tear gas是什么意思 tear gas的中文翻译、读音、例句

tear gas是什么意思 tear gas的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思: tear gas 是指一种用于制造烟雾、引起流泪、呛咳和疼痛等不适感觉的化学物质,通常被用作防暴措施,也可以用于战争、警察行动、监狱管控等场合。

2. 词性: tear gas 是一个名词短语,由名词 tear 和名词 gas 组成。其中,tear 表示眼泪,gas 表示气体。

3. 常用场景: tear gas 主要被用于警察部队进行维稳、清场、驱散示威者等应对暴力的措施中,也常用于监狱管控、战争和恐怖袭击等场合。在一些民主国家中, tear gas 也被用于驱散非法集会、维持公共秩序等。

4. 词组搭配: tear gas 可以和很多词组搭配,如:

- Use tear gas(使用催泪瓦斯)

- Tear gas canister(催泪弹)

- Tear gas grenade(催泪手榴弹)

- Tear gas mask(防毒面具)

5. 相关短语: tear gas 还涉及到一些相关短语,如:

- Tear up(撕碎)

- Tear down(拆除)

- Tearful(含泪的)

- Tearing eyes(流泪的眼睛)

6. 发音拼写: tear gas 的读音为 /tɪr ɡæs/。其中,tear 音标为 /tɪə/,gas 音标为 /ɡæs/。


读音:tɪr ɡæs


1. The police used tear gas to disperse the crowd. (警方使用了催泪瓦斯驱散人群。)

2. The protesters were coughing and crying after being exposed to tear gas. (抗议者在接触催泪瓦斯后咳嗽和哭泣。)

3. Tear gas is a non-lethal weapon used for crowd control. (催泪瓦斯是用于控制人群的非致命武器。)

tear gas的中文解释是"医、催泪气",其次还有"催泪瓦斯"的意思,发音是[teargas],tear gas来源于英语,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到46个与tear gas相关的例句。

Tear gas的翻译


例句:Just four minutes ago, they pumped tear gas in... which ls in the area. (短短四分钟前, 他们抽催泪瓦斯英寸.. 其中LS在该地区。)


例句:In the morning, police began launching tear-gas grenades to break up the crowd. (早晨,警察开始使用 水枪、催泪弹驱散人群)


例句:Children collapsed under barrages of tear-gas. There was not enough water to wash their eyes. (孩子们在遭受催泪瓦斯的攻击后出现虚脱,但却没有足够的水来清洗他们的眼睛。)


tear gas一般作为名词使用,如在in tear([网络] 想吃喔)、tear at(撕扯)、tear in(在…上撕出…; 撕成)等常见短语中出现较多。

in tear[网络] 想吃喔
tear at撕扯
tear in在…上撕出…; 撕成
tear into洞穿, 猛攻
tear it(英)(非正式)使希望成为泡影, 打破计划, 使不能继续下去
tear to撕裂
to tear[网络] 撕;思耂;撕破
to tear into[网络] 向……突然袭击
edge tear边缘撕裂度


1. Children collapsed under barrages of tear-gas. There was not enough water to wash their eyes. (翻译:孩子们在遭受催泪瓦斯的攻击后出现虚脱,但却没有足够的水来清洗他们的眼睛。)

2. In the capital Libreville, the security forces attacked demonstrators outside the election commission, using tear gas and batons. (翻译:在首都利伯维尔,安全力量用催泪弹和警棍驱散了选举委员会外的示威者。)

3. Load the stuff away and get the petrol gas ready! (翻译:Load the stuff away and get the petrol gas ready!)

4. The army responded with gunfire and tear gas. (翻译:军方以炮火和催泪弹回应。)

5. That new gas formula, he sold it to the highest bidder. (翻译:That new gas formula, he sold it to the highest bidder.)

6. I'm not sure, but I might have even squeezed out a tear. (翻译:but I might have even squeezed out a tear.)

7. And when they get too close, the police loose off a tear gas canister or two or three. (翻译:当他们走近时,警察释放一个、或两个三个的催泪瓦斯。)

8. Maybe there really was something in the tear gas. (翻译:那些无政府主义者呼吸着同样的空气 或许,也一样闻到了催泪瓦斯的味道)

9. One rescuer there was lowered deep into the rubble when tear gas fired at looters across the street forced him to pause efforts. (翻译:一位搜救者正进入废墟深处时,向街上抢掠者施放的催泪瓦斯迫使他暂停搜救。)

10. The police came again, threw gas tear, held 2 or 3 and went. (翻译:警察又对我们喷催泪瓦斯 他们抓了几个人之后就走了)

11. Still, there is only so much tear-gas that visitors to the museums and ancient sites of downtown Athens can be expected to ingest. (翻译:然而,可以预料参观博物馆和雅典市中心古代遗址的游客吸收的唯有大量的催泪瓦斯。)

12. Witnesses in Iran say police there have been firing tear gas and water canons , trying to get protesters off the streets. (翻译:伊朗目击者称,警方动用催泪瓦斯和水枪来驱散街上的示威者。)

13. I bet they'll use tear gas next. (翻译:我敢打赌下一次会是催泪瓦斯 - 你怎么知道的?)

14. ♪ Could barely tear my eyes away ♪ (翻译:# 几乎撕裂我双眼 # # Could barely tear my eyes away #)

15. The solution to the problem would be to breach from the rear, throw in a flashbang, and a tear gas because you can never be too sure. (翻译:解决问题的办法 从后方违攻, 扔一个闪光弹,和催泪瓦斯)

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