1. 词义
2. 发音
'tangerine'发音为 /ˈtændʒəriːn/,重音在第二个音节上。
3. 词性
4. 用法
1. She peeled a tangerine and handed it to me. (她剥了一只橘子递给我。)
2. He bought a bag of tangerines from the market. (他从市场买了一袋橘子。)
3. The color of her dress is tangerine. (她的裙子颜色是橙红色。)
4. I love the sweet and juicy taste of tangerines. (我喜欢橘子的甜美多汁的味道。)
5. This cake is decorated with tangerine slices. (这个蛋糕用橘子片点缀。)
用法: 'tangerine'一般用来形容一种颜色,即柑橘色。同时也可以指代柑橘类的水果,如气味、口感等。
1. Les tangerines sont juteuses et sucrées. (柑橘多汁而甜。)
2. Elle a mis une tangerine dans son sac. (她把一颗橘子放进了她的包里。)
3. La tarte à la tangerine était délicieuse. (柑橘馅饼很好吃。)
4. Les feuilles de cet arbre sentent la tangerine. (这棵树的叶子有柑橘的气味。)
5. J'aime boire du jus de tangerine au petit déjeuner. (我喜欢在早餐时喝柑橘汁。)
6. Elle a utilisé de l'huile essentielle de tangerine pour parfumer la chambre. (她用柑橘精油调香房间。)
7. Les enfants ont mangé toutes les tangerines dans le panier. (孩子们把篮子里的所有橘子都吃了。)
8. Il a peint le mur en couleur tangerine. (他把墙涂成了柑橘色。)
9. Les agriculteurs récoltaient les tangerines dans le champ. (农民在田野里收割柑橘。)
1. I love eating tangerines because they are sweet and juicy.
2. This tangerine reminds me of the ones I used to eat in China.
3. She added some tangerine zest to the cake batter to give it a citrusy flavor.
例句:Your ice cream is as refreshing as tangerine ice cream. (妹子们 你们的表演和橘子味冰淇林一样清新)
例句:Tangerine has become infatuated with her cousin orange for a while. Calling up all her courage, she goes over to him eventually. (橘子对她的橙子表哥心仪已久。她鼓足勇气,终于走到他身边。)
例句:Jesus Christ ... he did not let me $ 20, he tangerine yesterday, do I owe you? (耶稣基督... 他没有让我20元,他桔 昨天,我欠你的吗?)
例句:The effort to remove dirt, and imbue bodies and bathrooms with the scent of tangerine, mint or almond instead, is a big business. (翻译:尽力清除污垢,让身体和浴室充满橘子、薄荷或是杏仁的味道,是一项大工程。)
tangerine一般作为名词使用,如在tangerine essence(红桔香精)、tangerine oil([化] 红橘油)、tangerine orange(蜜柑)等常见短语中出现较多。
tangerine essence | 红桔香精 |
tangerine oil | [化] 红橘油 |
tangerine orange | 蜜柑 |
tangerine peel | 陈皮 |
tangerine pith | 橘络 |
tangerine seed | 橘核 |
tangerine tree | [网络] 橘子树;柑橘树;比博普爵士乐 |
tangerine trees | [网络] 满是橘子树;柑桔树;柑橘树 |
dried tangerine peel | 陈皮 |
red tangerine peel | 橘红;橘红 |
1. Jesus Christ ... he did not let me $ 20, he tangerine yesterday, do I owe you? (翻译:耶稣基督... 他没有让我20元,他桔 昨天,我欠你的吗?)
2. The effort to remove dirt, and imbue bodies and bathrooms with the scent of tangerine, mint or almond instead, is a big business. (翻译:尽力清除污垢,让身体和浴室充满橘子、薄荷或是杏仁的味道,是一项大工程。)
3. Top a mixed-green salad with candied walnuts, tangerine wedges and a bit of goat cheese. (翻译:顶端放带有胡桃,楔形红橘和一点羊干酪的混合绿色色拉。)
4. Is this tangerine sweet? (翻译:这橘子甜吗 ? )
5. ♪ Telling You what You already know (翻译:Josh Snyder, 是Atomic Tangerine乐队的主唱 被诊断出患有第4期的霍奇金淋巴瘤)
6. My fighter plane is very beautiful, tangerine is yellower comparing with others, I call it X-908. (翻译:我的战斗机非常帅,而且还是橘黄色的,我叫它X-908。)
7. Dan played with the tangerine peel, letting it uncoil and then coil again. (翻译:丹摆弄着那片橘子皮,将它不停地展开来卷回去。)
8. Top a mixed-green salad with candied walnuts, tangerine wedges and a bit of goat cheese. (翻译:顶端放带有胡桃,楔形红橘和一点羊干酪的混合绿色色拉。)
9. Our signature blend is an intoxicating combination of lavender, tangerine and cananga. (翻译:我们的招牌是薰衣草,橘子和卡南加的令人陶醉的组合。)
10. A timeless look: bedroom slippers, orange pinstripes, tangerine belt, string round your neck, hand down your trousers. (翻译:永不过时的穿着:拖鞋,橙色竖纹的衬衫,亮橘色皮带,脖子里的皮绳,手搁在裤子周围。)
11. One day, I saw a child playing with a ruby... the size of a tangerine. (翻译:后来有一天 我看见一个小孩 拿着一块橘子大的红宝石在玩)
12. Aquamarine, deep blue, mid-blue, tangerine, lilac, pink, plum, anything you want. (翻译:淡蓝,深蓝 蓝,深橙色,紫色, 粉红,深紫色,随便你挑)
13. The blast propelled a tangerine-sized slug of copper down into the target, destroying it with the impact and the accompanying shrapnel. (翻译:爆炸将一枚橘子大小的铜弹射向目标,利用撞击力和弹片摧毁目标。)
14. The sour fruit of this plant, resembling a small tangerine and sometimes used as a flavoring or for beverages, sauces, or marmalades. (翻译:柠檬这种植物的酸味果实,与小的柑桔相似,用作调味剂或制作饮料、酱油或果酱。)
15. I know, it's a bad time at the moment, but Margus is losing a big tangerine crop. (翻译:我知道现在是困难时期 但马戈斯就要损失一大片柑橘作物了)