aud是什么意思 aud的中文翻译、读音、例句

aud是什么意思 aud的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思: "aud" 是一个拉丁词根,表示 "听" 或 "听觉"。

2. 词性: "aud" 是一个词根,常用于构造单词的前缀或后缀。

3. 常用场景: "aud" 可以用于形容与听觉相关的事物,例如音乐、声音、听力等。它也可以用于表示听觉的检查或测试。

4. 词组搭配:

- Auditory: 有关听觉的,听觉的检查,听觉学。

- Audiometer: 听力测量器。

- Audition: 试听,试演,面试。

- Audiovisual: 视听的,音像的。

5. 相关短语:

- Audience: 观众,听众。

- Audio recording: 录音。

- Audiobook: 有声读物。

- Audio guide: 音频指南。

6. 发音拼写: "aud" 的发音为 /ɔːd/。





1. He lost his sense of audibility due to the ear infection.(因为耳朵感染,他失去了听力。)

2. The audience was impressed by the speaker's eloquence and audibility.(听众对发言者的雄辩和听力印象深刻。)




例句:I am also very pleased and gratified to see such a large aud ie nce made up entirely of young people. (看到这么多的听众全都是年轻人,我很高兴也很满足。)


例句:Nzd and Aud were both strong performers in Asia. (新西兰元与澳元在亚洲汇市仍然很强劲。)


例句:Notice in the previous example I used the * wildcard character to download any file matching peb_aud*. (注意,在前面的示例中使用*通配符下载与peb_aud*匹配的任何文件。)


例句:For Asian currencies this spells more weakness and similarly commodity currencies such as AUD and NZD also are likely to face more pressure. (翻译:至于亚洲货币方面,这意味著汇价将会进一步走弱,同样地,澳元、纽元等商品货币亦可能面对更多压力。)


1. Notice in the previous example I used the * wildcard character to download any file matching peb_aud*. (翻译:注意,在前面的示例中使用*通配符下载与peb_aud*匹配的任何文件。)

2. For Asian currencies this spells more weakness and similarly commodity currencies such as AUD and NZD also are likely to face more pressure. (翻译:至于亚洲货币方面,这意味著汇价将会进一步走弱,同样地,澳元、纽元等商品货币亦可能面对更多压力。)

3. Also on the backfoot, the Australian dollar eased to $0. 9885, from $0. 9904 in New York, a day after coming close to testing parity. (翻译:澳元兑美元AUD=D4亦自纽约尾盘的0.9904美元滑落至0.9885,上日曾接近测试平价水准。)

4. The Knights were reinforced from France by 500 knights aud 2000 soldiers under d' Aubusson 's brother Antoine. (翻译:骑士团得到由其兄弟安东尼‧德‧奥布森领导下,来自法国的500名骑士与2000名士兵的增援。)

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