obediently是什么意思 obediently的中文翻译、读音、例句

obediently是什么意思 obediently的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'obediently'是副词形式,意为“顺从地、服从地”。在句子中,它可以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词来表示某个动作、行为或态度是出于顺从和服从。

2. 语法用法:'obediently'通常用于表示听从、遵守规定或服从命令的场合,常与动词短语一起使用,如行为动词(do, act, behave, follow)等。另外,它也可以用于修饰形容词(obediently quiet,顺从地安静)或其他副词(obediently enough,足够顺从)。

3. 情感色彩:'obediently'一词带有明显的顺从、服从、听命的意味,常用于描述某人自觉地遵守规则、执行任务、接受指令等。有时也暗示了某种权威或压迫力量的存在,比如孩子'obediently'听从父母的要求,员工'obediently'执行企业的指令。


1. 孩子们'obediently'排队,按照老师的指示走向操场。

2. 她'obediently'低下头,让警察检查她的证件。

3. 这只狗'obediently'跟着主人的脚步走,没有叫也没有乱跑。

4. 员工们'obediently'完成了领导交代的任务,准备开始新的工作。

5. 在军营里,新兵们都必须'obediently'遵守军规,服从指挥。


1. The dog sat 'obediently' at its owner's feet, waiting for the command to fetch.

2. The students 'obediently' listened to the teacher and took notes.

3. The soldiers 'obediently' followed their captain's orders, even in the face of danger.

4. The worker 'obediently' completed the task assigned by his boss.

5. The child 'obediently' held his mother's hand as they crossed the busy street.




1. The dog sat obediently at its owner's feet.


2. The students followed the teacher's instructions obediently.


3. She nodded her head obediently, even though she didn't fully understand.





例句:The elf obediently took the boxed cup, and Hepzibah turned her attention to the much flatter box in her lap. (小精灵顺从地接过装杯子的盒子。赫普兹巴的注意力转向了她膝上那个扁一些的盒子。)


例句:Plus, pretending to follow obediently instead of opposing them outright will buy us more time to flee. (而且 比起正面反抗 这样假装顺从 能够解除他们的警戒心 争取更多的逃跑时间)


例句:One model soldier, obediently followed these orders to the letter, using a five-dollar Shang Tang note as he had been instructed. (有一个模范士兵,严格执行了这个命令,当真用一张五块钱的上党票擦了屁股。)


例句:Pinocchio obediently changed his step. (翻译:皮诺乔顺从地改变了他的步伐。)


obediently一般作为副词、动词使用,如在yours obediently(您的恭顺的)等常见短语中出现较多。

yours obediently您的恭顺的


1. One model soldier, obediently followed these orders to the letter, using a five-dollar Shang Tang note as he had been instructed. (翻译:有一个模范士兵,严格执行了这个命令,当真用一张五块钱的上党票擦了屁股。)

2. Pinocchio obediently changed his step. (翻译:皮诺乔顺从地改变了他的步伐。)

3. He obediently disappeared as he descended the ladder. (翻译:他顺从地爬下梯子离开了。)

4. When she was told to join the club, she went obediently, having a natural talent in that direction and, in any case, knowing that she would be among friends. (翻译:当她被告知要加入俱乐部时,她顺从地走了,她在这方面有天赋,而且,无论如何,她知道自己会成为朋友们中的一员。)

5. Instead , all I saw was the tops of the delegates' heads as they obediently wrote down the recommended code of conduct . (翻译:你在产品开发部有着很高的公信度,所以我觉得作为推荐人你是最合适的。)

6. "Nothing, " he said. Then not knowing what else to do, he waved her away. Obediently she bowed politely and left. (翻译:“没什么,”布莱克松赶紧闭嘴。接下去又不知道该怎么办了。他挥挥手示意她离开,女人很听话,礼貌地鞠躬,走开了。)

7. The first thing I did wrong was to sit obediently in the visitor's chair, which meant I saw the office as I was supposed to see it. (翻译:我做错的第一件事是,顺从地坐在为来访者准备的椅子上,这意味着我看到的办公室是别人希望我所看到的样子。)

8. At the stern order the buzz ceased, and fifty pairs of blue, black, gray, and brown eyes were obediently fixed upon his awful countenance. (翻译:这声晴天霹雳立刻让教室安静下来,五十双蓝色的、黑色的、灰色的、棕色的眼,恐惧地盯着戴维斯老师那张可怖的面容。)

9. The children playing in the hallways obediently answered their questions. (翻译:只有在走廊游戏的孩子顺从地回答了老两口的问题。)

10. I obediently made her substitute when you're tired of that day, I will, as you said get out of your sight. (翻译:我会乖乖的做她的替代品,当你厌倦的那一天,我会如你说的滚出你的视线。)

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