jumbled是什么意思 jumbled的中文翻译、读音、例句

jumbled是什么意思 jumbled的中文翻译、读音、例句



常用场景:常见于描述事物或场景的状态,比如:jumbled papers(杂乱的文件),jumbled thoughts(杂乱的想法)。

词组搭配:jumbled mess(混乱的局面),jumbled words(错综复杂的措辞),jumbled ideas(纷繁复杂的想法)。

相关短语:jumbled up(混淆),jumbled together(搅在一起),jumbled mess(杂乱无章的一团)。

发音拼写:[ˈdʒʌmbld],其中 jumbled 的重音在第一音节。





1. The room was so jumbled that it was hard to find anything.


2. The ideas in his head were all jumbled up, making it difficult for him to express himself clearly.


3. The books on the shelf were jumbled together and out of order.





例句:On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires (办公桌对面的书柜上还有一团杂乱缠绕的连接线。)


例句:Spring to the dry skin is very jumbled, and I use the cream by Dema, I feel very nourishing, but also anti-wrinkle effect. You can buy try. (春天到了皮肤是很冗杂缺水的,我用的是德玛依的面霜,觉得蛮滋养的,而且也有抗皱的效果。你可以买来试试。)


例句:Unfortunately this evidence is often in the form of tiny, jumbled snippets and it is frequently contaminated. (不幸的是,这样的证据通常是以微小、杂乱的小片段形式存在的,而且,常常受到了污染。)


jumbled一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在jumbled speech([医] 紊乱言语, 言语讷吃)、jumbled up([网络] 杂乱;混杂;庞杂)等常见短语中出现较多。

jumbled speech[医] 紊乱言语, 言语讷吃
jumbled up[网络] 杂乱;混杂;庞杂


1. Unfortunately this evidence is often in the form of tiny, jumbled snippets and it is frequently contaminated. (翻译:不幸的是,这样的证据通常是以微小、杂乱的小片段形式存在的,而且,常常受到了污染。)

2. So you can see each species has a list of combinations of A, G, C and T, which are the four sub-units of DNA, sort of randomly jumbled, and nothing looks like anything else, and these species are totally unrelated to each other. (翻译:你可以看到每个物种 有一系列由A, G, C, T组成的组合, 这些是DNA的四个碱基对, 几乎是随机地乱成一团, 彼此看起来毫无相似之处, 这些物种彼此之间毫无关联。)

3. Starts with 399, has a bunch of letters just jumbled up in between, and then it ends with seven. (翻译:从399这个数字开始 中间夹杂着一堆 Starts with 399, has a bunch of letters 混乱的字母 最后又以数字7结尾 just jumbled up in between, and then it ends with seven.)

4. Max's even more dismal New York is cast in jumbled patterns of black, white and grey, until Mary sends Max a bright red pom-pom which he wears atop his yarmulke. (翻译:而马克思所居住的纽约则显得阴郁得多,只有黑白灰三种颜色,直到玛丽给马克思寄来一个明红色的小绒球,马克思将它戴在自己的圆顶小帽上,才给画面带来一抹亮色。)

5. But Grant also said, on this highway, the past and the future, and what ifs and maybes can all get jumbled up. (翻译:但格兰特还表示,以这种方式 过去和未来 所有这一切都是可能的 难道打成一片)

6. They had jumbled it all up into a heap. (翻译:他们已把这些都混在一起堆成一大堆。)

7. Color effect Yigai looking finish, jumbled series can be disposed of only foundation. (翻译:肤色效果一概底妆,冗杂的可以只用粉底系列处置。)

8. China gives us tangrams, which would test solvers' abilities to form shapes from the jumbled pieces. (翻译:中国有七巧板, 它可以测试解题者 从打乱的碎片中拼出形状的能力。)

9. No, you said things, jumbled me up. (翻译:不 你说的那些话让我神思混乱 No, you said things, jumbled me up.)

10. Where am I indigenous to? Nowhere really. My genes are all jumbled up. (翻译:我的家乡是哪里呢?哪儿也不是。我的基因在地图上跳来跳去地混乱了。)

11. Always pay it, buy Avene spray, often Pen Pen, dry skin jumbled from the skin, you'd better touch, or bad makeup. (翻译:经常补水吧,买个雅漾的喷雾,经常喷喷,干性皮肤冗杂起皮,你最好摸,不然不好上妆。)

12. Time and events were telescoped , jumbled together like a nightmare that had no reality or reason. (翻译:时间和事件奔涌而来,又混杂在一起,像个没有什么真实和理性可言的恶梦。)

13. The hand of a man killed by the Japan earthquake juts out of jumbled concrete sea barriers on March 14 in Toyoma, Japan. (翻译:xx月xx日,日本登米,一位地震中遇难的男子的手从凌乱的混凝土沿海栅栏中伸出。)

14. For that reason one listens to them become jumbled in subjects like the global heating. (翻译:这就是为什么他们要插一脚... ... 在全球变暖这个问题上.)

15. He also taught birds unnatural grammatical rules by habituating them to one of his jumbled versions, then gauging their reactions to remixed versions that violated the "artificial" rules. (翻译:他也通过使小鸟习惯某段被打乱的歌唱而教小鸟异常的语法规则,接着判断它们对那些违反“人为”规则的打乱版歌唱的反应。)



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