词义:AML 是“急性髓系白血病”(Acute Myeloid Leukemia)的缩写。
词性:AML 是一个缩写词,属于名词。
1. AML 患者:patients with AML
2. AML 治疗:treatment for AML
3. AML 诊断:diagnosis of AML
4. AML 细胞:AML cells
5. AML 预后:prognosis of AML
发音拼写:AML 的发音为 [ˌeɪ ˌɛm ˈɛl]。
1. 儿童 AML 是白血病的常见类型之一。 (Childhood AML is one of the common types of leukemia.)
2. AML 是一种严重的血液疾病,需要及时治疗。 (AML is a serious blood disorder that requires prompt treatment.)
3. AML 患者需要长期的医学监护和治疗。 (AML patients require long-term medical monitoring and treatment.)
4. AML 细胞的特征是在骨髓中不断增殖。 (AML cells are characterized by continuous proliferation in the bone marrow.)
5. AML 患者的预后取决于年龄、病情和治疗反应等因素。 (The prognosis of AML patients depends on factors such as age, disease status, and treatment response.)
6. AML 的确切病因尚不明确。 (The exact cause of AML is not yet clear.)
7. 现代医学技术已经提高了 AML 患者的生存率。 (Modern medical technology has improved the survival rate of AML patients.)
中文翻译:AML(Acute Myeloid Leukemia),急性髓性白血病。
读音:[əkjuːt maɪəlɔɪd luːkiːmiə]
1. AML是一种恶性肿瘤,通常在成年人中发生。
(AML is a malignant tumor that usually occurs in adults.)
2. AML是一种需要紧急治疗的白血病。
(AML is a type of leukemia that requires urgent treatment.)
例句:A long-term follow-up study in patients with AML in postremission intensive consolidation chemotherapy with high dose cytarabine (大剂量阿糖胞苷对急性髓细胞白血病缓解后强化巩固治疗的长期随访)
例句:The viability of cultured AML cells was also evaluated by Trypan blue exclusion. Cytospin specimens of cultured AML cells were studied by cytochemical staining. (还用台盼蓝拒染法确定细胞活力以及培养AML细胞离心涂片细胞化学染色观察细胞形态。)
例句:I have a weird blood disease. AML. It's a form of leukemia. (我患上了一种罕见的血液疾病―急性髓细胞白血病 白血病的一种)
例句:Business Objective - in the first month of using the new AML process is expected that 10,000 AML checks will have been done. (翻译:业务战术目标——在使用新的AML过程的第一个月,预计会完成10,000次AML检查。)
1. I have a weird blood disease. AML. It's a form of leukemia. (翻译:我患上了一种罕见的血液疾病―急性髓细胞白血病 白血病的一种)
2. Business Objective - in the first month of using the new AML process is expected that 10,000 AML checks will have been done. (翻译:业务战术目标——在使用新的AML过程的第一个月,预计会完成10,000次AML检查。)
3. It was suggested that observation of CFU-Fand count of Numbers is an auxiliary criterion for differential diagnosis between AML and ALL. (翻译:结果提示:CFU - F的数量和形态学观察可作为急淋与急粒鉴别诊断的一个辅助实验指标。)
4. Dre aml and on Fly " is then ame of a net radio, and a secret path from our computer to everyone's. " (翻译:是一个网络电台的名字,是从我们的电脑信息传播到大家电脑里的一条秘密通道。)
5. You have a very serious disease. It's called AML. (翻译:你得了一种很严重的疾病 叫急性髓细胞白血病)
6. In MLL, it's the middle set of genes, and in AML, it's the bottom set of genes. (翻译:混合型白血病中,中间那部分基因会过表达 而急性髓细胞白血病中,则是下面的那部分基因过表达)
7. DR5 may play an important role in TRAIL-inducing apoptosis of AML cells. (翻译:DR5在TRAIL介导的急性髓系白血病细胞凋亡中起重要的作用。)
8. With AML, the leukemic cells are often referred to as blast cells. (翻译:对于急性髓细胞白血病,白血病细胞通常是指原始细胞。)
9. In this case, the duplication within the MLL gene contributes to an aggressive form of AML. (翻译:这种情况下,MLL基因中的复制导致AML的的侵略性。)
10. Further, CXCR4 inhibition partially abrogated the protective effects of stromal cells on chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in AML cells. (翻译:此外,在AML细胞中,CXCR4抑制剂部分消除了白血病基质细胞对化疗诱导的细胞凋亡的保护作用。)
11. In MLL, it's the middle set of genes, and in AML, it's the bottom set of genes. (翻译:混合型白血病中,中间那部分基因会过表达 而急性髓细胞白血病中,则是下面的那部分基因过表达 )