种评估方法来评估学生学习的重要性。)

2. The school implemented a new pedagogy that encourages peer evaluation and feedback among students. (学校实施了一种新的教育方式,鼓励学生之间进行同伴评估和反馈。)

3. The university is investing in new educational technologies to better support innovative pedagogies. (大学正在投资新的教育技术,以更好地支持创新的教育方法。)

4. The teacher used a variety of pedagogical strategies to engage her students in the lesson. (老师使用了各种教学策略来让学生参与课堂。)

5. The school's pedagogy committee is responsible for reviewing and updating the school's curriculum and teaching practices. (学校的教学委员会负责审查和更新学校的课程和教学实践。)




1. As a teacher, it's important to understand pedagogy and how to develop effective lesson plans. (作为一名教师,了解教育学和如何制定有效的教案非常重要。)

2. The school's curriculum is designed based on principles of pedagogy, ensuring that students receive a high-quality education. (学校的课程设置是基于教育学原理设计的,确保学生接受高质量的教育。)




例句:Why? Because this princess messes up the public pedagogy for these princesses. (为什么?因为这名 公主会扰乱我们对 这些公主的公共认知。)


例句:She learns from Paulo Freire the pedagogy of the oppressed and adds a feminist perspective to it. (她借鉴了弗莱雷的贫困人口教育方法,又采用了女性主义的视角。)


例句:An educational technology and pedagogy that is digital, automatic, fault-tolerant, minimally invasive, connected and self-organized. (那就是数码化,自动化,容许出错, 最低干扰,连接网络,自成一体的教育科技和教学方法。)


例句:Paulo Freire is a representative of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed. (翻译:摘要弗莱雷是被压迫教育学的代表人物。)


pedagogy一般作为名词使用,如在Doctor of Pedagogy(教育学博士)、empirical pedagogy(经验教育学)、esthetic pedagogy(美育[教]学)等常见短语中出现较多。

Doctor of Pedagogy教育学博士
empirical pedagogy经验教育学
esthetic pedagogy美育[教]学
evolutionistic pedagogy进化论派教育学
experimental pedagogy实验教育学;实验教学论
music pedagogy音乐教育学;音乐教学法
pedagogy seminary教育研讨室
personal pedagogy人格教育学
philosophical pedagogy哲学的教育学


1. An educational technology and pedagogy that is digital, automatic, fault-tolerant, minimally invasive, connected and self-organized. (翻译:那就是数码化,自动化,容许出错, 最低干扰,连接网络,自成一体的教育科技和教学方法。)

2. Paulo Freire is a representative of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed. (翻译:摘要弗莱雷是被压迫教育学的代表人物。)

3. He rather pompously called them problems of nomenclature, pedagogy and economics. (翻译:他傲慢地把它们称为术语问题,教学问题和经济问题。)

4. In Shanghai, now a pioneer of educational reform, "there has been a sea change in pedagogy, " the OECD said. (翻译:在上海,现在是教育教学改革先锋“,出现了巨大变化,在教学,”经合组织表示。)

5. The pedagogy in China experienced the rapidest and most fruitful development during the 30 years of Reform and Opening-up. (翻译:改革开放xx年,是中国教育学百年历程中发展最快、成果最多的时期。)

6. Teachers in TELS have asked for additional opportunities to learn the pedagogy of knowledge integration. (翻译:老师在TELS里要求了额外的机会去学习教育学知识集成。)

7. Ata-Driven Learning and the Teaching of Register Knowledge in English Composition Pedagogy--A CLEC- Based Case Study (翻译:数据驱动学习与英语写作教学中的语域知识传授--基于CLEC语料库的个案研究)

8. The reason why pedagogy twists and suffers dilemma is that lively and practical pedagogy knowledge cannot replace the doctrinism, elegant narratives and speculated description in pedagogy knowledge. (翻译:之所以教育成“学”的过程一波三折、教育学屡遭困境,是因为生活的、实践的教育学知识观并未能取代本质主义的、宏伟叙事的和规范描述的教育学知识观。)

9. There are foreign and domestic accounts as to the Chinese pedagogy headstream. (翻译:关于中国教育学的源头,有源自国外和国内两说。)

10. I published the book last summer, Pedagogy of the Bible it's called, Pedagogy of the Bible, and I'll set that in a little bit of context. (翻译:我去年夏天出版的这本书,叫做,我会联系一点上下文。)

11. A filial oculist was cerebrating pedagogy to manual a dentist's corporal defects. (翻译:一个孝顺的眼科医生正在思考教育学以便用来处理牙医的身体上的缺陷。)

12. More information about this educational approach can be found in the course pedagogy section. (翻译:关于教学方式的更多信息详见课程教学一节。)

13. Her thesis on EEPP Pedagogy has been published in the book Modern Educators' Forum; (翻译:论文《四寓教学法》被载入《当代教育名家论坛》一书。)

14. And I was afraid, not for myself, but I was afraid that I was going to lose him, that he was going to sink into one of his states, and that I would ruin his relationship with the violin if I started talking about scales and arpeggios and other exciting forms of didactic violin pedagogy. (翻译:我感到很害怕 不是为我自己的安全担心, 而是害怕 我会失去他 他又会沉浸到他的某一种他的状态中 而我会毁了他和小提琴建立起来的关系 如果我开始讲音阶 和琶音和其他形式的精彩 的说教式的小提琴教学法 )

15. Because every day when my daughter plays when she dresses up, she's learning stuff through a process that, in my own line of work, as a professor of media studies, we refer to as public pedagogy. (翻译:因为当我的女儿每天换装扮演时, 她都在学习, 在我自己的本职工作中, 我们把这个过程称为公共教育学。)



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