1. 定义:Hazards是指任何可能对人类或自然界造成伤害或危害的物质、现象或事件。它可以是物理、化学、生物或社会性质的。
2. 分类:Hazards可以分为许多不同的类型,例如自然灾害类(如地震、飓风和洪水),化学物品类(如危险化学品和污染物),生物类(如传染病和有害动植物),危险行为类(如抽烟和酗酒)等等。
3. 预防:由于'Hazards'可能会造成严重的破坏,因此预防这些危险是非常重要的。预防措施可以包括建筑物加固、风险评估、个人保护措施、环境保护、安全规定等等。
4. 应对:如果危险事件已经发生,应该采取适当的措施来应对它们,使受影响的人、环境和资源减少受到损害。应对措施可能包括紧急疏散、医疗援助、救援和清理等等。
1. Floods and landslides are natural hazards that can cause serious damage to homes and infrastructure. 洪水和山体滑坡是可能对家居和基础设施造成严重破坏的自然灾害。
2. Chemical hazards, such as hazardous waste and toxic chemicals, can pose a threat to human health and the environment. 化学危害物,如危险废弃物和有毒化学品,可能对人类健康和环境造成威胁。
3. The best way to prevent workplace hazards is to identify them early and take action to eliminate or minimize them. 预防工作场所危险的最佳方法是尽早识别并采取行动消除或最小化它们。
4. In the event of a natural disaster or other emergency, it is important to have a plan in place to evacuate quickly and safely. 在自然灾害或其他紧急事件发生时,有一个快速、安全的疏散计划非常重要。
5. Smoking and excessive drinking are hazards to personal health that can lead to serious health problems such as cancer and liver disease. 吸烟和过度饮酒是对个人健康的危害,可能会导致严重的健康问题,如癌症和肝脏疾病。
1. The construction workers were trained to identify and avoid hazards on the job site. (这些建筑工人接受了识别和避免工作场所危险的培训。)
2. Smoking is a hazard to your health. (吸烟对健康有害。)
3. The airline company has strict safety procedures in place to minimize hazards during flights. (航空公司采取严格的安全程序,以在飞行过程中最大程度地减少危险。)
例句:Moreover, the islanding phenomenon grid? connected run mode brings has hazards to load, inverter and life safety. (另外,并网运行模式下所带来的孤岛现象,对负载、光伏逆变电源和人生安全构成了危害;)
例句:Byck described the hazards of a key part of the process. (白克形容加工过程中一个重要部件的危害性。)
例句:Will there be any sort of environmental hazards? ei. Radioactivity, biohazards, etc. (会有环境破坏吗?比如核辐射,生化灾难之类的。)
例句:Pyroclastic flows are some of the most fearsome hazards posed by erupting volcanoes. (翻译:火山碎屑流是由火山喷发而引起的最可怕自然灾害。)
hazards一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dust hazards(尘埃灾害)、environment hazards([法] 环境危害)、environmental hazards(环境危害)等常见短语中出现较多。
dust hazards | 尘埃灾害 |
environment hazards | [法] 环境危害 |
environmental hazards | 环境危害 |
fire hazards | n. 火灾危险 |
flight hazards | 飞行危险 |
hazards evaluation | [网络] 防护鉴定 |
hazards to public | [法] 公害 |
health hazards | [网络] 健康危害;健康损害;健康危害效应 |
ice hazards | 冷冻危险 |
1. Will there be any sort of environmental hazards? ei. Radioactivity, biohazards, etc. (翻译:会有环境破坏吗?比如核辐射,生化灾难之类的。)
2. Pyroclastic flows are some of the most fearsome hazards posed by erupting volcanoes. (翻译:火山碎屑流是由火山喷发而引起的最可怕自然灾害。)
3. It has to be smart enough to avoid terrain hazards and to find a good landing site on the ice. (翻译:必须非常聪明才能避免各种冒险 找到一个好的冰面降落 )
4. It has to be smart enough to avoid terrain hazards and to find a good landing site on the ice. (翻译:必须非常聪明才能避免各种冒险 找到一个好的冰面降落)
5. The best available reference for the quick identification of any product's hazards and properties is the MSDS sheet. (翻译:MSDS表是迅速鉴别任何产品的危险和性质的现有的最好的参考。)
6. I picked this spot just because the hazards were least. (翻译:我把这点指出来 就是想把这种危险降到最低)
7. For plague and pestilence, plunder and pollution, the hazards of nature and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation. (翻译:因为传染病与流行病,劫掠与污染,自然灾害与受饥饿的儿童是我们每一个国家的仇敌。)
8. It is, therefore, essential that a banksman be appointed to warn the operator of hazards that cannot be seen from the operator's position. (翻译:重型运土设备使用时,操作人员只能看到有限的区域,因此,必须指派矿口监工随时警告操作人员在操作位置上无法发现的危险。)
9. The rescuers did not identify hazards factors of the process, That was leaded of further development in incident maint cause. (翻译:施救人员未对危险因素进行有效辨识的情况下实施救援,是事故进一步扩大的重要原因。)
10. and understanding the law of heavy metal pollution, takeing effective measures to reduce its hazards. (翻译:同时,了解重金属污染规律,采取有效的措施减少危害。)
11. Most inboards are diesels, which are generally more reliable, cost less to run and maintain, and eliminate the hazards of gasoline. (翻译:大部分舷内发动机是柴油发动机,因而更可靠,更省钱,保养更便宜,并消除了汽油的危险性。)
12. Study of the law and the Characteristics of the human ESD are essential to eliminate and prevent human electrostatic hazards. (翻译:研究人体ESD的规律及特性对消除和防止人体静电危害是至关重要的。)
13. Will there be any sort of environmental hazards? ei. Radioactivity, biohazards, etc. (翻译:会有环境破坏吗?比如核辐射,生化灾难之类的。)
14. Various types of geologic hazards in the Zhujiang River Delta relate to the complex geologic environment and climatic condition. (翻译:珠江三角洲地质灾害种类的多样性与其所处的复杂地质环境和多变的气候条件密切相关。)
15. These compendia are not designed to describe such hazards or protective measures. (翻译:药典中对上述的危险性和保护措施不进行描述。)