grill是什么意思 grill的中文翻译、读音、例句

grill是什么意思 grill的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. grill pan:烤盘

2. grill marks:烤痕

3. grill master:烧烤大师

4. indoor grill:室内烤架

5. grill out:户外烧烤

6. grill up:烤熟

7. grill cheese sandwich:芝士烤肉三明治

短语:grill sb. about sth. (盘问某人某事)



1. Let's grill some burgers for dinner tonight.


2. He spent the entire afternoon grilling steaks for the barbecue.


3. The chef cooked the fish on a grill with some lemon and herbs.


4. We sat outside and grilled hot dogs over an open flame.


5. The police grilled the suspect for hours, trying to get him to confess.


6. We're having a grill out at the park next weekend.


7. She grilled him about his whereabouts on the night of the crime.




1. I'm going to grill some steak for dinner tonight.(我今晚要烤一些牛排。)

2. Do you want me to grill some vegetables to go with the steak?(你要我烤一些蔬菜配牛排吗?)

3. We're having a barbecue this weekend, so we need to clean the grill.(我们这个周末要烤肉,所以需要清洗烤架。)

4. She cooks everything on the grill, even pizza.(她把所有的东西都放在烤架上烤,甚至是披萨。)

5. He put the chicken on the grill and let it cook for 20 minutes.(他把鸡肉放在烤架上,让它烤20分钟。)

6. The grill marks on the steak make it look very appetizing.(牛排上的烤痕让它看起来非常有食欲。)

7. The grill was too hot and the chicken burned.(烤架太热了,鸡肉烤焦了。)

8. I'm going to clean the grill after we finish eating.(我们吃完饭后我会清洗烤架。)

9. She loves to grill fish with lemon and herbs.(她喜欢用柠檬和香草烤鱼。)



1. We're going to have a barbecue tonight, so let's get the grill ready.


2. The chef uses the grill to cook the steaks to perfection.


3. I love the smoky flavor of food cooked on a grill.





例句:The McClusky found him roasting a seagull on a grill, using bits of the yacht for firewood. (当军舰上的人发现他时,他正用烤炉烤一只海鸥,烧的是自己的船的碎片。)


例句:We're lucky we still have our George Foreman grill. (也没有人手可用 不过万幸的是我们还有烧烤炉)


例句:I started off washing dishes, cleaning toilets and working the grill. (我从洗盘子、 打扫卫生间、打理烧烤干起。)


例句:Well I traced every Memphis bar and grill. (翻译:我找遍了曼菲斯的烤肉酒吧 Well I traced every Memphis bar and grill.)


grill一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to grill([网络] 烧烤)、electric grill(电气烤炉)、exhaust grill(排气铁花格)等常见短语中出现较多。

to grill[网络] 烧烤
electric grill电气烤炉
exhaust grill排气铁花格
focus grill聚焦栅[极]
foundation grill基础格床
frontal grill前进气活门栅
gas grill(户外用)瓦斯烧烤炉
grill car简便餐车
grill cover散热器格栅套


1. I started off washing dishes, cleaning toilets and working the grill. (翻译:我从洗盘子、 打扫卫生间、打理烧烤干起。)

2. Well I traced every Memphis bar and grill. (翻译:我找遍了曼菲斯的烤肉酒吧 Well I traced every Memphis bar and grill.)

3. So you're looking for a dark SUV with a grill guard. (翻译:这么说你们现在正在搜查 一辆深色带栅护栏的越野车)

4. I need to grill the magistrate to pull at the roots of Master Han! (翻译:总之 就算打断县太爷的腿 也要把韩掌柜的底细 查出来)

5. The barbeque was meant to shatter the world record for the globe's largest grill-off. (翻译:这次烤肉野餐意图打破最大型烧烤盛会的世界纪录。)

6. The thing is, is he voided the warranty on the Grillbot and the grill. (翻译:关键是,他那样做让机器人... 和烧烤炉的保修都失效了)

7. We have a 245 at East 24 and Montgomery, Bailey's Bar and Grill. (翻译:东24街和蒙哥马利路 贝利餐厅那里有持械攻击状况)

8. I grill the tomatoes first. It brings out the sweetness... (翻译:我先来烤点番茄好了 能提出甜味儿来...)

9. I wondered why my kidney had grill marks. (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}我不知道为什么我的 肾脏有烧烤过的痕迹。)

10. Serve, protect... and grill when you're retired. (翻译:为民服务 保民安全... 烧烤啥的 退休再说)

11. I heard that you drove your car into the grill and then blew yourself up so that you could trigger some explosion. (翻译:我听说你开车去了Grill 牺牲自己来引爆)

12. Like the waiter at the Macaroni Grill, the waiter at the Olive Garden, the waiter at Buca di Beppo. (翻译:就像对马可尼烧烤店 橄榄花园和布卡迪柏坡的服务员一样)

13. Apart from peppers and eggplant, many other vegetables grill well. (翻译:除了甜椒和茄子,许多别的蔬菜烤起来也不错。)

14. OK, so we ask it nicely, and then we grill it, right? (翻译:好吧 我们先打个招呼 然后我们把它烤焦 行吗?)

15. Then burn needfire and grill the fish at riverside. We really enjoy this. (翻译:我们在河边点燃篝火,烤鱼吃,一家人非常开心。)



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