stake是什么意思 stake的中文翻译、读音、例句

stake是什么意思 stake的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. n. 标桩,桩,木桩,树桩;赌注,股份

2. v. 以桩支撑,以木桩固定;在...下打桩;把...放在危险中;用赌资赌博;赌博




1. at stake:处于危险中,岌岌可危

2. claim a stake:提出自己的权利

3. stake out:(用木桩)标出某物的范围,观察候选人并制订计划

4. stake your claim:主张权利

5. stake a lot on something:把很多钱押在某事上

6. high stakes:高风险,高赌注

7. stakeholder:利益相关者

发音拼写: [steɪk]


1. The cattle were grazing behind a wire fence, the stakes of which were driven into the ground. 这些牛在一条铁丝网后面吃草,网的桩子 打在地里。

2. The oil companies have a major stake in the outcome of the negotiations. 石油公司对协商结果有重大利益。

3. They staked the tent down with guy ropes. 他们用缆绳把帐篷固定在地上。

4. She staked everything on the success of her business. 她把自己所有的资产都赌在了生意的成功上。

5. The stakes are too high to take risks. 风险太高了,不能轻易尝试。

6. As a stakeholder, I have a vested interest in the company's success. 作为利益相关者,我对公司的成功有着既得利益。

7. Our company has staked out a position as a leader in the industry. 我们公司已经确立了在行业中的领导地位。




1. He put all his savings at stake in the stock market.


2. The stakeholders of the company had a meeting to discuss the future strategy.


3. The company issued new shares, and he decided to buy a stake.





例句:If the defence of the realm is at stake, we must be responsible. (涉及国家安全问题 我们得负起责任来 If the defence of the realm is at stake, we must be responsible.)


例句:I am painfully aware of what is at stake, sir. (我觉得也是有风险的,先生 Yes, yes. I am painfully aware of what is at stake, sir.)


例句:That will be the stake. 500 marks, ok? (这个可以作为赌注。500马克,怎么样?)


例句:The championship is at stake and $5 million will be paid to both fighters. (翻译:两人为金腰带和五百万的奖金 The championship is at stake 一决雌雄 and $5 million will be paid to both fighters.)


stake一般作为名词、动词使用,如在stake ... on(stake on\n把(钱等)押在…上,用…打赌:\ni would stake all my money on the chess with you.\n我可以用我所有的钱跟你赌这盘棋。\n冒…的风险去做(某事);以…担保:\nif you had taken my advice,you wouldn't have made such a bad mistake. i can stake my life on that.\n如果你听了我的劝告,你就不会犯下这样的大错了,事情绝对是这样。)、stake in(= stake up)、stake on(把赌注押在…上面,在…上打赌)等常见短语中出现较多。

stake ... onstake on\n把(钱等)押在…上,用…打赌:\ni would stake all my money on the chess with you.\n我可以用我所有的钱跟你赌这盘棋。\n冒…的风险去做(某事);以…担保:\nif you had taken my advice,you wouldn't have made such a bad mistake. i can stake my life on that.\n如果你听了我的劝告,你就不会犯下这样的大错了,事情绝对是这样。
stake in= stake up
stake on把赌注押在…上面,在…上打赌
the stake[网络] 火刑;处以火刑;生死攸关
to stake支木柱
dressing stake手砧
Emei Stake[中医] 峨嵋庄(气功)
equity stake[网络] 股权;股本;株式保有比率
finishing stake标桩
fishing stake渔栅


1. That will be the stake. 500 marks, ok? (翻译:这个可以作为赌注。500马克,怎么样?)

2. The championship is at stake and $5 million will be paid to both fighters. (翻译:两人为金腰带和五百万的奖金 The championship is at stake 一决雌雄 and $5 million will be paid to both fighters.)

3. You will burn at the stake with your daughter in full public view. (翻译:你将在众人面前和你的女儿一起被烧死 You will burn at the stake with your daughter in full public view.)

4. And three young girls have been burned at the stake! (翻译:还有三个年轻姑娘被火刑烧死 And three young girls have been burned at the stake!)

5. Brother promised to race with Tang Fung but the stake is life (翻译:哥答应了要跟邓风赛车 不过今次是赌性命呀)

6. A stake through the heart... (翻译:A stake through the heart...)

7. Not only Belarus is at stake. (翻译:处于危险境地的不仅仅是白俄罗斯。)

8. You must stake them through the heart or cut off their heads! (翻译:你们必须把木桩刺入他们心脏或斩首 You must stake them through the heart or cut off their heads!)

9. There are so many more lives at stake here. (翻译:将有无数的生命受到威胁 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}There are so many more lives at stake --)

10. Another man's life is at stake. (翻译:ﻉﺎﻴﻀﻟﺎﺑ ﺓﺩﺪﻬﻣ ﻪﺗﺎﻴﺣ ﺮﺧﺁ ﻞﺟﺭﻭ)

11. Foreign policy is at stake. (翻译:外交问题 事关重大 Foreign policy is at stake.)

12. Our reputation is at stake. (翻译:Ourreputation其中的利害关系。)

13. I think this is gonna take more than a stake. (翻译:I think this is gonna take more than a stake.)

14. OK, so crosses, garlic, stake through the heart. - That'll get it done. (翻译:stake through the heart.)

15. He will buy 49% stake in Ayka. (翻译:他将购买Ayka 49%的股权。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}He will buy 49% stake in Ayka.)



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