1. 词义:'ippv' 不是一个常见的单词,可能是一个缩写或特定领域的术语,其具体含义需要根据上下文来判断。
2. 词性:无法确定其词性,需要根据上下文来判断。
3. 词组搭配:无法确定其常见搭配,需要根据上下文来判断。
4. 短语:无法确定其常见短语,需要根据上下文来判断。
5. 发音拼写:'ippv' 的发音为 /ɪpɪviː/,拼写为 i-p-p-v。
1. I couldn't find the definition of 'ippv' in any of my dictionaries. (我在任何一本字典中都找不到“ippv”的定义。)
2. The doctor ordered the use of 'ippv' to help the patient breathe more easily. (医生下令使用“ippv”来帮助病人更轻松地呼吸。)
3. The acronym 'ippv' stands for 'intermittent positive pressure ventilation'. (缩写“ippv”代表“间歇性正压通气”。)
4. 'Ippv' is a specialized medical technique used in some cases of respiratory failure. (在某些呼吸衰竭的情况下,使用“ippv”是一种专业的医疗技术。)
5. The nurse had to adjust the 'ippv' settings to better suit the patient's needs. (护士必须调整“ippv”的设置,以更好地满足患者的需求。)
读音:yǎn jié xìng zhèng yā tōng qì
例句:IPPV是一种常见的治疗呼吸衰竭的方法,可以改善氧合和通气。 (IPPV is a common method for treating respiratory failure, which can improve oxygenation and ventilation.)