legged是什么意思 legged的中文翻译、读音、例句

legged是什么意思 legged的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'legged'是一个后缀,表示某物具有多少条腿。比如:four-legged就是指有四条腿的。

2. 用途广泛:'legged'这个后缀可以用来形容任何有腿的事物,比如动物、家具、器具等等。

3. 可用于构建比喻:'legged'这个后缀也可以用于构建比喻,比如“two-legged”可以指人类,因为人类有两条腿。

4. 与其他构词法的结合:'legged'这个后缀可以与其他构词法结合使用,比如“long-legged”就是指腿很长的,而“short-legged”则是指腿很短的。

5. 与单词语境的关系:'legged'这个后缀的含义往往与单词语境有关,比如“four-legged table”就是指一张有四条腿的桌子,而“four-legged animal”则是指一种有四条腿的动物。


1. My dog is a three-legged rescue. 我的狗是一只三条腿的救援犬。

2. The giraffe has very long legs. 长颈鹿有非常长的腿。

3. A two-legged stool wouldn't be very stable. 两条腿的凳子不太稳定。

4. The spider has eight legs. 蜘蛛有八条腿。

5. The horse was so tired it could barely stand on its four legs. 马累得连站稳四条腿都有点困难。





1. A three-legged dog hobbled down the street.


2. The table was supported by four-legged chairs.


3. The spider had eight long-legged legs.


legged的意思是"有腿的、用脚移动或推动",其中文解释还有"有"的意思,发音音标为['le^id, le^d],legged在英语中经常以形容词形式出现,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到66个与legged相关的例句。



例句:lynch squats cross legged on the hearth rug of matted hair , his cap back to the front. (反戴着便帽的林奇盘腿坐在用兽毛编织的炉毯上。)


例句:We are extremely dinosaur-like, and unusual in our two-legged approach to life. (我们和恐龙是非常相像的, 只不过我们是两足动物。)


例句:Like a three-legged stool, you knock that out, the CAS falls over. (- 是的 就像一个三角凳 你打断了一个 仲裁法庭就败了)


例句:She sat cross-legged on the rock. (翻译:她盘着腿坐在那块巨石上。)


legged一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在legged it(徒步,包括跑, 快走等)、long legged(吃水深的船; 左方球员)、one legged([网络] 独脚的;单脚的)等常见短语中出现较多。

legged it徒步,包括跑, 快走等
long legged吃水深的船; 左方球员
one legged[网络] 独脚的;单脚的
post legged后踏
short legged矮的型
sound legged四肢健实的
three leggedadj. 有三条腿的


1. Like a three-legged stool, you knock that out, the CAS falls over. (翻译:- 是的 就像一个三角凳 你打断了一个 仲裁法庭就败了)

2. She sat cross-legged on the rock. (翻译:她盘着腿坐在那块巨石上。)

3. Well, what about plain old legged-robot delivery? (翻译:那用有腿的普通老式 机器人送货怎么样? )

4. One of the cool things about a legged robot is, it's omnidirectional. (翻译:有腿的机器人很酷的一点就是, 它能向全方位行走。)

5. Before slithering into the dress, I was a giddy girl, comfortable sitting cross-legged on the carpet. (翻译:在套上那件质地顺滑的连衣裙之前,我还是个轻浮随便的小姑娘,懒洋洋地盘脚坐在地毯上。)

6. Hermione moaned with relief, wove out from under the Cloak, and sat down on a wobble-legged chair. (翻译:赫敏放心地舒了口气,从隐形衣下面钻了出来,坐在一张摇摇晃晃的椅子上。)

7. It's six-legged and has a tail. Here it is on a fence and a tree. (翻译:它有6条腿和一条尾巴。这是它在一个篱笆上,还有在一颗树上。)

8. For a partly or fully engorged black legged tick, the risk of infection may be high. (翻译:对于一只部分或者完全吸满血的黑脚硬蜱而言,蜱虫被传染的风险可能非常高。)

9. I see you, long-legged little colt... stupid braces on your teeth. (翻译:我看到你,像匹长腿的小马儿... 还戴着蠢蠢的牙套)

10. Plan out what you want it to be, a biped robot? a car? a tank? a multi legged walking machine? (翻译:你想让你设计的东西是个什么样子的,双足机器人?汽车?坦克?)

11. But our favorite of 'bot of all is the four-legged mechanical pack mules known as the BigDog. (翻译:们特别喜爱的机器人全是四腿的机械骡子,就象有名的“大狗”。)

12. These two-legged dinosaurs were the most diverse of all the dinosaur groups. (翻译:是恐龙家族中最奇特的 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}were the most diverse of all the dinosaur groups.)

13. After divorce number two, he fell into a committed relationship with a three-legged siamese. (翻译:二号离婚之后 他和一只三条腿的暹罗猫 建立起了稳定的关系)

14. It's six-legged and has a tail. Here it is on a fence and a tree. (翻译:它有6条腿和一条尾巴。这是它在一个篱笆上,还有在一颗树上。)

15. They're thin, tall, long-legged. (翻译:他们又瘦又高,而且腿还很长。)



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