chap是什么意思 chap的中文翻译、读音、例句

chap是什么意思 chap的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. (名词) 小伙子,家伙;男人

2. (动词) 使皮肤破裂,干裂;使嘴唇干裂;成为朋友




1. chap book:小册子,精装小册子

2. chap shot:打中胳膊或腿,打偏了

3. chap-fallen:沮丧的,失望的

4. chapped lips:干裂的嘴唇

5. chapped skin:干燥的皮肤

6. good chap:好家伙,好小伙子

7. old chap:老头,老家伙


1. a jolly good chap:一个快乐的好小伙子

2. chap up:变得裂开,干燥

3. chap at the door:敲门的人

4. chap of the wind:风的灵,风神

5. chap off:打断,破碎

6. chap hop:越过,跳过

7. chap down:把东西塞进去,狼吞虎咽地吃




1. He's a good chap to go on a hike with. (他是一个很好的伙伴,一起去远足。)

2. His skin is chapped because he didn't use any moisturizer. (他的皮肤干燥龟裂,因为他没有用保湿霜。)

3. The chapped lips were painful and he couldn't eat properly. (嘴唇干裂疼痛,他不能正常吃饭。)

4. Old chap, how are you doing? (老兄,你怎么样了?)

5. She was chap-fallen when she didn't get the promotion. (她没有得到晋升时感到失望。)

6. The chap book was filled with fairy tales and legends. (小册子里装满了童话和传说。)

7. The bullet chapped off the edge of the rock. (子弹打断了岩石的边缘。)




1. He's a nice enough chap, but sometimes he talks too much.(他是个很不错的家伙,只是有时候说话太多了。)

2. My lips tend to chap in the winter weather.(我的嘴唇容易在冬天的天气里变得皲裂。)




例句:Isn't that sickening when that happens to a chap? (那生病是不 当那发生在一个小伙子上的时候?)


例句:BABS (CONT'D. ): The chap set a trap, but the monkeys did not fall for the trap. And the chap did not get his caps back. The end. (小伙子设了一个陷阱,可是猴子没有上当。小伙子没有把他的帽子要回来。故事结束了。)


例句:He isn't such a bad chap really. (他这个家伙并不真的这么坏。)


例句:A chap was on the beach, and then he gets aboard a ship and thinks he's safe. (翻译:一个小伙子在海滩上,然后 他上了条船 就认为他安全了)


chap一般作为名词、动词使用,如在little chap([网络] 小家伙)、old chap(老兄;老头儿)等常见短语中出现较多。

little chap[网络] 小家伙
old chap老兄;老头儿


1. He isn't such a bad chap really. (翻译:他这个家伙并不真的这么坏。)

2. A chap was on the beach, and then he gets aboard a ship and thinks he's safe. (翻译:一个小伙子在海滩上,然后 他上了条船 就认为他安全了)

3. Your chap had a publicly triumph down at Thames Marsh. (翻译:你那位在泰晤士沼出尽了风头吧? Your chap had a publicly triumph down at Thames Marsh.)

4. But this chap was good enough to bunk with me till they went away. (翻译:这家伙正好可以让我躲里面 直到他们走了 But this chap was good enough to bunk with me till they went away.)

5. This Bradley chap lookedvery sound at the time. (翻译:当初这个布莱利看起来很可靠 This Bradley chap lookedvery sound at the time.)

6. Well, maybe, but Stowell is a proud chap. (翻译:但坦诚却是他们共同的基石 {\3cH202020}But they are all based on honesty.)

7. I mean, I talked the chap out of it, but then this demented socialite... (翻译:我把那个家伙说服了 但然后那个神经病名流...)

8. A single chap and a single girl lodging together. (翻译:一个单身汉子和一个单身姑娘住在一起 A single chap and a single girl lodging together.)

9. - And another chap flips his wings! (翻译:- ﻪﺘﺤﻨﺟﺃ ﺮﺧﺁ ﺏﺎﺷ ﺐﻠﻘﻳﻭ! ؟)

10. That must be Chap then, yeah? (翻译:卡里娜 艾西维多怀豪斯博士和黛安 根德龙博士... 都是鲸鱼专家)

11. A chap knew where he stood. (翻译:起码知道自己的身在何方 A chap knew where he stood.)

12. I think this chap Nabokov is a genius. I love that book. (翻译:我觉得这个家伙,纳博科夫,真是个天才,我很喜欢这本书)

13. He was some young chap she'd met at ICI in London. (翻译:他是个她在伦敦帝国化学工业公司认识的年轻人)

14. I saw your chap on the television last night cuddling a rabbit. (翻译:对了 昨天你那位上电视了 I saw your chap on the television last night 抱了个小兔子 cuddling a rabbit.)

15. Some chap delivered a parcel, I forgot, marked perishable. (翻译:有人送来一个包裹 我给忘了 上面标记说易腐烂)

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