deafness是什么意思 deafness的中文翻译、读音、例句

deafness是什么意思 deafness的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word 'deafness' from four aspects:

1. Definition: Deafness refers to the inability to hear sounds, either partially or completely. It can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, aging, noise exposure, and infections.

2. Types: There are different types of deafness, including conductive deafness, sensorineural deafness, and mixed deafness. Conductive deafness is caused by problems in the outer or middle ear, while sensorineural deafness is caused by damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve.

3. Effects: Deafness can have profound effects on a person's life, especially in terms of communication and social interaction. It can also lead to isolation, depression, and other mental health issues.

4. Treatment: Depending on the cause and severity of deafness, there are different treatment options available, such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and sign language.

Here are five examples of sentences that use the word 'deafness' in both English and Chinese:

1. Her deafness made it difficult for her to communicate with others. (她的失聪让她难以与他人沟通。)

2. The concert was designed to be accessible for people with different levels of deafness. (该音乐会旨在为不同程度的失聪患者提供无障碍体验。)

3. The professor's research is focused on the causes and treatments of sensorineural deafness. (这位教授的研究专注于感音神经性失聪的原因和治疗。)

4. She has been struggling with her hearing loss and the emotional impact of deafness. (她一直在为自己的听力障碍和失聪所带来的情感影响而奋斗。)

5. The school provides sign language classes for students with deafness. (该学校为失聪学生提供手语课程。)




1. His deafness made it difficult for him to communicate with others.


2. The school provides special education for students with deafness.





例句:Keratitis, ichthyosis, and deafness syndrome (KID syndrome) is a rare congenital disorder disease. (目的观察角膜炎、鱼鳞病、耳聋综合征的临床表现。)


例句:A small vocabulary at the age of two can also be a sign of other problems, from deafness to autism and dyslexia. (两岁儿童词汇量小也有可能是患其他疾病的征兆。如,失聪,自闭症和难语症。)


deafness一般作为名词使用,如在eustachian deafness([医] 咽鼓管性聋)、enduring deafness(久聋)、explosion deafness([医] 爆炸性聋, 震聋)等常见短语中出现较多。

eustachian deafness[医] 咽鼓管性聋
enduring deafness久聋
explosion deafness[医] 爆炸性聋, 震聋
explosive deafness爆震性聋
feigned deafness伪聋
functional deafness[医] 机能性聋
genetic deafness遗传性耳聋
hysterical deafness[医] 癔病性聋, 歇斯底里性聋
labyrinthine deafness[医] 迷路性聋


1. Recovery is usually quick unless there is pus formation, which can destroy the inner-ear structures, causing permanent deafness in that ear. (翻译:若无化脓则常于数天后恢复,若已化脓则内耳结构全部破坏,以致该耳听力永久丧失。)

2. Deafness can be inherited. (翻译:耳聋是可以遗传的。)

3. It was about deafness not being a good enough reason for her inconvenience. (翻译:她觉得我耳聋并不是 造成她不方便的 充足理由。)

4. Causes of hearing impairment and deafness. (翻译:听力障碍和耳聋的病因。)

5. Mrs Keller, I don't think Helen's worst handicap is deafness or blindness. (翻译:凯勒夫人, 我认为Helen最大的 障碍不是失明或失聪.)

6. Ear trauma is bleeding, deafness, tinnitus, earache , occasional dizziness. (翻译:中耳外伤有流血、耳聋、耳鸣、耳痛,偶有眩晕。)

7. It's the way that people respond to my deafness, the outdated way people respond to my deafness -- pity, patronization, even anger -- because that just cancels out the human connection that technology achieves. (翻译:而是他人对我耳聋的态度, 人们对我耳聋的那种 一成不变的过时态度—— 怜悯,屈尊,甚至是愤怒—— 这些态度直接抵消了科技进步 所带来的人与人之间的连接。)

8. So what we've been doing in my lab is looking at these unique sensory specialists, the bats, and we have looked at genes that cause blindness when there's a defect in them, genes that cause deafness when there's a defect in them, and now we can predict which sites are most likely to cause disease. (翻译:所以我们实验室一直在做的是 通过研究这些独一无二的感官专家--蝙蝠 我们研究导致失明的基因。当基因有缺陷导致失明, 基因有缺陷时导致失聪, 现在我们能预测哪些位点最容易导致疾病。)

9. Objective To explore audiological features of matrilineal non syndromic deafness and its molecular mechanism. (翻译:目的探讨母系遗传性非综合征性耳聋的听力学特征及分子遗传学机制。)

10. Also we look at deafness. One in every 1,000 newborn babies are deaf, and when we reach 80, over half of us will also have a hearing problem. (翻译:我们也研究失聪。每1000个新生儿中 有1个是聋的,当我们到了xx岁的时候, 我们中有超过一半的人有听力问题。)

11. And it turns out that his temporal bones were harvested when he died to try to look at the cause of his deafness, which is why he has molding clay and his skull is bulging out on the side there. (翻译:事实上在他辞世时,他的颞骨被取走 以研究他失聪的原因, 这就是为什么在他的头骨里有黏土, 头骨的侧面是鼓出来的。)

12. Conclusion the mutations in GJB2 are the major cause of prelingual deafness; two causative mutations can be found in (28.6%) prelingual recessive and in (18.9%) prelingual sporadic NSHL patients. (翻译:结论GJB2突变是导致学语前聋的主要原因,28.6%的学语前隐性和18.9%学语前散发非综合征性耳聋病人携带了两个GJB2突变。)

13. We go like that, and we imagine that's what deafness is about. (翻译:我们一直这样,我们想象着聋人应该是怎样的 )

14. You have developed some sort of selective deafness. (翻译:你越来越选择性倾听了 You have developed some sort of selective deafness.)

15. Objective: to explore the clinical effect of Batroxobin to treat sudden deafness. (翻译:目的:探讨巴曲酶治疗突发性耳聋的临床效果。)

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