borneo是什么意思 borneo的中文翻译、读音、例句

borneo是什么意思 borneo的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:Borneo Island(婆罗洲岛)、Borneo Rainforest(婆罗洲雨林)、Borneo Pygmy Elephant(婆罗洲小象)等。


发音拼写:Borneo /'bɔːnɪəʊ/


1. Borneo is known for its rich biodiversity and unique wildlife, including orangutans and proboscis monkeys.(婆罗洲以其丰富的生物多样性和独特的野生动物而闻名,包括猩猩和长鼻猴。)

2. The rainforests of Borneo are in danger due to deforestation and climate change.(婆罗洲雨林面临着森林砍伐和气候变化的威胁。)

3. I have always wanted to visit Borneo and go hiking in the rainforest.(我一直想去婆罗洲,去雨林徒步旅行。)

4. Borneo is a popular destination for ecotourism and wildlife enthusiasts.(婆罗洲是生态旅游和野生动物爱好者的热门目的地。)

5. The cuisine of Borneo is a fusion of Malay, Chinese and indigenous flavors.(婆罗洲的美食是马来、中国和土著风味的融合。)





1. Borneo adalah pulau ketiga terbesar di dunia. (印尼语:婆罗洲是世界第三大的岛屿。)

2. Kami berlibur ke Borneo. (马来语:我们去婆罗洲度假。)

3. Sarawak adalah salah satu negeri di Borneo. (马来语:砂拉越是婆罗洲的一个州。)

4. Tahun ini, saya ingin menjelajahi hutan hujan tropis di Borneo. (印尼语:今年,我想要探索婆罗洲的热带雨林。)

5. Borneo terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya. (马来语:婆罗洲以其美丽的自然而闻名。)

6. Kami akan mengunjungi beberapa kota di Borneo. (印尼语:我们将会访问婆罗洲的几个城市。)

7. Borneo memiliki hewan-hewan yang langka. (印尼语:婆罗洲有很多珍稀的动物。)

8. Saya ingin melihat Orangutan di Borneo. (马来语:我想在婆罗洲看到猩猩。)

9. Borneo menjadi tujuan para pecinta alam. (印尼语:婆罗洲成为自然爱好者的目的地。)





1. Borneo is home to one of the oldest rainforests in the world.(婆罗洲拥有世界上最古老的热带雨林之一。)

2. Many endangered species can be found in Borneo, such as orangutans and pygmy elephants.(许多濒危物种可以在婆罗洲找到,例如猩猩和侏象。)




例句:Borneo (Brunei) was one of the countries with which China kept close friendly contact in the early Ming Dynasty. (明初浡泥是中国友好往来较为密切的海外国家之一。)


例句:Barely 20 years ago, Borneo, the fourth-largest island in the world, was covered by a vast primary forest. (不过才xx年前 世界第四大岛婆罗洲 还覆盖着大片的原始森林)


例句:Dayak: a member of any of various Indonesian peoples inhabiting Borneo. (迪雅克人:居住在婆罗洲的一支印度尼西亚民族中的一员。)


例句:A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. (翻译:山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。)


borneo一般作为名词使用,如在Borneo(婆罗洲 )、Dutch Borneo(荷属婆罗洲(婆罗洲岛南部大部分地区的旧称, 现为印度尼西亚的一部分))、North Borneo(北婆罗洲(马来西亚第二大洲))等常见短语中出现较多。

Dutch Borneo荷属婆罗洲(婆罗洲岛南部大部分地区的旧称, 现为印度尼西亚的一部分)
North Borneo北婆罗洲(马来西亚第二大洲)


1. Dayak: a member of any of various Indonesian peoples inhabiting Borneo. (翻译:迪雅克人:居住在婆罗洲的一支印度尼西亚民族中的一员。)

2. A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. (翻译:山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。)

3. Made from the milk of the male lactating fruit bats in Borneo, aged for centuries, (翻译:由波梅欧公果蝠分泌的乳汁制成 已存放了几百年)

4. Oh, but I don't wanna be in Borneo. I wanna be in Rarotonga. (翻译:哦,不是要去婆罗洲岛 我要去拉罗汤加岛)

5. Borneo is our stepping stone between the Philippines and Java. (翻译:婆罗洲是我们在菲律宾和爪哇之间的踏脚石。)

6. It's quite difficult to get round Borneo by road, largely because they tend not to exist. (翻译:在婆罗洲要靠道路去四处转悠相当困难,因为相当大程度上,道路并不存在。)

7. Deep in the forests of Borneo, some plants also use the wind to disperse their seeds but in a completely different way, by giving their seeds wings. (翻译:婆罗洲森林深处 有些植物也得靠风力播种 但作法截然不同 它们的种子有翅膀)

8. A group of zoologists with Conservation International say they found the frogs by the side of the road in Borneo, near a national park. (翻译:动物学家以及国际保育组织表示,他们是在婆罗洲一个靠近国家公园的路边发现这些小雨蛙的。)

9. Another hung on in Borneo, becoming the Sunda clouded leopard. (翻译:其余的只留在婆罗洲,成为巽他云豹。)

10. Only a few years earlier, Indonesia and Malaysia had been fighting a guerrilla war against each other on the island of Borneo. (翻译:就在几年前,印尼和马来西亚还一直在婆罗洲进行游击战。)

11. We provide a rigorous test of this idea, using a compilation of 63 samples of geometrid moths from northern Borneo. (翻译:我们用从婆罗洲北部收集的63套尺蠖蛾样本数据,给这个想法一个严格的检验。)

12. They provide shelter for pirates and resistance groups and mark our south-western course to Sandakan in the state of Sabah on the island of Borneo. (翻译:他们顺着西南航线分布,是海盗和反抗组织的藏身之所。沙巴州 的 仙那港 位于 婆罗洲 岛上。)

13. East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei. (翻译:东马来群岛是由联邦地域中的纳闽岛和沙巴诸州还有沙捞越组成的,它占据了婆罗洲诸岛的南部,接壤着印度尼西亚和文莱。)

14. But in Southeast Asia -- places like Thailand or Malaysia or Borneo -- there's a beautiful cooperative behavior that occurs among male fireflies. (翻译:可是在东南亚——比如泰国或马来西亚—— 雄性萤火虫之间有美妙的合作。)

15. CHURCHILL MINING, a London-listed firm, announced in May 2008 that it had found 150m tonnes of coal in Indonesian Borneo. (翻译:xx年xx月,伦敦上市公司丘吉尔矿业股份有限公司宣布在印尼婆罗洲勘测到储量为1.5亿吨的煤矿。)

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